Calculating Spring Potential Energy in a Total Energy System

In summary: So you should use 5.0 cm for y when you enter it into the E_i expression. And you should enter 4.9 cm for y' in the E_f expression (5.0 - 15 = -9.9--> 9.9 cm shorter than unstretched length --> 4.9 cm shorter than 5.0 cm).In summary, a 0.25 kg object suspended on a light spring of spring constant 49 N/m is compressed to a position 15 cm above the stretched equilibrium position. The total energy of the system at this compressed position can be calculated by taking into account the elastic potential energy and gravitational potential energy at the initial equilibrium position and the final compressed position. The difference
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 0.25 kg object is suspended on a light spring of spring constant 49 N/m. The spring is then compressed to a position 15 cm above the stretched equilibrium position. How much more energy does the system have at the compressed position than at the stretched equilibrium position?

The Attempt at a Solution


[tex]E_{total} = PE_{spring} + PE_{regular potential energy}[/tex]

So before it has been stretched by the mass

[tex]mg = ky[/tex]

[tex]y = mg/k = (0.25kg)(10m/s^2)/(49N/m) = 0.051m[/tex]

Now I am stuck...

Is the total energy

[tex]\sum E_i = mgy[/tex]

[tex]\sum E_i = \frac{1}{2}ky^2[/tex]

[tex]\sum E_i = \frac{1}{2}ky^2 + mgy[/tex]
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  • #2
flyingpig said:

Homework Statement

A 0.25 kg object is suspended on a light spring of spring constant 49 N/m. The spring is then compressed to a position 15 cm above the stretched equilibrium position. How much more energy does the system have at the compressed position than at the stretched equilibrium position?

The Attempt at a Solution


[tex]E_{total} = PE_{spring} + PE_{regular potential energy}[/tex]

So before it has been stretched by the mass

[tex]mg = ky[/tex]

[tex]y = mg/k = (0.25kg)(10m/s^2)/(49N/m) = 0.051m[/tex]

Now I am stuck...

Is the total energy

[tex]\sum E_i = mgy[/tex]

[tex]\sum E_i = \frac{1}{2}ky^2[/tex]

[tex]\sum E_i = \frac{1}{2}ky^2 + mgy[/tex]

#1 Note that the only reason I would give a spring constant of 49 was if I expected people to use a g value of 9.8

In the first equilibrium position, there will be a certain amount of elastic energy in the spring plus a gravitational potential energy.

If you took your reference height to be that equilibrium position then your second alternative would be the total energy.

When you lift the mass 15cm, you increase the gravitational energy [mgh] and reduce the elastic potential energy because the spring is being stretched 15 cm less.

Note: the description :
"The spring is then compressed to a position 15 cm above the stretched equilibrium position." is a little misleading I feel, as the spring will still be stretched compared to an unladen spring, just not stretched as much as it was when the 0.25 kg was hung from the spring.
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  • #3
Note that the initial position of the system is the equilibrium position. That means, for the system to move up by 15cm, an external force will have to act on the system, and thus, the total energy of the system (block-spring-earth system) will necessarily change.

Now, look carefully at what the question asks you:
"How much more energy does the system have at the compressed position than at the stretched equilibrium position"
It is asking you what that change in energy is...not the final energy of the system. Also note that the block will not have any KE after the transition (though not explicitly stated in the question, that is what it seems to imply...otherwise the system of equations formed could not be solved).
  • #4
Sorry for my late reply guys

When you lift the mass 15cm, you increase the gravitational energy [mgh] and reduce the elastic potential energy because the spring is being stretched 15 cm less.

But when you compress it back, don't increase the stored elastic potential energy?

Note that the initial position of the system is the equilibrium position. That means, for the system to move up by 15cm, an external force will have to act on the system, and thus, the total energy of the system (block-spring-earth system) will necessarily change.

I am confused, what do you mean by the equilibrium position? Do you mean the spring's equilibrium position?

I don't think it was at the spring's equilibrium point.

So I still have

mg = ky

mg/k = y

[tex]E_i = \frac{1}{2}ky^2 + mgh[/tex]

[tex]E_f = \frac{1}{2}ky'^2 + mgh_f[/tex]

[tex]\Delta E = mg\Delta h + \frac{k}{2}(y'^2 - y^2) = 0.25*9.8*(15cm) + \frac{k}{2}{15^2 - (\frac{mg}{k})^2}[/tex]
  • #5
Hi flyingpig,

flyingpig said:
I am confused, what do you mean by the equilibrium position? Do you mean the spring's equilibrium position?

I don't think it was at the spring's equilibrium point.

The equilibrium position is the position at which the forces on the mass are balanced (zero net force). In the case of a horizontal spring, since no forces are present other than the spring's restoring force, equilibrium occurs when the spring is neither stretched nor compressed, and hence the restoring force is zero.

In the case of a vertical spring, you also have gravity. So, it's no longer true that equilibrium occurs when the spring is at its normal length. Instead, equilibrium occurs when the spring is stretched sufficiently that the upward restoring force balances the weight of the suspended mass. Your problem calls this equilibrium point the stretched equilibrium position to emphasize that equilibrium occurs when the spring is stretched (unlike in the horizontal case). It is this stretched equilibrium point that PeterO was referring to as the initial position.

flyingpig said:
So I still have

mg = ky

mg/k = y

[tex]E_i = \frac{1}{2}ky^2 + mgh[/tex]

[tex]E_f = \frac{1}{2}ky'^2 + mgh_f[/tex]

[tex]\Delta E = mg\Delta h + \frac{k}{2}(y'^2 - y^2) = 0.25*9.8*(15cm) + \frac{k}{2}{15^2 - (\frac{mg}{k})^2}[/tex]

Everything looks fine except the difference in spring extensions. Initially, the spring is extended to a length of y = 5.1 cm beyond the unstretched length. (you worked this out). But then it gets pushed upward by 15 cm, which means the new length must be y' = 5.1 - 15 = -9.9. So the spring becomes 9.9 cm shorter than its unstretched length. These displacements y and y' are what you enter into the elastic potential energy terms.

EDIT: the 5.1 becomes exactly 5.0 if you use g = 9.8, as PeterO pointed out.
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FAQ: Calculating Spring Potential Energy in a Total Energy System

1. What is spring potential energy?

Spring potential energy is the energy stored in a spring when it is stretched or compressed. It is a form of potential energy because it has the potential to do work when the spring returns to its original state.

2. How is spring potential energy calculated?

To calculate spring potential energy, you need to know the spring constant (k) and the displacement (x) of the spring from its equilibrium position. The formula for calculating spring potential energy is PE = 1/2 * k * x^2, where PE stands for potential energy.

3. What is a total energy system?

A total energy system refers to a closed system where the total amount of energy remains constant. This means that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be converted from one form to another.

4. How is spring potential energy related to the total energy system?

In a total energy system, the spring potential energy is one form of potential energy. It is related to the total energy system because it contributes to the total amount of energy present in the system. The total energy of the system is the sum of all potential and kinetic energies.

5. What factors can affect the spring potential energy in a total energy system?

The spring constant, displacement of the spring, and the mass of the object attached to the spring are the main factors that can affect the spring potential energy in a total energy system. Other factors such as external forces and friction can also play a role in changing the spring potential energy.
