Calculating Temperature Increase in Nuclear Fusion Reaction

In summary, the conversation is about an assignment to calculate the temperature increase of the fusion reactor walls in a theoretical event where a 30keV plasma energy is suddenly dropped on the wall. The method used involves calculating the volume, density, and specific heat of the wall and converting the plasma energy to joules. The resulting temperature increase is very small due to the large mass of the wall compared to the energy of the plasma.
  • #1
Hi all,

I've been given an assignment to calculate the temperature increase of the fusion reactor walls in some theoretical event. It is a 30keV plasma energy in which the heat of the entire plamsa is instantaneously dropped on the wall. I can calculate volume of the wall and have the given density as well as specific heat.

My approach:

Cp = specific heat (J/kg*K) = 460
rho = density (kg/m3) = 7600
V = volume (m3) = 29.61
P = plasma energy (eV) = 30,000
and q is conversion of eV to J (1.602x10-19)

T increase = (P * q) / (Cp * rho * V)

I end up some ridiculously low # of x10-24 degree celcius (or K) increase. I know that these are using very little mass at any given time, but with a plasma temperature of ~3X108 I expected some reasonable value. Is what I am doing correct or am I way out in left field with my thinking?

Appreciate the help.
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  • #2
This is extremely late, but whatever.
30 KeV refers to energy per particle in the plasma. Your formula is correct on a per particle basis, and it gives 4.643*10^-23 K increase per particle of plasma. Extrapolating to, for example, on mole of plasma, gives 27.962 K increase. These numbers are small because youre heating a few hundred tons of wall material.

FAQ: Calculating Temperature Increase in Nuclear Fusion Reaction

1. What is nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion is a process in which two or more atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. This is the same process that powers the sun and other stars.

2. How is nuclear fusion different from nuclear fission?

Nuclear fusion is the combining of atomic nuclei, while nuclear fission is the splitting of atomic nuclei. Fusion releases more energy than fission and produces less radioactive waste, making it a potentially cleaner and more efficient source of energy.

3. What elements are involved in nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion typically involves light elements such as hydrogen and helium, which have the most potential for energy release. Heavier elements such as carbon and oxygen can also undergo fusion at extremely high temperatures, but this requires even more energy to initiate.

4. What are the challenges in achieving nuclear fusion?

The main challenge in achieving nuclear fusion is creating and sustaining the extremely high temperatures and pressures needed for fusion to occur. This requires advanced technology and materials that can withstand these extreme conditions. Additionally, controlling and harnessing the energy released by fusion is still a major challenge.

5. What are the potential benefits of nuclear fusion?

If successful, nuclear fusion could provide a virtually limitless source of clean energy, with no greenhouse gas emissions or nuclear waste. It could also reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and decrease the risk of nuclear accidents. However, significant research and development is still needed to make fusion a practical energy source.
