Calculating temperatures of reservoirs in Carnot engine

Then, there is another isothermal expansion and finally an adiabatic expansion to complete the cycle. The work output of the engine is given by the difference between the heat absorbed from the hot reservoir and the heat released to the cold reservoir.In summary, the problem involves a Carnot engine using an ideal monatomic gas as the working substance. The volume doubles during the isothermal expansion and the ratio of final volume to initial volume in the adiabatic expansion is 5.7. The work output of the engine is 9x10^{5}J in each cycle. The task is to compute the temperature of the reservoirs between which the engine operates. The Carnot cycle involves two isothermal and two adiabatic
  • #1

Homework Statement

An ideal monatomic gas is the working substance of a Carnot engine. During the isothermal expansion, the volume doubles. The ratio of the final volume to the initial volume in the adiabatic expansion is 5.7. The work output of the engine is [tex]9x10^{5}J[/tex] in each cycle. Compute the temperature of the reservoirs between which the engine operates.

Homework Equations

[tex]W_{eng}=\left|Q_{h}\right| - \left|Q_{c}\right|[/tex]
Since the engine is a Carnot engine, we know that Q=0 for the adiabatic compression and adiabatic expansion. We also know that for legs 1 and 3 (isotherms):
[tex]\left|W_{n}\right|=nRT ln\left(\frac{V_{f}}{V_{i}}\right)[/tex]
and that Q=W for these isotherms.

From the equation for the work of the engine, we can derive a relation between [tex]T_{c}[/tex] and [tex]T_{h}[/tex]. From there on, we can use

The Attempt at a Solution

Ok. The initial volume of the system is V, and the problem states that at the end this will be equal to 2V. So the ratio of (Vf/Vi) = 2. Thus,
[tex]\left|Q_{1}\right|=nR ln \left(2\right)[/tex]
And here's where my confusion begins. The problem states that the ratio of the final volume to the initial volume in the adiabatic expansion is 5.7. To me, this means that (Vf/Vi)=(1/5.7) (because after isothermal compression, the system should go back to the initial volume V, correct?). So,
[tex]\left|Q_{2}\right|=nR ln \left(1/5.7\right)[/tex]

But I attempted this, and it simply didn't work. I used [tex]\gamma=\frac{5}{3}[/tex], which is correct for monatomic ideal gas.

Can anyone tell me what I am interpreting wrong? I know the lower temperature is in the range of ~70K, but I've tried a few things and I'm unable to find it.

Many thanks.
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  • #2
There are two isothermal and two adiabatic processes in the Carnot cycle. After the isothermal compression, we have an adiabatic compression to return to the original state.

FAQ: Calculating temperatures of reservoirs in Carnot engine

1. How do you calculate the temperature of a reservoir in a Carnot engine?

The temperature of a reservoir in a Carnot engine can be calculated using the Carnot efficiency formula: T1/T2 = (Q1/Q2), where T1 and T2 are the temperatures of the hot and cold reservoirs, and Q1 and Q2 are the heat absorbed and rejected by the engine, respectively.

2. What is the significance of calculating temperatures in a Carnot engine?

Calculating the temperatures in a Carnot engine allows us to determine the maximum theoretical efficiency of the engine. This is important for understanding the limitations of heat engines and for improving their design and performance.

3. What factors affect the temperature of a reservoir in a Carnot engine?

The temperature of a reservoir in a Carnot engine is affected by the heat absorbed and rejected by the engine, as well as the efficiency of the engine itself. It is also influenced by external factors such as the properties of the working fluid and the design of the engine.

4. Can the temperature of a reservoir in a Carnot engine be higher than the boiling point of water?

Yes, the temperature of a reservoir in a Carnot engine can be higher than the boiling point of water. The Carnot efficiency formula does not specify any limitations on the temperature of the reservoirs, as it is a theoretical concept. In reality, the temperature of a reservoir may be limited by the properties of the working fluid or the materials used in the engine.

5. How can the temperature of a reservoir in a Carnot engine be optimized?

The temperature of a reservoir in a Carnot engine can be optimized by using a working fluid with a high heat capacity and a large temperature difference between the hot and cold reservoirs. Additionally, minimizing heat losses and improving the efficiency of the engine can also lead to a more optimal temperature for the reservoirs.

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