Calculating Tension and Acceleration in a Pulley System with Friction

In summary, the block on the horizontal surface is accelerated upward by 1.82 m/s due to the force of friction between it and the surface.
  • #1
A 33.1- kg block (m1) is on a horizontal surface, connected to a 5.7- kg block (m2) by a massless string. The pulley is massless and frictionless. A force of 236.1 N acts on m1 at an angle of 30.9 °. The coefficient of kinetic friction between m1 and the surface is 0.217. Determine the upward acceleration of m2.

Now where I'm getting stuck is trying to determine the tension in the string between the two masses, because in either equation you have two unknowns, the tensile force and the acceleration. I thought that possibly merging the two equations could help. Am I on the right track, or completely off??
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  • #2
ndwiseguy said:
A 33.1- kg block (m1) is on a horizontal surface, connected to a 5.7- kg block (m2) by a massless string. The pulley is massless and frictionless. A force of 236.1 N acts on m1 at an angle of 30.9 °. The coefficient of kinetic friction between m1 and the surface is 0.217. Determine the upward acceleration of m2.

Now where I'm getting stuck is trying to determine the tension in the string between the two masses, because in either equation you have two unknowns, the tensile force and the acceleration. I thought that possibly merging the two equations could help. Am I on the right track, or completely off??
If you have two unknowns, you need at least two independent equations in order to solve for both. When you have your two equations, simply solve for one variable in terms of the other, and substitute that expression into the other equation so that it will become an equation in one unknown (substituting your expression back into the equation it was derived from will just yield a universal truth like 1=1 :smile: ). If you know a bit of linear algebra, you can also use a convenient linear combination of your equations to isolate a variable.
  • #3
so my two equations are:

Now i solved eqn two for T and got T=m2a+m2g which i then inserted into the first question. Now, for the force of friction, would i use 0.217*9.8*33.1 because the normal force would be equal to the force of gravity? If so, my answer is 2.786 m/s^2. Sound right?
  • #4
ndwiseguy said:
Now, for the force of friction, would i use 0.217*9.8*33.1 because the normal force would be equal to the force of gravity?
Not in this case. Draw a free-body diagram of m1 alone. There is more than one force normal to the friction surface.
  • #5
The only other force I can see acting normal to the friction surface is the y-component of the pulling force. So would I use both that and mg??
  • #6
ndwiseguy said:
The only other force I can see acting normal to the friction surface is the y-component of the pulling force. So would I use both that and mg??
Yep. Remember to sign the components of your forces correctly. The normal force in the friction formula is oriented into the friction surface, so the y-component of your force detracts from it. :smile:
  • #7

Look right?? The final answer i got was 1.82 m/s^2
  • #8
ndwiseguy said:

Look right?? The final answer i got was 1.82 m/s^2
The signs of the forces contributing to the normal force on the block are incorrect. We want greater friction to result with greater force being directed directly to the surface, so we want frictional force to be represented by -mu*(m1g - Fsin(x)).
  • #9
perfect thank you very much

FAQ: Calculating Tension and Acceleration in a Pulley System with Friction

What is a pulley problem with friction?

A pulley problem with friction is a physics problem that involves a system of pulleys with a frictional force acting on them. It is a common problem in mechanics and is often used to analyze the behavior of mechanical systems.

What are the key components of a pulley problem with friction?

The key components of a pulley problem with friction are the pulleys, the ropes or cables, and the weight or force being applied to the system. Friction is also an important component as it affects the movement of the pulleys and the overall behavior of the system.

How does friction affect the behavior of a pulley system?

Friction plays a crucial role in a pulley problem with friction. It causes resistance to the movement of the pulleys, which in turn affects the tension in the ropes and the overall equilibrium of the system. Friction also causes energy loss in the system, leading to a decrease in efficiency.

What are the different types of friction that can be present in a pulley problem?

The different types of friction that can be present in a pulley problem include static friction, kinetic friction, and rolling friction. Static friction is present when there is no relative motion between the surfaces in contact, while kinetic friction occurs when there is relative motion. Rolling friction occurs when a rolling object encounters resistance from the surface it is rolling on.

How can friction be reduced in a pulley system?

Friction can be reduced in a pulley system by lubricating the pulleys and ropes, using materials with low coefficients of friction, and minimizing the weight or force applied to the system. Additionally, using pulleys with ball bearings can also reduce friction and increase the efficiency of the system.

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