Calculating Tension in a Horizontal Bar Connecting Two Halves of a Ladder

In summary, the mass of the man is 80KG, the mass of the ladder is 20KG, and the mass of the bar connecting the two halves of the ladder is negligible. The friction force between floor and ladders are negligible.
  • #1
Mass of man is = 80KG
Mass of the ladder is = 20 KG

Mass of the bar connecting the two halves of the ladder is negligible.

The friction force between floor and ladders are negligible. (floor is frictionless)

Question: find the tension in the horizontal bar connecting
the two halves of the ladder...

Here is the figure:

I am wondering if it is possible to calculate the tension, without knowing the dimensions of the ladder??It is not right?
Physics news on
  • #2
The figure is very impressive! :smile:

Fabio010 said:
I am wondering if it is possible to calculate the tension, without knowing the dimensions of the ladder??It is not right?

It is possible. Write up the equation for the momenta.

  • #3
Equations for momenta, i think you mean torque right?.
  • #4
Fabio010 said:
Equations for momenta, i think you mean torque right?.

Yes, of course, sorry. I talked about torque in my language just before writing this letter and mixed.

Measure lengths in the unit shown in the figure when writing up the torques. But you need the angle between the legs of the ladder. It must be given. ehild
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  • #5
First of all i need to do a diagram of forces.

Is that right?
Ok so without the angle is is impossible to do the exercise?
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  • #6
It looks all right if the distances are correct.
  • #7
Hi Fabio,

Can you proceed?
Write up the equations for the y components of forces for both legs, and also the torques. For those, you need the angle. Adding up the equations for the force components, you get N1+N2. Subtracting the equations for the torques, you get N1-N2. Determine them and use in the torque equation for one leg.

I go to sleep:zzz:

  • #8
I talked to my teacher and he said that the exercise should have the dimensions.
And with the dimensions i could calculate the angle and do the exercise.

I have it done. Thanks for your help :)

FAQ: Calculating Tension in a Horizontal Bar Connecting Two Halves of a Ladder

1. What is mechanic equilibrium?

Mechanic equilibrium is a state in which an object's forces and torques are balanced, resulting in no net change in motion or rotation. In other words, the object is either at rest or moving at a constant velocity.

2. How is mechanic equilibrium calculated?

Mechanic equilibrium is calculated using Newton's First Law of Motion, which states that an object will remain at rest or in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. By analyzing the forces acting on an object and ensuring they are balanced, one can determine if the object is in a state of mechanic equilibrium.

3. What are the conditions for mechanic equilibrium?

The conditions for mechanic equilibrium are that the sum of all forces acting on an object must be zero, and the sum of all torques acting on an object must also be zero. This means that the forces must be balanced in both magnitude and direction, and the torques must be balanced around a chosen pivot point.

4. How does the concept of torque relate to mechanic equilibrium?

Torque is a measure of the rotational force acting on an object. In order for an object to be in mechanic equilibrium, the sum of all torques acting on the object must be zero. This means that the clockwise torques must be balanced by the counterclockwise torques, resulting in no net rotational force on the object.

5. What are some real-world examples of mechanic equilibrium?

Examples of mechanic equilibrium in everyday life include a book sitting on a table, a person standing still, or a car driving at a constant speed on a flat road. In all of these situations, the forces and torques acting on the object or person are balanced, resulting in a state of mechanic equilibrium.

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