Calculating Tension in a String Swung in a Horizontal Circle

In summary, the string tension in a horizontal circular motion can be calculated using the weight force of the object and the angle formed by the string. In the case of throwing an orange vertically from a moving ute, it will land back at the same spot if air resistance is neglected and the frame of reference is connected with the ute. For a basketball player shooting for the goal, the initial velocity of the ball can be calculated using the equations for a projectile at any point in the arc.
  • #1
Gold Member
A string, 50cm long, has a stone of 100g tied to its end, and it is swung in a horizontal circle of radius 30cm. Calculate the tension in the string.

Because the string is longer than the radius of the circle, the path of the string must form a cone shape. Using the measurements, and forming a triangle, i found that the angle the string is forming is ~37 degrees to the vertical.

With this question, am i able to say that the vertical component of the tension force is the weight force from the stone? So ~0.98N? And then use that, along with the angle, to find the tension in the rope?

When you throw an orange up vertically from a moving ute, will it land back at the same spot from which it was thrown? explain.

For this question, i said if air resistance is neglected, and the use it traveling with uniform velocity, it will land on the same spot, since the orange will initially have the same horizontal velocity as the ute, and unless another force acts, they will both continute to have the same velocity.

A basketball player shoots for goal. The ball goes through the ring without touching it. If the ball is thrown from 50 degrees above the horizontal, and the basket is 2.5m in front of the player, and 1.3m higher than the point from which the ball was thrown, at what speed was the ball released?

I started by finding the time it takes for the ball to travel 2.5m in the horizontal plane.

t = \frac{{s_h }}{{v_h }} \\
= \frac{{2.5}}{{v\cos 50}} \\

At that point in time, the vertical displacement should be 1.3m.
s = ut + \frac{{at^2 }}{2} \\
1.3 = \frac{{2.5v\sin 50}}{{v\cos 50}} - 4.9\left( {\frac{{2.5}}{{v\cos 50}}} \right)^2 \\
v = \pm 6.64 \\

So the initial velocity of the ball was 6.64 m/s at 50 degrees to the horizontal.


These questions didnt come with answers, and I am not really sure if I've done them correctly. If you could just look over them, and tell me if I've done anything wrong, that would be great.

Thanks in advance,
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  • #2
danago said:
A string, 50cm long, has a stone of 100g tied to its end, and it is swung in a horizontal circle of radius 30cm. Calculate the tension in the string.

Because the string is longer than the radius of the circle, the path of the string must form a cone shape. Using the measurements, and forming a triangle, i found that the angle the string is forming is ~37 degrees to the vertical.

With this question, am i able to say that the vertical component of the tension force is the weight force from the stone? So ~0.98N? And then use that, along with the angle, to find the tension in the rope?

Yep, this seems correct to me. The vertical component of the tension force is the weight of the stone, the horizontal component is then the centripetal force of the circular motion.
  • #3
danago said:
When you throw an orange up vertically from a moving ute, will it land back at the same spot from which it was thrown? explain.

For this question, i said if air resistance is neglected, and the use it traveling with uniform velocity, it will land on the same spot, since the orange will initially have the same horizontal velocity as the ute, and unless another force acts, they will both continute to have the same velocity.

If the frame of reference is connected with the ute (the ute is traveling with uniform velocity and air resistance is neglected), it'll land on the same spot. However, if it is connected with the road, it won't land on the same spot - due to the initial horizontal velocity.
  • #4
danago;1267728[b said:
A basketball player shoots for goal. The ball goes through the ring without touching it. If the ball is thrown from 50 degrees above the horizontal, and the basket is 2.5m in front of the player, and 1.3m higher than the point from which the ball was thrown, at what speed was the ball released?[/b]

I started by finding the time it takes for the ball to travel 2.5m in the horizontal plane.

t = \frac{{s_h }}{{v_h }} \\
= \frac{{2.5}}{{v\cos 50}} \\

At that point in time, the vertical displacement should be 1.3m.
s = ut + \frac{{at^2 }}{2} \\
1.3 = \frac{{2.5v\sin 50}}{{v\cos 50}} - 4.9\left( {\frac{{2.5}}{{v\cos 50}}} \right)^2 \\
v = \pm 6.64 \\

So the initial velocity of the ball was 6.64 m/s at 50 degrees to the horizontal.

Just quickly flicking through your calcs on this one your ball does travel 2.5m in the horizontal but travels further than 1.3m in the vertical. This is because the ball has to come down through the top of the hoop.

Look at this as a ballistic trajectory question. The ball will travel an arc where the peak of the arc (max vertical motion) is less than 2.5m from the start point, the maximum range (max horizontal motion) is greater than 2.5m.

I haven't got my dynamics books to hand, what you need to do is work out the equation for a projectile at any point in the arc. possibly somebody who does have a dynamics book, or a large brain than mine can give you a pointer.
  • #5
Yea i realize it travels further than 1.3m, but its displacement will still be 1.3m in the vertical plane won't it? The ring is 1.3m from the point of release, so won't the vertical displacement need to be 1.3m as it goes through?

Thanks for the help by the way everyone.

Related to Calculating Tension in a String Swung in a Horizontal Circle

1. What is tension in a string?

Tension in a string is the force exerted by the string on an object attached to it. It is a measure of how tight or stretched the string is.

2. How is tension calculated in a string?

Tension in a string can be calculated using the formula T = (m*v^2)/r, where T is tension, m is the mass of the object attached to the string, v is the velocity of the object, and r is the radius of the circle formed by the string.

3. Why is tension important when swinging a string in a horizontal circle?

Tension is important because it is the force that keeps the object attached to the string moving in a circular path. If the tension is too low, the object may not move in a circular path and may fall off the string.

4. How does the mass of the object affect the tension in a string?

The mass of the object directly affects the tension in a string. As the mass increases, the tension also increases, assuming all other factors such as velocity and radius remain constant.

5. How does the velocity of the object affect the tension in a string?

The velocity of the object also has a direct impact on the tension in a string. As the velocity increases, the tension also increases, assuming all other factors such as mass and radius remain constant. This is because a higher velocity requires a greater force to maintain the circular motion.

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