Calculating Tension in a Two Pulley Atwood Machine

In summary: This is equivalent to subtracting vectors of unequal direction. The correct way to combine these forces is by vector addition.In summary, The force of tension in the string of the Atwood machine with masses 80.11 grams and 69.95 grams on the left and right respectively and a central mass of 60.28 grams can be calculated using the equations Fg = mg and Fnet = Fg + Ft. By solving for the x and y components and adding them using vector addition, the net force can be determined to be approximately zero, verifying the static equilibrium of the system. However, there were errors in the original solution, including incorrect labeling of masses, truncation of significant figures, and incorrect combination of forces.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the force of tension in the string of an Atwood machine with masses (1 - on right) 69.95 grams, (2 - middle) 80.11 grams, and (3 - on right) 60.28 grams. When this value is determined, verify that the net force in the atwood machine is equal to zero....\...|.../
----------------------------- (all angles are measured from this line, x components)

Homework Equations

Fg = mg
Fnet = Fg + Ft (Fnet should equal approx. 0)

The Attempt at a Solution

First, calculating the force of gravity on each of the masses:

Fg1 = (0.06995)(9.8)
= 0.68 N

Fg2 = (0.08011)(9.8)
= 0.79 N

Fg3 = (0.060280)(9.8)
= 0.59 NSecondly, using the angles measured and the forces of gravity determined, solve for the x and y components. y1 = 0.68 N
y2 = 0.59Nx1/sin 46 = 0.68/sin 44
x1 = 0.70 N

x2/sin 60 = 0.59/sin 30
x2 = 1.02 NWriting Fnet statements for both x and y components produces:

Fnet(x) = 0.70 N + 1.02 N
= 1.72 N

Fnet(y) = 0.68 N + 0.79 N + 0.59
= 2.06 NFinally:
Fnet = Fx + Fy
Fnet = 1.72 - 2.06
Fnet = 0.34 NThe sum of each of these Fnet statements is supposed to be approximately zero. I understand why this should be so (as it is a static equilibrium), however I do not not know how to achieve that answer, or what I am doing wrong. I do not believe that 0.34 N is a relatively close answer.

These angles were calculating in a lab, so is it possible that I have done everything right and simply measured the angles wrong?

I understand some of the values are to be negative, but I am unaware of which (I think it is gravity?). My teacher is no help, so I would really appreciate someone explaining how to fix this. Thank you.
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  • #2
Since there are two pulleys, I assume that these support the two outside weights and that the strings over them are tied together where a third string supports the central weight.

There are several errors in post #1.

First, the text and the diagram disagree regarding which is mass 1 and which is mass 3.

Secondly, although the data given are to four significant figures the weight calculations are truncated at 2. That seems reasonable since the g value is only being taken to two, but the value of g is irrelevant to checking for net zero force at the knot, so it can be factored out. This is an example of the many merits of working entirely symbolically as long as possible.

But most egregiously, the way the forces are combined makes nonsense. The horizontal forces are taken as positive and added although they act in opposite directions, and likewise the vertical forces; then the vertical force is subtracted from the horizontal force!

FAQ: Calculating Tension in a Two Pulley Atwood Machine

1. What is a Two Pulley Atwood Machine?

A Two Pulley Atwood Machine is a simple mechanical device used to demonstrate the principles of mass, gravity, and tension. It consists of two masses connected by a string or cable that is strung over two pulleys.

2. How do you calculate the tension in a Two Pulley Atwood Machine?

The tension in a Two Pulley Atwood Machine can be calculated using the formula T = (m1 - m2)g, where T is the tension, m1 is the mass on one side of the string, m2 is the mass on the other side, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. This formula assumes that the string and pulleys are massless and there is no friction.

3. What factors affect the tension in a Two Pulley Atwood Machine?

The tension in a Two Pulley Atwood Machine is affected by the masses of the objects on either side of the string, the acceleration due to gravity, and any additional forces such as friction or air resistance. The angle of the string and the type of pulley used can also affect the tension.

4. How does the tension change when the masses are unequal in a Two Pulley Atwood Machine?

If the masses on either side of the string are unequal, the tension will also be unequal. The side with the larger mass will have a greater tension, while the side with the smaller mass will have a smaller tension. The difference in tensions is equal to the difference in masses multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity.

5. Can the tension in a Two Pulley Atwood Machine ever be greater than the weight of the masses?

No, the tension in a Two Pulley Atwood Machine can never be greater than the weight of the masses. This is because the tension is ultimately caused by the weight of the masses pulling on the string. If the tension were to exceed the weight of the masses, the string would break or the pulleys would move, causing the system to no longer be in equilibrium.
