Calculating Terminal Velocity: Physics Help for a Mock Trial Project

In summary, the person is seeking help with determining the velocity of a person who fell from 100 meters with and without air resistance. The individual is 5'10'' and weighs 150lbs. It is for a mock trial and research on terms such as 'terminal velocity', 'air drag', and 'drag coefficient' can provide more information. A formula is provided for calculating the velocity with air resistance.
  • #1
Hi. I could use some help from someone who is pretty good at physics.

Me and a few others are doing a project (that has nothing to do with physics) and we need to know the velocity of a person at the time of impact who fell from 100 meters. We figured out that it would be about 100miles per hour/44meters per second without air resistance, but we need to know what it would be WITH air resistance. This person is about 5'10'' and weighs about 150lbs/68.04kg. It's for a sort of mock trial. If anyone could help, we'de really appreciate it!
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  • #2
At that short of a distance, I doubt that air drag has much of any effect. Basically, air drag is proportional to the square of velocity. The proportionality constant (called drag coefficient) is dependent mainly on the shape of the object. Example - an arrow has minimal air drag compared to a sphere of the same volume.

Anyway, if you want to dig into it, Google searches with terms like 'terminal velocity', 'air drag', 'drag coefficient', will probably get you everything you wanted to know.
  • #3
Assuming you jump off from rest, and that air resistance is modeled as proportional to the square of the velocity, it is relatively easy to derive the velocity dependence on h, the distance fallen from the jump off point:
where m is the object's mass, k the air resistance proportionality constant.
Note that in the limit [itex]\frac{kh}{m}\to{0}[/tex], we get [itex]v(h)=\sqrt{2gh}[/tex] as we of course should have.
(This include the special cases of zero air resistance or infinite mass of the falling object)
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FAQ: Calculating Terminal Velocity: Physics Help for a Mock Trial Project

What is terminal velocity?

Terminal velocity is the maximum speed that an object can achieve when falling through a fluid (such as air or water) due to the balance between gravitational force and air resistance.

How is terminal velocity calculated?

The formula for calculating terminal velocity is Vt = √(2mg/ρAC), where Vt is the terminal velocity, m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, ρ is the density of the fluid, A is the cross-sectional area of the object, and C is the drag coefficient.

What factors affect terminal velocity?

The factors that affect terminal velocity include the mass and size of the object, the density and viscosity of the fluid, and the shape and surface area of the object. These factors can change the balance between gravitational force and air resistance, resulting in a different terminal velocity.

Can terminal velocity be exceeded?

No, terminal velocity is the maximum speed that an object can achieve when falling through a fluid. Once it reaches this speed, the forces acting on the object are balanced and it will continue to fall at a constant speed.

How does altitude affect terminal velocity?

Altitude can affect terminal velocity because the density and viscosity of the fluid (air) changes with altitude. At higher altitudes, the air is less dense and has a lower viscosity, meaning that there is less resistance for the falling object. This can result in a higher terminal velocity.
