Calculating the Collapse of a Bohr Atom: Larmor's Formula for Power Radiation

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of an electron orbiting a proton in a Bohr atom and the possibility of the atom collapsing due to the electron's acceleration and radiation of energy. The use of Larmor's formula and classical mechanics is suggested to calculate the time for the electron to crash into the proton. However, the point of the question is to demonstrate the limitations of Bohr's model and the need for quantum mechanics.
  • #1
Ed Quanta
I have a question. Suppose we have an electron orbiting around a proton in a Bohr atom. It is accelerating due to centripetal motion yet traveling at v<<c so Newtownian physics applies. Since it is accelerating, it is radiating energy. Assuming we are using larmor's formula for power radiated, how would we calculate how fast it will take for the electron to crash into the proton, and this cause the Bohr atom to collapse?
Physics news on
  • #2
What is the point of your question? Quantum theory says it won't happen.
  • #3
What is the point of your question? Quantum theory says it won't happen.
It's sounds like an excercise from modern physics class. A reasonable excercise too, unless you take everything you hear at face value, or don't value history.

Anyway, I'll try to add something actually useful and constructive towards answering your question.

The Larmor formula tells us (remember, we take E to be negative)
P=-\frac{dE}{dt} = \frac{e^2a^2}{6 \pi \epsilon_0 c^3}
As usual, take [tex]a=v^2/r[/tex]. Now, we also know that the classical radius is
\qquad r = - \frac{e^2}{8 \pi \epsilon_0 E}
v^2 = \frac{2E}m
Now you should be able to put all that together and get simple separable differential equation for dE/dt that you can integrate from the starting energy (about -14 eV) to the final energy (negative infinity) that will give you the time for collapse.
  • #4
The point of the question is to show that Bohr's model is not the final model of an atom for quantum mechanics. Its just a mathematical exercise using only Newtonian physics. Thank you, Big Red Dot.

FAQ: Calculating the Collapse of a Bohr Atom: Larmor's Formula for Power Radiation

1. What is Larmor's formula for calculating the power radiation of a Bohr atom?

Larmor's formula is a mathematical equation developed by physicist Joseph Larmor to calculate the power radiation emitted by an accelerated charged particle, such as an electron in a Bohr atom. It is given by P = (2/3) x (e^2 x a^2 x v^2)/(c^3), where P is the power radiation, e is the charge of the particle, a is the acceleration, v is the velocity, and c is the speed of light.

2. Why is it important to calculate the power radiation of a Bohr atom?

Calculating the power radiation of a Bohr atom is important because it allows us to understand and predict the behavior of electrons in atoms. This formula helps us understand how energy is transferred from electrons to the surrounding environment through the emission of radiation. It also plays a crucial role in fields such as atomic and nuclear physics, as well as in the design of electronic devices.

3. How is Larmor's formula derived?

Larmor's formula is derived from classical electrodynamics, specifically the Larmor radiation formula. This formula describes the power emitted by a single, non-relativistic, point-like charge as it accelerates. Larmor's formula for a Bohr atom is a modified version of this formula, taking into account the specific properties of electrons in a hydrogen atom.

4. Can Larmor's formula be used to calculate the power radiation of other atoms?

Yes, Larmor's formula can be used to calculate the power radiation of any atom that has a single electron orbiting a nucleus. This includes not only hydrogen atoms, but also other atoms with similar electronic structures such as helium, lithium, and beryllium.

5. Are there any limitations to using Larmor's formula for calculating the power radiation of a Bohr atom?

Yes, Larmor's formula is limited to non-relativistic speeds and cannot accurately predict the behavior of electrons at higher energies. Additionally, it assumes that the electron does not lose energy through other means, such as collisions with other particles. Quantum mechanics also provides a more accurate description of the behavior of electrons in atoms, and therefore, Larmor's formula may not always be the most precise method of calculation.
