Calculating the Earth-Sun distance during perihelion

  • Thread starter nukeman
  • Start date
In summary: Good job :) In summary, the Earth-Sun distance during perihelion (at Earth’s closest approach) is approximately 147,056,800 km, calculated using the formula rP = a(1 − e) where the semi-major axis of Earth's orbit, a, is 1.496×108 km and the eccentricity, e, is 0.017. This suggests that Earth's orbit is not far from circular, as the distance does not deviate significantly from the average distance between Earth and the Sun.
  • #1
Calculate the Earth-Sun distance during perihelion (at Earth’s closest approach) The Earth’s orbit has a semi-major axis of a = 1.496×108 km and
eccentricity of e = 0.017. Is Earth’s orbit far from circular? Explain.

The formula to be used is: rP = a(1 − e)

My answer is: 158.82 - Is that correct?

Am i missing something?
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  • #2
Your answer is meaningless unless if you specify what UNITS it is in.

Under the assumption that you meant km, your answer is clearly wrong.
  • #4
cepheid said:
Your answer is meaningless unless if you specify what UNITS it is in.

Under the assumption that you meant km, your answer is clearly wrong.

sorry, yes, its KM

Can anyone help me with this?
  • #5
nukeman said:
sorry, yes, its KM

Can anyone help me with this?

Sure. Can you show us the steps you used to calculate the perihelion distance?

First you need to compute 1-e. Then you need to multiply the result of that by a (the semi-major axis of the orbit).

Here's a hint: in this example, e is a very small number, agreed? Therefore, 1-e should be fairly close to 1. If that's true, then a*(1-e) should be fairly close to a. The answer you get should be close to the length of the semi-major axis. In other words, the closest earth-sun distance does not deviate very much from the average earth-sun distance. The fact that the earth-sun distance doesn't change very much as it goes around its orbit suggests that the orbit does not not deviate too much from circularity. In other words, it is not very elliptical (remember that e = 0 would be a perfect circle, so e very small means close to circular).
  • #6
Calculate the Earth-Sun distance during perihelion (at Earth’s closest approach) The Earth’s orbit has a semi-major axis of a = 1.496×108 km and
eccentricity of e = 0.017. Is Earth’s orbit far from circular? Explain.

The formula to be used is: rP = a(1 − e)


I went (1 - e) which would be 1 - 0.017 Correct?

Then I just went a x 0.017 = 2.74

  • #7
nukeman said:
Calculate the Earth-Sun distance during perihelion (at Earth’s closest approach) The Earth’s orbit has a semi-major axis of a = 1.496×108 km and
eccentricity of e = 0.017. Is Earth’s orbit far from circular? Explain.

The formula to be used is: rP = a(1 − e)


I went (1 - e) which would be 1 - 0.017 Correct?

Then I just went a x 0.017 = 2.74

Yes, (1 - e) = (1 - 0.017) = 0.983. That is correct.

It's the next part that doesn't make any sense. The formula is a*(1-e), but for some reason you have written down a*e. I don't understand why. Not only that, but the answer doesn't make sense either. Please get into the habit of including units in all of your calculation steps. It is crucial.

The question is, what is a * (1 - 0.017)? Plug in the value for a in km.
  • #8
Okay, I just realized what part of the problem is. In the value that was given for the semi-major axis:

a = 1.496×108 km​

You think that the second number there is "one hundred and eight", don't you? It is not. This:
a = 1.496×108 km​

is what was actually meant. Here's a helpful tip for how to catch mistakes like this in the future. Whenever you see a physical quantity, ask yourself, "does this number make any sense?" A distance of 150 km to the sun is clearly nonsensical. A distance of 150 MILLION km, however, is perfectly reasonable ;)
  • #9
Ahhhh, nice catch!

So, let's try this again. Please correct me :)

(1 - e) = (1 - 0.017) = 0.983

Now, 1.496x10^8 = 149,600,000

149,600,000 x .983 = 147,056,800 ? Is that correct?
  • #10
Yeah, that looks ok to me now

FAQ: Calculating the Earth-Sun distance during perihelion

1. How is the Earth-Sun distance calculated during perihelion?

The Earth-Sun distance during perihelion is calculated using the formula d = a(1-e), where d represents the distance between the Earth and the Sun, a is the semi-major axis of the Earth's orbit, and e is the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit. This formula takes into account the elliptical shape of the Earth's orbit and the fact that the distance between the Earth and the Sun varies throughout the year.

2. What is perihelion and how does it affect the Earth-Sun distance?

Perihelion is the point in the Earth's orbit where it is closest to the Sun. This occurs around January 3rd every year. During perihelion, the Earth-Sun distance is at its shortest, which is approximately 147.1 million kilometers. This is about 5 million kilometers closer than the Earth's average distance from the Sun.

3. Why is it important to calculate the Earth-Sun distance during perihelion?

Calculating the Earth-Sun distance during perihelion is important for understanding and predicting seasonal changes on Earth. The Earth's distance from the Sun affects the amount of solar radiation and energy it receives, which in turn influences the Earth's climate, weather patterns, and agricultural cycles. Additionally, studying the Earth-Sun distance during perihelion helps us better understand the dynamics of our solar system.

4. How accurate is the calculation of the Earth-Sun distance during perihelion?

The calculation of the Earth-Sun distance during perihelion is quite accurate, with a margin of error of only a few kilometers. This is due to advancements in technology and our understanding of planetary orbits. However, there may be slight variations in the Earth's orbit and the eccentricity of its orbit, which can affect the accuracy of the calculation.

5. How has the Earth-Sun distance during perihelion changed over time?

The Earth-Sun distance during perihelion has changed over time due to various factors, such as the Earth's changing axial tilt and the gravitational pull of other planets in the solar system. In the past, the Earth's perihelion distance was closer to the Sun, while in the future it is expected to be slightly farther away. However, these changes are very gradual and do not have a significant impact on our planet's climate and orbit.
