Calculating the moment about an axis?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving finding the unit vector and position vector for a force and determining the maximum moment. The problem is different from previous examples because the force is extending from the origin. The conversation also mentions using the dot product and maximizing the value of u.(r x F) to find the maximum moment.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi friends, I have uploaded the problem and picture at the link below. Please take a look.

Homework Equations

F(vector) = F(cos[tex]\alpha[/tex]i + cos[tex]\beta[/tex]j + cos[tex]\gamma[/tex]k)
Ma = u_a(vector) [tex]\bullet[/tex] M_o (vector) = u_a [tex]\bullet[/tex] (r x F)

[tex]\bullet[/tex] is supposed to denote dot product. Sorry my latex sucks.

The Attempt at a Solution

Okay so for this problem, I currently have:

F = 30 (cos60i + cos60j + cos45k) = (15i + 15j + 21.2k)

Now I know I need to find the unit vector u, and position vector r. How do I find these? From the examples I've done, I've kinda known what to use for vectors u and r, but this example is different from the ones that I've worked on previously.

The force for this one is extending right from origin, whereas the problems I've previously worked on had forces away from origin.

So how would I find the unit and position vectors for this problem? And how can I determine the coordinate direction angles to produce the max moment and the max moment itself? Is there some sort of equation?

Thanks for your help and time. I'm not looking for answers here, but just something to get me rolling cause I'm stuck and I really want to figure this out but don't know how!
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  • #2
hi mneox! :smile:

(have an alpha: α and a beta: β and a dot: · and try using the X2 icon just above the Reply box :wink:)
mneox said:
Now I know I need to find the unit vector u, and position vector r. How do I find these? From the examples I've done, I've kinda known what to use for vectors u and r, but this example is different from the ones that I've worked on previously.

The force for this one is extending right from origin, whereas the problems I've previously worked on had forces away from origin.

So how would I find the unit and position vectors for this problem? And how can I determine the coordinate direction angles to produce the max moment and the max moment itself? Is there some sort of equation?

u is the unit vector along the pipe (so that's j)

r is any vector from the line of the force to the pipe …

the reason you can use any vector is that you're only interested in (r x Fu, and if you increase r by a multiple of F or of u, it makes no difference :wink:
  • #3
Thanks for the reply tiny-tim! I think I'm grasping it now, but what do I do about the maximum moment part? How would I go about doing this?

ps thanks for the nifty copy and paste lol
  • #4
mneox said:
Thanks for the reply tiny-tim! I think I'm grasping it now, but what do I do about the maximum moment part?

you need to maximise the value of u.(r x F), keeping u r and the magnitude of F constant, and varing only the direction of F

which direction will do that? :wink:
  • #5

Calculating the moment about an axis involves finding the product of the force and the distance from the axis of rotation. In this problem, the force vector is given as (15i + 15j + 21.2k) and the axis of rotation is not specified. To find the unit vector, you can use the formula u = F/|F| where |F| is the magnitude of the force vector. In this case, |F| = √(15^2 + 15^2 + 21.2^2) = 30.3. Therefore, the unit vector is u = (15/30.3)i + (15/30.3)j + (21.2/30.3)k.

To find the position vector, you can use the distance formula r = √(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) where x, y, and z are the coordinates of the point where the force is applied. In this problem, the force is applied at the origin, so the position vector is r = (0i + 0j + 0k) = 0.

To determine the coordinate direction angles, you can use the formula cosθ = u(dot)i where θ is the angle between the force vector and the x-axis. In this problem, the force vector is in the first quadrant, so the angle between the force vector and the x-axis is 60 degrees. Therefore, the coordinate direction angles are cosα = cos60 = 0.5 and cosβ = cos60 = 0.5.

To calculate the maximum moment, you can use the formula M = r x F where r is the position vector and F is the force vector. In this problem, r = 0 and F = (15i + 15j + 21.2k). Therefore, the maximum moment is zero.

I hope this helps you understand how to calculate the moment about an axis. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Good luck with your problem!

Related to Calculating the moment about an axis?

What is the formula for calculating the moment about an axis?

The formula for calculating the moment about an axis is M = Fd, where M is the moment, F is the force, and d is the distance from the axis.

How do I determine the direction of the moment about an axis?

The direction of the moment about an axis is determined by the right-hand rule. Point the fingers of your right hand in the direction of the force, then curl your fingers towards the axis. Your thumb will point in the direction of the moment.

Can the moment about an axis be negative?

Yes, the moment about an axis can be negative. This occurs when the force and distance are in opposite directions, resulting in a clockwise rotation.

What is the difference between moment and torque?

Moment and torque are often used interchangeably, but moment typically refers to the rotational force around a fixed point, while torque refers to the rotational force around an axis.

How can I calculate the moment about an axis for a system of multiple forces?

To calculate the moment about an axis for a system of multiple forces, you can use the principle of superposition. This involves calculating the moment for each individual force and then summing them together to get the total moment.

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