Calculating the Period of a Simple Harmonic Oscillator with a Pivoted Metal Rod

In summary, the conversation discusses calculating the period of oscillation for a metal rod that is pivoted from a point one third of the way along its length. Different approaches are suggested, including considering torque and angular momentum, and taking into account the distance from the pivot to the center of mass. There is also a question about the use of the symbols for angular frequency and velocity.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A L = 1.48 m long metal rod is pivoted from a point one third of the way along its length. The rod has a mass of 0.208 kg. What period will the rod oscillate with when released from a small angle?


Homework Equations

[itex] T = 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{L}{g}}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

should I think the rod as a point mass about it's centre mass? and use centre mass to calculate the period by the formula?
This is my approach:

[itex] \frac{1}{2}L-\frac{1}{3}L [/itex] is the length of the string
[itex] T = 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{L}{g}} = 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{\frac{L}{6}}{g}} = 2 \pi \sqrt{0.025} = 0.997 s[/itex]
Could someone give me some advice please?
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  • #2
That approach is too simple. Consider a rod pivoted very close to the center of mass - your formula would give a very short period, but the actual period would be very long.

Think of torque and angular momentum.
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  • #3
mfb said:
That approach is too simple. Consider a rod pivoted very close to the center of mass - your formula would give a very short period, but the actual period would be very long.

Think of torque and angular momentum.

Thank you for your reply, and this is my new approach:
distance from pivot to centre mass is L/6
torque(mg) = sin(theta)*(L/6)*mg
also torque = I*angular acceleration.
I am confused here, as w in simple harmonic motion is angular frequency and in the torque formula it is angular velocity? are they the same?
  • #4
I am confused here, as w in simple harmonic motion is angular frequency and in the torque formula it is angular velocity? are they the same?
They are not, and I don't see where an ##\omega## would appear in the formula for torque. In general: if you would get the same symbol for different meanings, use a different symbol or indices (point 4 here).

FAQ: Calculating the Period of a Simple Harmonic Oscillator with a Pivoted Metal Rod

What is a simple harmonic problem?

A simple harmonic problem is a type of mathematical problem that involves a system or object that moves back and forth in a regular pattern. This type of motion is known as simple harmonic motion and can be described by a sinusoidal function.

What are the key components of a simple harmonic problem?

The key components of a simple harmonic problem are the restoring force, the mass of the object, and the displacement from equilibrium. The restoring force is what pulls the object back to its equilibrium position, while the mass determines how difficult it is to move the object. The displacement is the distance the object is from its equilibrium position.

How is a simple harmonic problem different from other types of problems?

A simple harmonic problem is different from other types of problems because it involves a specific type of motion that follows a predictable pattern. Other types of problems may involve more complex or unpredictable motions and may require different mathematical methods to solve.

What are some real-world applications of simple harmonic problems?

Simple harmonic problems have many real-world applications, such as in pendulum clocks, musical instruments, and even earthquake-resistant buildings. In these cases, the object or system is designed to have a specific frequency of oscillation to perform a certain function.

How can I solve a simple harmonic problem?

To solve a simple harmonic problem, you can use mathematical equations such as Hooke's law, which relates the restoring force to the displacement. You can also use trigonometric functions to describe the motion of the object. Additionally, understanding the key components and principles of simple harmonic motion can help you approach and solve these types of problems.
