Calculating the Period of SHM for a Suspended Cubical Box

I = \frac{2}{3}ma^2##. In summary, the problem involves a cubical hollow box suspended horizontally from a frictionless hinge, which undergoes SHM when displaced slightly. The period of oscillation is given by ## T = 2\pi \sqrt{\frac{7\sqrt{2}a}{9g}} ##, which can be derived using the total energy equation and moment of inertia. The correct moment of inertia is ##I = \frac{2}{3}ma^2##.
  • #1

Homework Statement

We have a cubical hollow box, edge length ##a## suspended horizontally from a frictionless hinge along one of its edges. The box is displaced slightly and undergoes SHM. Show that the period of the oscillation is given by ## T = 2\pi \sqrt{\frac{7\sqrt{2}a}{9g}} ##

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

##E_{tot} = \frac{1}{2}I\omega^2 + mg\left(\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2a}\cos\theta\right) ##Then apply taylor expansion and differentiate to get: ## \ddot\theta = \frac{mga}{\sqrt{2}I} \theta ## and using ##I = \frac{2}{3}ma^2## gives ##T = 2\pi \sqrt{\frac{2\sqrt{2}a}{3g}}##

Help is much appreciated
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  • #2
Ah, turns out the moment of inertia was incorrect...

FAQ: Calculating the Period of SHM for a Suspended Cubical Box

1. What is SHM of a cube from an edge?

SHM (Simple Harmonic Motion) of a cube from an edge refers to the oscillatory motion of a cube along a straight line perpendicular to one of its edges. It is a type of periodic motion in which the cube moves back and forth between two points along the edge, with a constant amplitude and frequency.

2. How is SHM of a cube from an edge different from other types of SHM?

SHM of a cube from an edge is different from other types of SHM because it involves the motion of an object along a straight line, rather than in a circular or elliptical path. Additionally, the restoring force in this type of SHM is provided by the edge of the cube, rather than a spring or other external force.

3. What factors affect the SHM of a cube from an edge?

The SHM of a cube from an edge is affected by the mass, stiffness of the cube, and the angle at which it is displaced from its equilibrium position. The amplitude and frequency of the motion can also be influenced by these factors, as well as the initial velocity of the cube.

4. How is SHM of a cube from an edge related to energy?

SHM of a cube from an edge involves the transfer of energy between kinetic and potential energy. As the cube moves back and forth, it alternates between having maximum kinetic energy at the equilibrium point and maximum potential energy at the endpoints of its motion. The total energy of the system remains constant.

5. What are some real-life examples of SHM of a cube from an edge?

One example of SHM of a cube from an edge is the movement of a pendulum. As the pendulum swings back and forth, it exhibits SHM along the string or rod that suspends it. Another example is the movement of a diving board, which follows SHM when it is displaced and released by a diver. Additionally, the movement of a floating cork on a wave can also be considered SHM of a cube from an edge.

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