Calculating the points of tangency for two circles given a picture

In summary, to calculate the points of tangency for two circles with the same radius, you can calculate the vector between the centers and make a perpendicular vector of the same length to get to the tangent points. By identifying the type of quadrilateral formed by the tangent line and the radii, you can find the last two points. This method was explained in more detail on a math forum.
  • #1
I have two circles with the same radius and I want to calculate the points of tangency.
For example, in the picture below, I want to calculate [FONT=MathJax_Main]([FONT=MathJax_Math]x[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]3[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main],[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]y[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]3[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main])[/FONT] and [FONT=MathJax_Main]([/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]x[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]4[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main],[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Math]y[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]4[/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main])[/FONT]. I have the radius and the distance between the two circles as shown below:[/FONT]
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  • #2
What can be said about the angle between a radius and the tangent line that it touches?
  • #3
You can calculate the vector ##\vec D## between the centers. Can you make a vector perpendicular to it the radius units long to get from the centers to the tangent points?
  • #4
LCKurtz said:
Can you make a vector perpendicular to it the radius units long to get from the centers to the tangent points?

thanks,can you explain me more about what should i do?
  • #5
Villyer said:
What can be said about the angle between a radius and the tangent line that it touches?

i think they are Perpendicular
  • #6
LCKurtz said:
You can calculate the vector ##\vec D## between the centers. Can you make a vector perpendicular to it the radius units long to get from the centers to the tangent points?

arashmobilebo said:
thanks,can you explain me more about what should i do?

I think I just told you. Do you understand vectors? Can you calculate ##\vec D\, ##? Do you know how to make a perpendicular vector?

You have to show some effort.
  • #7
LCKurtz said:
I think I just told you. Do you understand vectors? Can you calculate ##\vec D\, ##? Do you know how to make a perpendicular vector?

You have to show some effort.

Yes I know them!
  • #8
arashmobilebo said:
i think they are Perpendicular

They are.

So consider just the quadrilateral formed by the tangent line, the line connecting the centers, and the two radii that touch the tangent segment.

You know two ends of this figure (the centers of the circles), and the other two points are the two you are interested in.

If you identiy what type of quadrilateral it is, finding the last two points shouldn't be that hard.
  • #10
That looks like where you got the problem from. Do you understand the work that they did?
  • #11
Villyer said:
That looks like where you got the problem from. Do you understand the work that they did?

i asked the question there.yes i got it

FAQ: Calculating the points of tangency for two circles given a picture

1. How do you find the points of tangency for two circles using a picture?

To find the points of tangency for two circles using a picture, you first need to identify the centers of the circles and their radii. Then, draw a line connecting the centers of the circles. The points where this line intersects the circles are the points of tangency.

2. What is the formula for calculating the points of tangency for two circles given a picture?

The formula for calculating the points of tangency for two circles is (x1,y1) = (cx1 + r1cos θ, cy1 + r1sin θ) and (x2,y2) = (cx2 + r2cos θ, cy2 + r2sin θ), where cx1 and cy1 are the x and y coordinates of the center of the first circle, r1 is the radius of the first circle, cx2 and cy2 are the x and y coordinates of the center of the second circle, r2 is the radius of the second circle, and θ is the angle between the line connecting the centers and the x-axis.

3. Can you calculate the points of tangency for two circles without knowing their exact measurements?

Yes, it is possible to calculate the points of tangency for two circles without knowing their exact measurements. In this case, you can use a graphing tool or software to draw the circles and find the points of tangency visually.

4. What is the significance of finding the points of tangency for two circles?

Finding the points of tangency for two circles is important in geometry and engineering, as it allows you to determine the common tangent line between the circles. This information can be used to solve various problems related to circles, such as finding the distance between the circles or determining the area enclosed by them.

5. Are there any real-life applications of calculating the points of tangency for two circles?

Yes, there are many real-life applications of calculating the points of tangency for two circles. Some examples include designing gears for machinery, determining the path of reflection for light rays, and finding the optimal angle for billiard balls to collide. It is also used in navigation and surveying to determine the distance between two points on a map or on the Earth's surface.
