Calculating the Power and Impact of Black Body Radiation from the Sun

In summary, the conversation is discussing the calculation of the power radiated by the sun and how much of it reaches the earth. The suggested equation to use is the Stephan-Boltzman law for blackbody radiation, which involves Stephan's constant and the temperature of the sun. The conversation ends with one participant thanking the others for their help.
  • #1
My problem is that I have the numbers...but I don't have a formula.

"The sun's temp. is about 6000 K, it's radius 700000 km. How much power is it radiating? If there is no dissipation between here and the sun, how much of this hits the earth?"

Is this the P = c/4*U thing?
Physics news on
  • #2
scissors said:
My problem is that I have the numbers...but I don't have a formula.

"The sun's temp. is about 6000 K, it's radius 700000 km. How much power is it radiating? If there is no dissipation between here and the sun, how much of this hits the earth?"

Is this the P = c/4*U thing?
I'm not sure what equation you are referring to. You have to use the Stephan-Boltzman law for blackbody radiation:

[tex]P/A = \sigma T^4[/tex]

where P/A = Power/Area, [itex]\sigma[/itex] is Stephan's constant and T is the temp. in K.

Then work out the cross-sectional area of the Earth and divide that by the area of the surface of a sphere centred at the sun and intersecting the earth.

  • #3
In case you don't know - Stefan's constant is equal to 5.67x10^-8 Wm^-2K^-4
  • #4
Ah, I see. Thanks a lot guys!

FAQ: Calculating the Power and Impact of Black Body Radiation from the Sun

What is black body radiation?

Black body radiation refers to the electromagnetic radiation emitted by a perfect black body, which is an object that absorbs all radiation that hits it.

What is the significance of black body radiation?

Black body radiation is important because it helps us understand the behavior of electromagnetic radiation and the properties of materials that emit and absorb radiation.

What is the relationship between black body radiation and temperature?

The intensity and wavelength distribution of black body radiation is dependent on the temperature of the object. As the temperature increases, the radiation shifts to shorter wavelengths and becomes more intense.

How is black body radiation related to the concept of absolute zero?

According to the laws of thermodynamics, at absolute zero (0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius), a black body would emit no radiation. This is because all molecular motion would cease, resulting in no energy being emitted as radiation.

What is the Stefan-Boltzmann law and how does it relate to black body radiation?

The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that the total amount of energy emitted by a black body is proportional to the fourth power of its temperature. This means that as the temperature of a black body increases, the amount of energy it emits also increases exponentially.
