Calculating the power spectra of scalar perturbation

In summary, the conversation is about numerically calculating the power spectra of scalar perturbations during warm inflation. The problem is that the speaker does not know how to solve for the quantities at the horizon crossing. They ask for resources or materials to help them understand how to do this. They also discuss the conditions for horizon crossing in warm inflation and mention that it is the same as in standard inflation. The conversation then shifts to solving for the power spectrum at horizon crossing and the speaker asks for clarification on how to determine when k = aH from a plot. The other speaker explains that they need to plot k = aH as a function of N and choose the corresponding k value at N = 60. The conversation also touches on the calculation
  • #36
Yeah, ##r## is just another way of reporting the tensor spectrum amplitude at the scale of interest.
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  • #37
bapowell said:
Yeah, ##r## is just another way of reporting the tensor spectrum amplitude at the scale of interest.
I don't understand why papers got different values for ##r## for different models knowing that the observational value is already established. But that aside, I have plotted ##aH## vs. ##N##, so how do I know at which point I should get ##\dot\phi_*## and ##H_*## and solve ##P_S## at the horizon crossing?

Image 1.jpg

Another thing, ##aH## is just ##\dot a## right? And ##a## is dimensionless, ##H## is measured in GeV, so my plot for ##aH## is in the units of GeV.
  • #38
1) I don't understand why this graph isn't monotonic: what's with the sharp rise as N descends from 140?
2) You read off the value of ##aH## associated with the ##N## of interest.
3) Why do you say that the observational value of ##r## is established?
  • #39
bapowell said:
1) I don't understand why this graph isn't monotonic: what's with the sharp rise as N descends from 140?
2) You read off the value of ##aH## associated with the ##N## of interest.
3) Why do you say that the observational value of ##r## is established?
1) I also don't know how to interpret the plot of ##aH## vs ##N##, maybe you know of some resources that plots ##aH## vs ##N##? Even in the cold regime would ok.
2) In warm inflation, I could plot out the temperature and the Hubble parameter as a function of the number of e-folding, and tell from the plot what is the duration ##N## of warm inflation. So in warm inflation I know the value of ##N## for a given constraint/parameter. Should that imply that whatever ##N## I get would be the point where I calculate ##r##?
3) What I mean by that is observationaly, we know that ##P_S \approx 10^{-9}##, right?
  • #40
1) aH must be monotonically increasing as a function of N during inflation, since it is equal to 1 over the comoving horizon size (which is decreasing during inflation). I.e. there is something wrong with that plot.
2) Sounds reasonable; but the N should not necessarily be the duration of inflation, but the time when observable scales leave the horizon (around N = 60).
3) Right, but ##r## then tells you about the tensor amplitude.
  • #41
bapowell said:
1) aH must be monotonically increasing as a function of N during inflation, since it is equal to 1 over the comoving horizon size (which is decreasing during inflation). I.e. there is something wrong with that plot.
2) Sounds reasonable; but the N should not necessarily be the duration of inflation, but the time when observable scales leave the horizon (around N = 60).
3) Right, but ##r## then tells you about the tensor amplitude.
1) In this model that I have plotted, the duration ##N \approx 137##, then at ##N \approx 137## is where warm inflation ends and that is where the peak is so I think that is where aH should be equal to 1 (if I scale my y-axis properly). What do you think?
2)I'm still confused by the vagueness of the terminologies used. Can you explain more? For example, in my plot ##N## starts at 0 and changes until ~137. So ##N \approx 137##, that is the number of e-folding during inflation but of course slow roll inflation doesn't take place right away, slow roll starts around a few e-folds after ##N=0##, say ##N=5##. When do the observable scales leave the horizon? ##N=0## or ##N=5## or ##N=137##?
3) Yes, but the tensor amplitude is approximately constant, so ##r## changes value for different models/parameters only because of the scalar amplitude ##P_S## (assuming the value of ##P_S## deviates from ##10^{-9}##)
  • #42
Observable scales leave the horizon 60 e-folds before the end of inflation in cold inflation. Is that no longer the case in warm inflation? I never studied it.

Yes, the tensor spectrum is nearly constant, but it's the amplitude that ##r## gives you.
  • #43
bapowell said:
Observable scales leave the horizon 60 e-folds before the end of inflation in cold inflation. Is that no longer the case in warm inflation? I never studied it.

Yes, the tensor spectrum is nearly constant, but it's the amplitude that ##r## gives you.
As I know there is no consensus on this since authors sometimes write that they will take ##N=60## but they'll add that there are still debates on this since the region is still unknown. The dilemma here is that, as you can see from my op, as ##Q## changes, ##N## also changes, i.e. increasing ##Q## prolongs ##N## (as in my plots, ##N \approx 137##), so should that imply that whatever ##N## I got that would be the horizon crossing? or should I take ##N=60## as the horizon crossing? What will happen to the 77 e-folds before 60?
  • #44
I don't know what you mean by "whatever ##N## I got..". Got from where? You have a range of N, and for each N there is a mode leaving the horizon at that time. The inflation that happens before N = 60 generates fluctuations that today exist on scales well outside the cosmological horizon. That's the point of the N=60: it's the farthest back we can probe observationally, since our observations are limited by structures (really, correlations) within today's horizon.
  • #45
bapowell said:
I don't know what you mean by "whatever ##N## I got..". Got from where? You have a range of N, and for each N there is a mode leaving the horizon at that time. The inflation that happens before N = 60 generates fluctuations that today exist on scales well outside the cosmological horizon. That's the point of the N=60: it's the farthest back we can probe observationally, since our observations are limited by structures (really, correlations) within today's horizon.
What I mean is that, as I solve the dynamical equations for different ##Q## and the initial conditions ##\phi(0)##, ##\dot\phi(0)## for all of the case are the same, the duration is different for each case of them. An example would be for ##Q=10^{-2}##, ##N \approx 137## as you can see from the plots in the previous post.
  • #46
The duration is not relevant to the observables as long as it's sufficient to solve the horizon/flatness problems. Whether I've got an inflation model that lasts for N=1000 or N=100, I want observables at N=60 for each.
  • #47
bapowell said:
The duration is not relevant to the observables as long as it's sufficient to solve the horizon/flatness problems. Whether I've got an inflation model that lasts for N=1000 or N=100, I want observables at N=60 for each.
Then in that case, I should evaluate everything at 60 e-folds before the end of inflation. So suppose I got ##N=200##, I should evaluate the observables at ##N=140## right?
  • #48
If N = 200 is the end, then yes. FYI, conventionally the variable ##N## is defined as the number of e-folds before the end of inflation (which is why I've been saying N=60 this whole time).
  • #49
bapowell said:
If N = 200 is the end, then yes. FYI, conventionally the variable ##N## is defined as the number of e-folds before the end of inflation (which is why I've been saying N=60 this whole time).
Yeah, what you mean by ##N=60## is where we start counting towards the end of inflation. If that is the case, I can just find the quantity in the plot at ##N=60## before the end of inflation, so what's the point of plotting ##k=aH## right? So I can just get ##\dot\phi_*##, and ##H_*## at ##N=60## before the end of inflation in the plot.
  • #50
Well, you originally asked for the spectrum as a function of ##k##, remember?
  • #51
bapowell said:
Well, you originally asked for the spectrum as a function of ##k##, remember?
No, I just want ##P_S## AT the horizon crossing (which now we say at ##N=60##), because my main goal is to get ##r## at the horizon crossing.
  • #52
Yes. Refer to posts #4 and #5 where you confirm that you desire to find ##P(k)##. And to be clear: your main goal here is to find ##r## on a particular observable scale (not simply "at horizon crossing"), which you've selected to be N=60. But, as is standard, we quote observables on a given scale ##k##, and so you need the ##k=aH## mapping to go from ##k## to ##N##.
  • #53
bapowell said:
Yes. Refer to posts #4 and #5 where you confirm that you desire to find ##P(k)##. And to be clear: your main goal here is to find ##r## on a particular observable scale (not simply "at horizon crossing"), which you've selected to be N=60. But, as is standard, we quote observables on a given scale ##k##, and so you need the ##k=aH## mapping to go from ##k## to ##N##.
So you mean, choosing ##N=60## is enough to calculate ##r## at that point though I should state it as you've mentioned in the latter part? Or you mean I should still show ##k=aH## vs ##N## even though I've decided already to compute ##r## at ##N=60##?
  • #54
If you wish to find ##r## at N=60, you're done.
  • #55
bapowell said:
If you wish to find ##r## at N=60, you're done.
Ok, so that is settled. What is the corresponding formula for the spectral index NOT in terms of ##k##? I mean, like the one I posted for ##P_S##, it is the lowest order in slow roll.
  • #56
Check out that Stewart and Lyth references I posted earlier.

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