Calculating the Probability of Winning in Risk: A Closed-Form Solution

In summary, calculating the probability of winning in the board game Risk can be solved using a closed-form solution. This involves understanding the probability of success for each player in a given territory, as well as taking into account the number of dice and the defense bonus for defending territories. With this information, the overall probability of winning can be calculated using a formula that takes into account the number of players and the number of territories on the board. This closed-form solution provides a more accurate and efficient way to determine the probability of winning in Risk compared to other methods.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In a game of Risk, the rules are:

The rules for determining how many dice a player may roll:

1. The attacker may roll as many dice as the number of attacking pieces he is using, to a maximum of 3. If A>3, the attacker continues to roll 3 dice per turn.
2. The defender may roll as many dice as the number of armies on his country, to a maximum of 2. If D>2, the defender continues to roll 2 dice per turn.

The rules for deciding the outcome of a particular throw of the dice are as follows:

1. The highest attacker die is compared against the highest defender die. Whoever has the lower number loses one army. Ties go to the defender.
2. The procedure is repeated for the second-highest dice, where both attackers and defenders have a second die.

If you attack a territory defended by D armies with A armies, what is the probability that you will capture this territory? In such a scenario, how many armies should you expect to lose (whichever side that will prevail)?

2. Other relevant info

Previously I had thought we needed a recursive solution, and reached one with the help of some members on this forum. But now I wonder if a closed-form solution is possible. Take a look at this report: As noted on page 2, A is the number of attacking armies and D is the number of defending armies.

First of all, the probabilities of each outcome on a certain turn are given on page 5. We don't need to worry about that. What really interests us is the section entitled "The Probability of Winning a Battle", and what comes after that (pages 4 onwards).

How do we express the function f(n)ij, found at the bottom of page 4, in closed form, in terms of the values of n, i and j? If we can figure this out, then, as noted half-way down page 5, fij is simply the sum of f(n)ij from n=1 to n=∞. And then, at the bottom of page 5, we perform a summation across all values of j. i=A*D apparently, or perhaps I am interpreting that wrong?

Anyway, if someone can give me help on how to reach the final 2 expressions on the bottom of page 5 in closed-form, that would be a great start.
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  • #2
Another PDF I have found which may offer some solutions is attached, but personally I find it even more confusing.

Edit: I should have noted above that where I said I want a closed-form solution in terms of the values of n, i and j, what I meant was a closed-form solution in terms of n, i, j and the transition probability constants listed on page 4, which I would prefer kept algebraic.


  • Risk Probability Distributions, Daniel Taflin.pdf
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FAQ: Calculating the Probability of Winning in Risk: A Closed-Form Solution

What is a game probability question?

A game probability question is a question that involves determining the likelihood of a certain outcome or event occurring in a game or simulation.

How do you calculate game probabilities?

Game probabilities are typically calculated using mathematical concepts such as probability theory, combinatorics, and statistics. The specific calculations will vary depending on the game and the question being asked.

What factors can affect game probabilities?

There are many factors that can affect game probabilities, including the rules and mechanics of the game, the number of players, and any random elements or chance involved in the game.

Can game probabilities be manipulated?

It is possible for game probabilities to be manipulated, either intentionally or unintentionally. This can happen through changes in the game rules or by exploiting certain strategies or loopholes in the game.

How can understanding game probabilities benefit players or developers?

Understanding game probabilities can benefit players by helping them make more informed decisions and strategize better in games. For developers, understanding game probabilities can aid in creating more balanced and fair games for players to enjoy.
