Calculating the Radius of a Charged Ion's Path in a Magnetic Field

In summary, the problem involves calculating the radius of the path of a singly charged positive ion after being accelerated through a potential difference of 250 V and entering a magnetic field of 0.500 T. The formula to use is r = mv/qB, where r is the radius, m is the mass of the ion, v is the velocity, q is the charge of the ion and B is the magnetic field. To find the velocity, the energy gained by the ion (qV) can be equated to the kinetic energy (1/2mv^2) and solved for v. This approximation is valid as the velocity is much less than the speed of light.
  • #1
Here is the problem:
A singly charged positive ion has a mass of 2.50 X 10 ^-26 kg. After being accelerated through a potential difference of 250 V, the ion enters a magnetic field of 0.500 T, in a direction perpendicular to the field. Calculate the radius of the path of the ion in the field.

I believe the formula to use is this: r = mv/qB
and it should look like this with what is given:
r = (2.5 X 10^-26 kg) v / (1.6 X 10^-19)(.50T)

if that is correct, the only thing I'm having trouble with is the velocity. How do I find the velocity? :blushing:

if that isn't correct, then I'm lost. :blushing: :blushing:

Thank you for your help.
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  • #2
Hi :)

The formula you stated is absolutely correct. To find the velocity after being accelerated, first you'll have to find the energy the ion has gained from rest to after being accelerated. Since the ion is singly charged, it carries a charge of 1.6 X 10 ^-19.

Energy gained by the ion = qV where q is the charge of the ion and V the P.D.

This value is equivalent to the KE gained by the ion which is = 1/2(m)(v)^2. You can then find the velocity. Should work out to approx 5.66 X 10^4 ms^-1
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  • #3
Just to add to what al_201314 said, if the velocity was to become very close to the speed of light (c), you would have to use the equation for relativistic kinetic energy. However, as in this case the velocity is much less than c, using standard kinetic energy is a good approximation.

  • #4
al_201314 said:
Hi :)

Energy gained by the ion = qV where q is the charge of the ion and V the P.D.

This value is equivalent to the KE gained by the ion which is = 1/2(m)(v)^2. You can then find the velocity. Should work out to approx 5.66 X 10^4 ms^-1

THANK YOU... I got it. SO MUCH HELP! thank you thank you thank you
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  • #5
Hootenanny said:
Just to add to what al_201314 said, if the velocity was to become very close to the speed of light (c), you would have to use the equation for relativistic kinetic energy. However, as in this case the velocity is much less than c, using standard kinetic energy is a good approximation.

Is there a way to relate the classical 1/2m(v)^2 to E=m(c)^2? Does it mean to say that if the ion is moving close to the speed of light it will possesses energy equivalent to its mass an the square of the speed of light? Why is this so since even a stationary mass will have energy according to E=m(c)^2?

Thanks for the help, these questions just got to me when I read your post and I do not have a deep understanding of relativity.
  • #6
al_201314 said:
Is there a way to relate the classical 1/2m(v)^2 to E=m(c)^2? Does it mean to say that if the ion is moving close to the speed of light it will possesses energy equivalent to its mass an the square of the speed of light? Why is this so since even a stationary mass will have energy according to E=m(c)^2?

Thanks for the help, these questions just got to me when I read your post and I do not have a deep understanding of relativity.

There most certainly is. The full equation for relativistic kinetic energy is given by;

[tex]E_{k} = \frac{m_{0}c^2}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{v^2}{c^2}}} - m_{0}c^2[/tex]

Where [itex]m_{0}[/itex] is the rest mass of the object. Regarding you question;

Why is this so since even a stationary mass will have energy according to E=m(c)^2?

See what happens to the above equation when you let v = 0.

E = mc2 takes into account both rest and kinetic energy; note however, that m is not the rest mass.

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  • #7
Thanks H~ for the explanation.

FAQ: Calculating the Radius of a Charged Ion's Path in a Magnetic Field

1. What is the relationship between magnetism and velocity?

The relationship between magnetism and velocity can be described by the Lorentz force law, which states that a charged particle moving at a velocity in the presence of a magnetic field will experience a force perpendicular to both its velocity and the magnetic field.

2. What is the difference between magnetic force and velocity?

Magnetic force refers to the force exerted on a charged particle by a magnetic field, while velocity refers to the speed and direction of the particle's motion. These two concepts are related through the Lorentz force law, which describes the force on a charged particle moving through a magnetic field.

3. How does velocity affect the strength of a magnetic field?

The strength of a magnetic field is not affected by the velocity of a charged particle moving through it. However, the direction of the magnetic force on the particle will change as its velocity changes.

4. How do magnetic fields affect the motion of objects?

If an object is charged and moving through a magnetic field, the field will exert a force on the object, causing it to change direction. This is known as the Lorentz force. Magnetic fields can also affect the motion of electrically conductive materials through electromagnetic induction.

5. Can magnetic fields affect the speed of an object?

Magnetic fields do not directly affect the speed of an object. However, they can change the direction of the object's motion, which can indirectly affect its speed. Magnetic fields can also be used to accelerate or decelerate charged particles in certain applications, such as particle accelerators.

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