Calculating the Ricci tensor on the surface of a 3D sphere

In summary: The indices don't balance, because you have a stray ##k## on the right-hand side. What is the formula supposed to be and where did it come from?The formula is supposed to be ##R_{ij} = \frac {\partial \Gamma^{l}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^l} + \frac {\partial \Gamma^{l}_{il} } {\partial x^j}##, but you have ##j## instead of ##k##. It's from wiki:...The indices don't balance, because you have a stray ##k## on the right-hand side. What is the formula supposed to be and where did it come from?
  • #1
Hello, I'm trying to calculate Christoffel symbols on 2D surface of 3D sphere, the metric tensor is gij = diag {1/(1 − k*r2), r2}, where k is the curvature. I derived it using the formula for symbols of second kind, but I think I've made mistake somewhere. Then I would like to know which of the symbol use to calculate Ricci tensor. Hope somebody will help, sorry I'm just a beginner in relativity.
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  • #2
I'm not familiar with the coordinates you're using. The coordinates I usually use have a metric as in

I'm not sure what symbols to use for your coordinates, I chose x an y. Then your line element is:

$$g_{xx} = \frac{dx^2}{1-k\,r^2} \quad g_{yy} = r^2\,dy^2 \quad ds^2 = g_{xx}\,dx^2 + g_{yy}dy^2$$

I'm not getting good results with this, the Riemann comes out zero. I was thinking that maybe r was a function of x an y, but I don't think that makes sense.

It would also help greatly if you could use Latex to format your post. There are tutorials around on PF, for one.
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  • #3
It's metric in polar coordinates where ##ds^2= \frac {dr^2 } {(1-kr^2) } + r^2d \phi^2## , and the ##k= \frac {1} {R^2 }##, where R is the radius of the sphere.

Edit: the bottom of the friction
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  • #4
Z3kr0m said:
It's metric in polar coordinates where ##ds^2= \frac {dr^2 } {(1-kr^2) } + r^2d \phi^2## , and the ##k= \frac {1} {R^2 }##, where R is the radius of the sphere.

Edit: the bottom of the friction

With GRTensor, I'm getting
$$\Gamma^r{}{}_{rr} = \frac{-kr}{kr^2-1} \quad \Gamma^r{}_{\phi\phi} = (kr^2-1)r \quad \Gamma^\phi{}_{r\phi} = \frac{1}{r}$$

For the Rici

$$R_{ab} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{-k}{kr^2-1} & 0 \\ 0 & kr^2 \\ \end{bmatrix}

the sole non-zero component of the Riemann is

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  • #5
Thank you very much! :) And can you please show how you use the Christoffels in Ricci formula? ##R_{ij} = \frac {\partial \Gamma^{l}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^l} + \frac {\partial \Gamma^{l}_{il} } {\partial x^j} ## ... So which coordinate should I use as ##l##?

[Mentors' note: edited to fix a small Latex formatting problem]
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  • #6
Z3kr0m said:
Thank you very much! :) And can you please show how you use the Christoffels in Ricci formula? ##R_{ij} = \frac {\partial \Gamma^{l}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^l} + \frac {\partial \Gamma^{l}_{il} } {\partial x^j} ## ... So which coordinate should I use as ##l##?
None. When an index is repeated like that, you're summing over it - google for "Einstein summation convention" for details. includes a decent introduction.
  • #7
I know the summation convention, I'm just not familiar with it in this formula. So I don't know how to use the symbols in it.
  • #8
I use an automated program that shields me from the details of the claculations, which are long and error-prone.

But one can write

$$R^\rho{}_{\sigma\mu\nu} = \partial_\mu\Gamma^\rho{}_{\nu\sigma}
- \partial_\nu\Gamma^\rho{}_{\mu\sigma}
+ \Gamma^\rho{}_{\mu\lambda}\Gamma^\lambda{}_{\nu\sigma}
- \Gamma^\rho{}_{\nu\lambda}\Gamma^\lambda{}_{\mu\sigma}$$

to find the Riemann, and the Ricci is then the contraction of the first and third slots of the Riemann, i.e.

$$R_{\mu\nu} = R^{\rho}{}_{\mu \rho \nu}$$


You'll need to be familiar with the Einstein summation convention and the concept of tensor contraction,

If you're not already familiar with these concepts, I'm not sure Wiki will explain it in enough detail for you to figure it out without a textbook (and a lot of study), but at least you'll have some idea of what to look for.

Also, I've not written out all the permutations of terms that are given by symmetries in the above. Using my automated program to calculate exactly what I wrote above, I get:

$$R^r{}_{\phi r \phi} = -R^r{}_{\phi\phi r} = kr^2$$
$$R^\phi{}_{r r \phi} = -R^\phi{}_{r \phi r} = \frac{k}{kr^2-1}$$

I tried not to make any typos, but I wouldn't guarantee it absolutely.
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  • #9
Okay, thank you very much! :)
  • #10
Z3kr0m said:
I know the summation convention, I'm just not familiar with it in this formula. So I don't know how to use the symbols in it.
On looking again, something seems wrong in
##R_{ij} = \frac {\partial \Gamma^{l}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^l} + \frac {\partial \Gamma^{l}_{il} } {\partial x^j} ##
The indices don't balance, because you have a stray ##k## on the right-hand side. What is the formula supposed to be and where did it come from?
  • #12
Z3kr0m said:
It's a mistake, there should be ##j## instead of ##k##. It's from wiki:
OK, then you interpret a term like ##\frac {\partial \Gamma^{l}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^l}## as $$\frac {\partial \Gamma^{l}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^l}\equiv\sum_{l=0}^3\frac{\partial\Gamma^l_{ik}}{\partial{x}^l}\equiv\frac {\partial \Gamma^{0}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^0}+\frac {\partial \Gamma^{1}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^1}+\frac {\partial \Gamma^{2}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^2}+\frac {\partial \Gamma^{3}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^3}$$
Here the superscript on the ##x## is not exponentiation; it designates one of your four coordinates in whatever coordinate system you are using. For example, a common convention with Minkowski coordinates in flat space is ##x^0\equiv{t}##, ##x^1\equiv{x}##, ##x^2\equiv{y}##, ##x^3\equiv{z}##.
  • #13
Nugatory said:
OK, then you interpret a term like ##\frac {\partial \Gamma^{l}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^l}## as $$\frac {\partial \Gamma^{l}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^l}\equiv\sum_{l=0}^3\frac{\partial\Gamma^l_{ik}}{\partial{x}^l}\equiv\frac {\partial \Gamma^{0}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^0}+\frac {\partial \Gamma^{1}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^1}+\frac {\partial \Gamma^{2}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^2}+\frac {\partial \Gamma^{3}{}_{ik}} {\partial x^3}$$
Here the superscript on the ##x## is not exponentiation; it designates one of your four coordinates in whatever coordinate system you are using. For example, a common convention with Minkowski coordinates in flat space is ##x^0\equiv{t}##, ##x^1\equiv{x}##, ##x^2\equiv{y}##, ##x^3\equiv{z}##.
Ok, thank you very much!

Related to Calculating the Ricci tensor on the surface of a 3D sphere

1. How is the Ricci tensor calculated on the surface of a 3D sphere?

The Ricci tensor on the surface of a 3D sphere can be calculated using the formula R_ab = -k(g_ab - n_a n_b), where R_ab is the Ricci tensor, k is the Gaussian curvature, g_ab is the metric tensor, and n_a n_b is the outer unit normal vector.

2. What is the significance of calculating the Ricci tensor on the surface of a 3D sphere?

The Ricci tensor on the surface of a 3D sphere is a measure of the curvature at a given point on the sphere. It is an important tool in understanding the geometry and physics of the sphere.

3. How does the Ricci tensor on the surface of a 3D sphere relate to the overall curvature of the sphere?

The Ricci tensor is a component of the Riemann curvature tensor, which describes the overall curvature of a space. On a 3D sphere, the Ricci tensor is directly related to the Gaussian curvature, which is a measure of the intrinsic curvature of the surface.

4. Can the Ricci tensor be calculated for any point on the surface of a 3D sphere?

Yes, the Ricci tensor can be calculated for any point on the surface of a 3D sphere. However, the value of the Ricci tensor may vary depending on the point chosen, as the Gaussian curvature is not constant on a 3D sphere.

5. How is the Ricci tensor used in practical applications on the surface of a 3D sphere?

The Ricci tensor is used in various fields such as physics, mathematics, and engineering to understand the curvature and geometry of a 3D sphere. It is also used in the study of general relativity, where it plays a crucial role in describing the curvature of space-time.

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