Calculating time/velocity for relativistic cosmic ray

In summary: For part b, the particle was stationary and the observer was moving, while for part c, the observer was stationary and the particle was moving.So when you say that "the only thing that (I suspect) you're having trouble wrapping your head around is that for part c, we're using the following perspective:guy in racecar = Earth bound observerguy at the side of the track = particle", you're exactly right.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A primary cosmic ray (which comes from elsewhere in our Galaxy) hits the nucleus of an
atom in our atmosphere 38 km above the ground and creates an unstable secondary particle,
which then travels straight down toward the ground at a speed of 0.99400c. (The altitude and the speed given in the previous sentence are measured by a person at rest on the ground.)
a) As measured by a person on the ground, how long does it take this particle to reach the
b) Using time dilation, calculate the time it takes the particle to reach the ground, as
measured in the frame of the particle.
c) Using length contraction, calculate the distance from the point of the particle’s creation to
the ground as measured in the frame of the particle.
d) Using your answer to part (c), calculate the time to reach the ground, measured in the
particle’s frame.

Homework Equations

[tex] \Delta t = \frac{\Delta t_0}{\sqrt{1-{u^2/c^2}}} [/tex]
[tex] l = l_0 \sqrt{1-u^2/c^2} [/tex]
[tex] \gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-u^2/c^2}}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Part (a): [tex] \Delta t = \frac{l}{u} = \frac{38*10^3}{0.994*(3*10^8)} = 1.274*10^{-4} \, \mbox{seconds}[/tex]

Part (b): [tex] \Delta t_0 = \Delta t \sqrt{1-u^2/c^2} = 1.274*10^{-4} \sqrt{1-0.994^2} = 1.394*10^{-5} \, \mbox{seconds}[/tex]

Here is where I'm running into a problem, on part (c):
I think that for this part, you solve for [tex] l_0 [/tex], because that would give the proper length:
[tex] l_0 = \frac{l}{\sqrt{1-u^2/c^2}} = \frac{38*10^3}{\sqrt{1-0.994^2}} = 3.474*10^5 \, \mbox{meters} [/tex]

The solution to this problem, however, says:
[tex] l = \frac{l_0}{\gamma} = \frac{38*10^3}{9.142} = 4.156*10^3 \, \mbox{meters} [/tex]

This doesn't make any sense according to length contraction either, because this answer should be the longest possible distance, since this answer is the length in the frame of the object being measured. But this value is less than that from the observer on Earth.

Is there something that I'm missing here?
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  • #2
In the rest frame of the particle, the particle is at rest (by definition) and the Earth is rushing up towards it at 0.994c. For this reason, the Earth's dimensions (in this case distance through atmosphere between particle and ground) appear length contracted to the particle (because the Earth is in motion relative to it). As a result, the 38 km (proper length) as measured by the Earth-bound observer appears length contracted to the "stationary" observer to something much smaller than 38 km.

By the way, if you're still questioning the solution given in the book even after my explanation, I should also point out that it has the virtue of being in exact agreement (with YOUR answer) for delta t0, the time elapsed before the surface of the Earth hits the particle (as measured in the particle reference frame). So you know the book's answer is correct, it's just a matter of convincing yourself of that.
  • #3
cepheid said:
As a result, the 38 km (proper length) as measured by the Earth-bound observer appears length contracted to the "stationary" observer to something much smaller than 38 km.
Does this mean that 38 km is the proper length?
  • #4
Sure. Proper length is the length as measured in the frame of reference in which the thing you're measuring is stationary. If you're on a racecar, and you somehow manage to get out a ruler and measure its length, (while moving) to be 3 m, you'll get the same value as what you did when you measured it when it was sitting in the garage. However, some guy at the side of the track who measures the length of the car while you're moving will get a value that is smaller than 3 m, because you're moving relative to him, therefore, from his perspective, the car is length contracted. This is not the proper length, because it is not the length as measured in the rest frame of the car.

The only thing that (I suspect) you're having trouble wrapping your head around is that for part c, we're using the following perspective:

guy in racecar = Earth bound observer

guy at the side of the track = particle
  • #5
Yes, that's the problem, but I think I'm starting to get it. What's being measured is the Earth, right? And therefore, the Earth bound observer is the one that measures the proper length.
  • #6
Exactly. To reiterate, part a was done in the rest frame of the earth, whereas in parts b and c, we switched to the rest frame of the particle. Therefore, our definition of who was "moving" and who was "stationary" changed.

Related to Calculating time/velocity for relativistic cosmic ray

1. How is time dilation calculated for relativistic cosmic rays?

Time dilation can be calculated using the equation t' = t / √(1- v^2/c^2), where t' is the dilated time, t is the original time, v is the velocity of the cosmic ray, and c is the speed of light. This equation takes into account the relativistic effects of high velocities on the passage of time.

2. How is velocity calculated for relativistic cosmic rays?

The velocity of a relativistic cosmic ray can be calculated using the equation v = c x √(1- (m0/m)^2), where v is the velocity, c is the speed of light, m0 is the rest mass of the cosmic ray, and m is the relativistic mass. This equation takes into account the increase in mass as the cosmic ray approaches the speed of light.

3. What is the difference between relativistic and non-relativistic velocities?

Relativistic velocities are those that are close to the speed of light, while non-relativistic velocities are significantly lower. The main difference between the two is that relativistic velocities have a noticeable effect on the passage of time and the increase in mass, while non-relativistic velocities do not.

4. How do you convert between relativistic and non-relativistic velocities?

To convert between relativistic and non-relativistic velocities, you can use the equation v = √(v^2 + v0^2), where v is the relativistic velocity, v0 is the non-relativistic velocity, and c is the speed of light. This equation takes into account the effects of time dilation and mass increase on the velocity of a cosmic ray.

5. Can time and velocity be calculated for all types of cosmic rays?

Yes, time and velocity can be calculated for all types of cosmic rays, whether they are relativistic or non-relativistic. However, the equations used to calculate these values may differ depending on the type of cosmic ray and its velocity. It is important to take into account the specific properties and behavior of each cosmic ray when calculating its time and velocity.

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