Calculating Toboggan Acceleration and Tension with Newton's Laws

In summary, two toboggans with masses of 60kg and 40kg are connected by a rope and pulled by a force of 250N [E]. Without considering friction, the acceleration of the toboggans is 2.5m/s^2 and the tension in the rope is 100N. When a third toboggan with a mass of 25kg is added and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.10, the acceleration is 1.02m/s^2. The tension in the rope connecting the toboggans is 50N and the force exerted by the first toboggan on the second is 130N [E].
  • #1
Two toboggans are connected by a rope. The first toboggan has a mas of 60 kg and the second has a mass of 40 kg. The two toboggans are pulled by a rope connected to the first toboggan. If the force exerted on the rope is 250N [E], and friction between the toboggans and the ice and be ignored, find:
(a) the acceleration of the toboggans.
(b) the tension in the rope connecting the toboggans

I found the acceleration to be 2.5m/s^2 and the tension in the rope to be 100N

Question 2 it asks, suppose a third toboggan of mas 25kg is connected tot he second toboggan in question 1. Find:
(a) the acceleration of the system of three toboggans.
(b) the force exerted by toggan one on toboggan two.
(c) the force exerted by the second toboggan on the last one.

I got 2m/s^2 for (a), 130N[E] for b and 50N[E] for c

But what I don't get is when it asks me to repeat question 2 with the coefficient of kinetic friction being 0.10.

I only found the acceleration being 1.02m/s^2. How can I find (b) and (c)?
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  • #2
I know I'm not helping but how did you find 2b?
  • #3
Confused too said:
I know I'm not helping but how did you find 2b?

i added the masses of the 40kg and 25kg toboggan then found FNet.
Fnet =ma
Fnet = (65)(2)
Fnet= 130N
  • #4
welcome to pf!

hi whatwhat11! welcome to pf! :smile:

(try using the X2 button just above the Reply box :wink:)
whatwhat11 said:
I only found the acceleration being 1.02m/s^2. How can I find (b) and (c)?

same method

start with (c) …

you know the acceleration a, you know the friction force F, so the tension T is … ? :smile:
  • #5

tiny-tim said:
hi whatwhat11! welcome to pf! :smile:

(try using the X2 button just above the Reply box :wink:)

same method

start with (c) …

you know the acceleration a, you know the friction force F, so the tension T is … ? :smile:

The acceleration is 1.02 and the friction force for all of the toboggans is 122.5N. The answer key says that (b) has to equal 130N again and (c) has to equal 50N again.

For (c) I did Fg=mg
Fg = (25)(-9.8)
Fg = -245N

so the Ff=(0.10)(245)
Ff= 24.5N I am not sure what to do next ;/
  • #6
whatwhat11 said:
… so the Ff=(0.10)(245)
Ff= 24.5N

ok, so T - 24.5 = mass times acceleration :wink:
  • #7
tiny-tim said:
hi whatwhat11! welcome to pf! :smile:

(try using the X2 button just above the Reply box :wink:)same method

start with (c) …

you know the acceleration a, you know the friction force F, so the tension T is … ? :smile:

tiny-tim said:
ok, so T - 24.5 = mass times acceleration :wink:

So (1.02)(25) = 25.5

-24.5 - 25.5 = -50N Right?
  • #8
whatwhat11 said:
So (1.02)(25) = 25.5

-24.5 - 25.5 = -50N Right?

(most people would have made those all pluses :rolleyes:, but …)

yes :smile:
  • #9
Thank you :D

FAQ: Calculating Toboggan Acceleration and Tension with Newton's Laws

What are Newton's Laws?

Newton's Laws are three fundamental principles of physics that describe the motion of objects and the forces acting on them. They were developed by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century and are still used today to explain and predict the behavior of objects in motion.

What is the First Law of Motion?

The First Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will continue in a straight line at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force.

What is the Second Law of Motion?

The Second Law of Motion states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. In other words, the greater the force applied to an object, the greater its acceleration will be. This law is expressed by the equation F=ma.

What is the Third Law of Motion?

The Third Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Action and Reaction, states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object will exert an equal but opposite force back on the first object.

How are Newton's Laws used in everyday life?

Newton's Laws are used in many aspects of everyday life, from driving a car to playing sports. They help us understand how objects move and interact with each other, and are essential in the design of buildings, vehicles, and other structures. They are also used in fields such as engineering, robotics, and space exploration.

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