Calculating total heat transfer by solar water heater

In summary, you are measuring the temperature of the water, the temperature of the heat exchanger, and the flow of water through the system. You would then use these measurements to calculate the heat flow.
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TL;DR Summary
Given a tank of known volume and knowing the temperatures of water as it enters, remains, and leaves the tank, is it possible to calculate heat gained or lost?
I have a solar water heater on my deck, with a circulator powered by PV, that pumps heated glycol through a wand heat exchanger placed in an 80 gallon tank. Water comes from the well's pressure tank, passes through this solar pre-heater tank, then into an LPG heater that adds any heat needed. I want to calculate, in my home automation software, the amount of heat in B.T.U's that are produced in the water flowing through this system. I can measure:

1. The temperature of the water as it enters and exits the system, and in the tank. As well, the temperature of the heat exchanger.
2. The flow of water through the system, which is of course intermittent.

if I can make this calculation periodically, then the software can total it. any guidance would be appreciated.
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  • #2
If you have the temperature and flow, a BTU is the energy required to heat a pound of water by 1 degree F.

...depending on the glycol fraction it may be significant enough to correct for its heat capacity difference (it is less than water).
  • #3
Hello @modernhistorian ,
:welcome: ##\qquad## !​

I have to pass on the units you want to use -- so conversion is left up to you.

You may want to make a diagram of your setup (like here), indicating measurement points, so you can name the variables that occur in the calculations.

Heat flow ##\dot Q## ( in my SI units J/s or W ) is $$ \dot Q = \rho \, c_p \, T\,\Phi$$ with ##\rho## density in kg/m3 , ##c_p## heat capacity in J/(kg##\cdot##K), ##T## the temperature, and ## \Phi## volume flow in m3/s .

With this you can set up a heat balance. (detailed example here)

From your description I understand that you have ##\dot Q## for water at various points. What about the glycol ?
(i.e. I don't understand 'the' temperature of the heat exchanger -- there should be four temperatures: water in and out, glycol in and out)

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FAQ: Calculating total heat transfer by solar water heater

1. How does a solar water heater work?

A solar water heater uses the energy from the sun to heat water. It consists of a solar collector, which absorbs the sun's rays and transfers the heat to a fluid, and a storage tank, where the heated fluid is stored. The heated fluid is then used to heat the water in the tank, which can be used for various purposes such as showering or washing dishes.

2. What factors affect the total heat transfer by a solar water heater?

The total heat transfer by a solar water heater is affected by several factors, including the size and type of solar collector, the amount of sunlight received, the type and amount of fluid used, and the efficiency of the system. Other factors such as temperature differentials and insulation also play a role in the total heat transfer.

3. How is the total heat transfer calculated for a solar water heater?

The total heat transfer for a solar water heater can be calculated by multiplying the energy received from the sun by the efficiency of the system. This can be further broken down into the amount of solar radiation received, the area of the solar collector, and the heat loss from the system. Other factors, such as the temperature differentials and fluid flow rate, may also need to be considered in the calculation.

4. Can the total heat transfer by a solar water heater be increased?

Yes, the total heat transfer by a solar water heater can be increased by optimizing the system's design and components. This can include using a larger or more efficient solar collector, improving insulation, and using a more efficient fluid. Additionally, proper maintenance and cleaning of the system can also help increase the total heat transfer.

5. How does the total heat transfer by a solar water heater compare to other types of water heaters?

The total heat transfer by a solar water heater can vary depending on the specific system and conditions, but in general, it is more efficient than traditional water heaters that use electricity or gas. Solar water heaters can also have a lower environmental impact and can save on energy costs in the long run. However, the initial cost of installation may be higher than other types of water heaters.
