Calculating Total Mass of 14CO2 in Atmosphere

In summary, if galactic cosmic rays produce 75 gm of 14C per year in Earth’s atmosphere, the 14C resides in the atmosphere as 14CO2 and the radioactive decay half life of 14C is 5730 years. Calculate the total mass of 14CO2 in the atmosphere 11 years after the increase in the cosmic ray production rate.
  • #1
(a) If galactic cosmic rays produce 75 gm of [itex] ^{14} C [/itex] per year in Earth’s atmosphere, the [tex]^{14} C [/itex] resides in the atmosphere as 14CO2 and the radioactive decay half life of [itex] ^{14} C [/itex] is 5730 years, calculate the total mass of [itex] ^{14} [/itex]CO2 in the atmosphere.

ok the half life equation is quite simple... quantity after time, t is
[tex] q(t) = 2^{-\frac{t}{5760}} [/tex]
would this form something of a differential equation?
[tex] \frac{dq}{dt} = 75g/yr - \frac{2^{-\frac{t}{5760}}}{5760} [/tex]
the equilibrium of this system would be when the out rate is equal tothe in rate... from this i can solve for t... which i then sub into the equation for q(t) ?

Is that good?

(b) If the cosmic ray production rate suddenly increased to 150 gm of 14C per year which of the following would be true about the total mass of 14CO2 in the atmosphere 11 years after the increase in the cosmic ray production rate (explain your answer):
(i) The amount of 14CO2 in the atmosphere would have doubled.
(ii) The amount of 14CO2 in the atmosphere would have increased by (11/5730) x 100%
(iii) The amount of 14CO2 in the atmosphere would have increased only very slightly.

i guess i could answer this one if i knew if 1 was a) was done correctly?
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  • #2
For (a), you want something more like

[tex]\frac {dq}{dt} = r - \frac {q}{\tau}[/tex]

where q is the amount of the isotope in the atmosphere, r is its rate of production and [itex]\tau = 5760/ ln(2) yr[/itex].
  • #3
so then the equilibrium is when dq/dt = 0? From thsi i can find a t (time) value. Using this in the equation for q(t) (for which i need to solve the diff eq) i can find the quantitiy in the atmosphere? Is that correct?
  • #4
stunner5000pt said:
so then the equilibrium is when dq/dt = 0? From thsi i can find a t (time) value. Using this in the equation for q(t) (for which i need to solve the diff eq) i can find the quantitiy in the atmosphere? Is that correct?

That is correct! You can use the steady state value you obtained as the initial condition when the new production rate takes effect.
  • #5
a couple of doubts i need to clarify

how did you get the ln(2) term for tau? Shouldnt it be 2^something?
Also is dq/dt
[tex] \frac{dq}{dt} = 75 - \frac{qt \ln(2)}{5760} [/tex]

however... i am unable to solve the diff eq. I tried using mathematica and it gave me an answer that involves erfi...
as a result i am unable to find q(t) from the diff eq

so do i simply use this equation for q(t)?

[tex] q(t) = 2^{-\frac{t}{5760}} [/tex]
when the new production rate takes over then the dq/dt equation changes with replacing 75 with 150. But if i can't solve the diff eq then how can i solve for the q(11)?
  • #6
The time constant is related to the half-life by

[tex]\frac {1}{2} = e^{-t_{1/2}/\tau}[/tex]

Your DE has a factor of t (second term - right side) that does not belong. The solution will involve a simple exponential.
  • #7
[tex] \frac{dq}{dt} = 75 - \frac{q \ln(2)}{5760} [/tex]

yields [tex] q(t) = -\frac{5760}{\ln 2} C e^{t \ln2/5760} + \frac{75 * 5760}{\ln 2} [/tex]
if i put dq/dt =0 get for q = 6.2 x 10^5 kg (a few tonnes, which agrees with my prof's answer range)
using this value for q(0) in

[tex] \frac{dq}{dt} = 150 - \frac{q \ln(2)}{5760} [/tex]
i can solve the constant of integration
and i can compute q(11)
all good?
  • #8
Looks good, Stunner! Now take it the rest of the way. :)

FAQ: Calculating Total Mass of 14CO2 in Atmosphere

1. How is the total mass of 14CO2 in the atmosphere calculated?

The total mass of 14CO2 in the atmosphere is calculated by measuring the concentration of 14CO2 in the air and multiplying it by the total mass of the atmosphere. This can be done through various methods such as collecting air samples and using radiocarbon dating techniques.

2. What is the significance of calculating the total mass of 14CO2 in the atmosphere?

Calculating the total mass of 14CO2 in the atmosphere is important for understanding the global carbon cycle and how carbon is exchanged between the atmosphere, oceans, and land. It also helps in studying the impact of human activities on the levels of 14CO2 in the atmosphere.

3. How does the total mass of 14CO2 in the atmosphere change over time?

The total mass of 14CO2 in the atmosphere can change over time due to various factors such as changes in carbon emissions, natural carbon cycle processes, and human activities like deforestation. These changes can be monitored and studied through continuous measurements and analysis.

4. What is the role of 14CO2 in climate change?

14CO2 is a greenhouse gas that contributes to the Earth's natural greenhouse effect, trapping heat and warming the planet. Its levels in the atmosphere can affect the Earth's overall temperature and contribute to climate change. Understanding its total mass in the atmosphere is crucial for studying and mitigating the effects of climate change.

5. How do scientists measure the concentration of 14CO2 in the atmosphere?

Scientists use various methods to measure the concentration of 14CO2 in the atmosphere, such as collecting air samples and using radiocarbon dating techniques. They also use satellite observations and atmospheric modeling to estimate global 14CO2 levels. These methods allow for accurate and continuous monitoring of 14CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
