Calculating Uncertainties in Volume and Density Measurements - Tips and Examples

  • Thread starter kayleech
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In summary, these are my measurements:-D1 = 5.381 +/- 0.001 cm-D2 = 2.070 +/- 0.001 cm-t = 0.304 +/- 0.005 cm-m = 40.04 +/- 0.005 g
  • #1
These are my measurements:
D1 = 5.381 +/- 0.001 cm
D2 = 2.070 +/- 0.001 cm
t = 0.304 +/- 0.005 cm
m = 40.04 +/- 0.005 g

I then calculated the uncertainties of D1 and D2 squared:
D1^2 = 28.95 +/- 0.01 cm^2
D2^2 = 4.285 +/- 0.004 cm^2
D1^2 - D2^2 = 24.67 +/- 0.01 cm^2

Up until there, I'm pretty sure everything is correct.

Than I had to calculate the volume of the washer by using the equation:
(pi x (D1^2 - D2^2) x t)/4

And I basically got stuck there. I'm not sure how to calculate my uncertainties when multiplying by t and so on.

I tried it out by first adding the uncertainties of Dtotal and t (when multiplied) by using this equation:
Dtotal^2 x t +/- Dtotal^2 x t x (change in Dtotal/Dtotal + change in t/t)

That gave me a volume of 5.9 +/- 0.1 cm^3... which I then used to calculate a density of 6.8 +/- 0.1 g/cm^3.

Does this seem correct or what am I doing wrong? I also don't know how to express my answers while doing the calculations; as in, I have random numbers from subtracting my givens (while subtracting my uncertainties) that I don't end up using.

I'm really confused.
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  • #2
How do you plus or minus something? Dtotal^2 x t +/- Dtotal^2?

Do you know how partial derivatives work? You want to use

[tex] \left( \sum_{i=1}^n \left( \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i} \Delta x_i \right)^2 \right)^{1/2}[/tex]

where f is the function you are evaluating, in this case the volume, the x_i's are each variable (d1, d2, ...), and the delta xi's are the uncertainties in each variable.
  • #3
I'm confused how to even use that equation though!
  • #4
I figured it out using this website: .

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  • #5
Okay, as long as you got it. They have the total differential a little bit below, I was posting the magnitude of it (because an error vector is worthless). I like taking the magnitude of the total differential because it comes directly from vector calculus, and always works.

FAQ: Calculating Uncertainties in Volume and Density Measurements - Tips and Examples

1. What is uncertainty?

Uncertainty refers to a lack of knowledge or understanding about a particular topic or situation. It is often associated with a range of possible outcomes or interpretations, rather than a single definitive answer.

2. Why is uncertainty important in science?

Uncertainty is a crucial aspect of the scientific process as it highlights areas where more research or data is needed. It also allows scientists to acknowledge potential limitations or weaknesses in their findings, leading to more accurate and reliable conclusions.

3. How do scientists deal with uncertainty?

Scientists use a variety of methods to address uncertainty, including statistical analysis, multiple experiments or studies, and acknowledging potential sources of error. They also communicate their uncertainty through the use of confidence intervals and uncertainty ranges.

4. Can uncertainty ever be eliminated in science?

No, uncertainty is an inherent part of the scientific process and can never be completely eliminated. However, through rigorous research and testing, scientists can reduce uncertainty and increase confidence in their findings.

5. How does uncertainty impact decision-making?

Uncertainty can make decision-making more challenging, as it requires individuals to weigh the potential risks and benefits of different options. However, acknowledging and considering uncertainty can also lead to more informed and cautious decision-making.
