Calculating values of impedance in a series/parallel circuit

In summary, the conversation was about calculating values for a series circuit and a parallel circuit using different equations. The expert summarizer explains the correct equations for calculating complex impedances and how to use them to find values for currents and voltages in both types of circuits. The conversation ends with the expert reassuring the person that they will learn more about complex impedances in the future.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hello everyone, I have recently come under some stress from not being able to get these answers correct. I need to calculate these values:
  1. Zeq
  2. IT
  3. XL2
  4. XL1
  5. VR1
  6. VR2
  7. VL1
  8. VL2
For this series circuit:


And these values:
  1. Zeq
  2. IT
  3. XL2
  4. XL1
  5. IR1
  6. IR2
  7. IL1
  8. IL2
For this parallel circuit:


Homework Equations

I have been using these equations, but I am told that they are incorrect. My professor will not indicate what the correct equations are and I cannot find them in my textbook or online. Any help would be appreciated.

Zeq = sqrt(RT^2+XL^2) where XL is both values of XL1 and XL2 added together.
IT = Vs/ZT This is where I get confused, is ZT the same as Zeq?
XL2 = (2*pi*Frequency*L2)
XL1 = (2*pi*Frequency*L1)
VR1 = (R1/RT)*Vs
VR2 = (R2/RT)*Vs
VL1 = (L1/LT)*Vs Where LT is L1 and L2 added together.
VL2= (L2/LT)*Vs
IR1= I could not find the equation for this value.
IR2 = I could not find the equation for this value.
IL1 = Vs/L1
IL2 = Vs/L2

The Attempt at a Solution

Here are the values that I came up with for the series circuit:

Phase = -tan((942.48+502.65)/100) = 86.04 degrees.
a. Zeq = 15Vrms / .03333A = 450ohms
b, It = 15Vrms/450ohms = 33.33mA∠-86.04 degrees
c. XL1 = (2*pi*1000Hz*.150H) = 942.48ohms
d. XL2 = (2*pi*1000Hz*.08) = 502.65ohms
e. VR1 = 150ohms/450ohms * 15Vrms = 5Vrms ∠0 degrees
f. VR2 = 300ohms/450ohms * 15Vrms = 10Vrms ∠0 degrees
g. VL1 = .08H/.23H * 15Vrms = 5.22Vrms ∠-90 degrees
h. VL2 = .150/.23H * 15Vrms = 9.78Vrms ∠-90 degrees And here are the values I came up with for the parallel circuit: a. Zeq = 15Vrms / .03333 = 450ohms
b. IT = 33.33mA ∠-86.04 degrees
c. XL2 = (2*pi*1000Hz*.150H) = 942.48ohms
d. XL1 = (2*pi*1000Hz*.08H) = 502.65ohms
e. VR1 = 150ohms/450ohms * 15Vrms = 5Vrms ∠0 degrees
f. VR2 = 300ohms/450ohms * 15Vrms = 10Vrms ∠0 degrees
g. IL1 = 15Vrms/.08H = 187.5A.
h. IL2 = 15Vrms/.150H = 100A

Any help at all would be very, very much appreciated. I really cannot find the equations for the life of me, and it is frustrating.
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  • #2
Rougarou22 said:
Zeq = sqrt(RT^2+XL^2) where XL is both values of XL1 and XL2 added together.
That's correct as for the absolute value of Zeq, ( | Zeq | ).

Are you not familiar with complex impedances ? Here is the value:

Zeq = ( R1+R2 ) + jω( L1+L2 )

You can calculate exactly like if all the impedances were ohmic, just using complex values instead of real values.

It will be much more easy ( your calculator will do the job ) to calculate voltages, current, phases, etc. using complex values:

As for the series connection, IR1 = IR2 = IL1 = IL2 = Vs / Zeq ( like I = V / R ).
  • #3
Hesch said:
That's correct as for the absolute value of Zeq, ( | Zeq | ).

Are you not familiar with complex impedances ? Here is the value:

Zeq = ( R1+R2 ) + jω( L1+L2 )

You can calculate exactly like if all the impedances were ohmic, just using complex values instead of real values.

It will be much more easy ( your calculator will do the job ) to calculate voltages, current, phases, etc. using complex values:

As for the series connection, IR1 = IR2 = IL1 = IL2 = Vs / Zeq ( like I = V / R ).
Thank you very much for the reply! I am not familiar with complex impedances. In Zeq = (R1+R2) + jω(L1+L2), what values are "j" and "ω"? So IR1, IR2, IL1 and IL2 are all calculated by Vs/Zeq?
  • #4
Rougarou22 said:
what values are "j" and "ω
j ( also called "i" ) is the imaginary operator: j2 = -1.
ω is the angular velocity in radians/sek. ( ω = 2πf ).
Rougarou22 said:
IR2, IL1 and IL2 are all calculated by Vs/Zeq?
Yes, through all components in series, the currents are identical ( Kirchhoffs 1. law, KCL ).

I'm sorry, I thought that the complex values of impedances was what your professor meant. But you will learn about these complex impedances. I promise.
  • #5
Hesch said:
j ( also called "i" ) is the imaginary operator: j2 = -1.
ω is the angular velocity in radians/sek. ( ω = 2πf ).

Yes, through all components in series, the currents are identical ( Kirchhoffs 1. law, KCL ).

I'm sorry, I thought that the complex values of impedances was what your professor meant. But you will learn about these complex impedances. I promise.
Alright, everything makes much more sense now. Thank you very much for your help, I truly appreciate it!

Related to Calculating values of impedance in a series/parallel circuit

1. How do you calculate the total impedance in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, the total impedance is equal to the sum of all individual impedances. This can be calculated using the formula Z(total) = Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + ... + Zn, where Z1-Zn are the individual impedances in the circuit.

2. What is the formula for calculating the total impedance in a parallel circuit?

The total impedance in a parallel circuit can be calculated using the formula Z(total) = 1 / (1/Z1 + 1/Z2 + 1/Z3 + ... + 1/Zn), where Z1-Zn are the individual impedances in the circuit.

3. How do you calculate the individual impedances in a series circuit?

The impedance of each component in a series circuit can be calculated using the formula Z = R + jX, where R is the resistance of the component and X is the reactance (either inductive or capacitive).

4. What is the difference between impedance and resistance in a circuit?

Resistance is a measure of how much a material or component resists the flow of current. Impedance, on the other hand, takes into account both resistance and reactance, which is the opposition to the flow of current caused by inductance or capacitance.

5. How does the presence of inductors and capacitors affect the impedance in a circuit?

Inductors and capacitors can change the overall impedance in a circuit due to their reactance. Inductors have a reactance that increases with frequency, while capacitors have a reactance that decreases with frequency. This can result in a change in the overall impedance and affect the flow of current in the circuit.

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