Calculating Vapor Quality in Tank A: Detailed Solution & Step-by-Step Guide

  • Thread starter fishinbs
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In summary, the problem involves two tanks, A and B, connected by a valve. Before the valve is opened, tank A has 10% liquid and 90% vapor of R-12 at 25 degrees C, with a specific volume of 0.000763 m3/kg for the liquid and 0.02685 m3/kg for the vapor. After the valve is opened, the vapor expands to fill both tanks until the pressure in tank B equals that of tank A, resulting in a mass of 14.15 kg of vapor in tank A. The quality of the vapor in tank A can be determined using the formula x = (v - vf)/vfg, where v is the specific volume of the vapor
  • #1
I'm having trouble beginning this problem. It doesn't seem that I have enough information to begin the problem, but I know that can't be the case. Can someone please provide a little direction?

Consider two tanks, A and B, connected by a valve. Each has a volume of 200L, and tank A has R-12 at 25 degrees C, 10% liquid and 90% vapor by volume, while tank B is evacuated. The valve is now opened and saturated vapor flows from A to B until the pressure in B has reached that in A, at which point the valve is closed. This process occurs slowly such that all temperatures stay at 25 degrees C throughout the process. How much has the quality changed in tank A during the process?

EDIT---> Ok, here's what I've got so far:

Before the valve is opened:

specific volume of R-12 liquid is .000763 m3/kg
mass of the R-12 liquid= 20L/.763L/kg= 26.21 kg

specific volume of R-12 vapor is .02685 m3/kg
mass of the R-12 vapor= 180L/26.85L/kg= 6.70 kg

After the valve is opened:

mass of the R-12 vapor= 380L/26.85L/kg= 14.15 kg

What I don't understand is how I determine how much vapor is still in tank A. To determine the quality, I need to know the specific volume of the vapor still in the tank. The formula I have for quality is:

x(quality)= (υ – υf)/ υfg where υf is the specific volume of the liquid and υfg is the specific volume of the vapor-liquid mixture.
Thanks for your help so far. If you could provide any more assistance I would be grateful.
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Physics news on
  • #2
The vapour pressure for a pure liquid is only temperature dependent. If this R-12 can be considered such then the amount of vapour will increase as it expands from 180 L to 380 L in order to keep its pressure the same. Since the expansion is adiabatically the vapour will stay in a state of saturation during all stages of the expansion. My physics intuition tells me that the density of the vapour (and the liquid) should stay the same under such conditions.
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  • #3

As a scientist, it is important to approach problems systematically and logically. In this case, we are dealing with a thermodynamic process involving two tanks, A and B, and a valve connecting them. The goal is to determine the change in vapor quality in tank A during the process.

First, let's define some variables that will help us solve the problem:

V_A = volume of tank A (200L)
V_B = volume of tank B (200L)
T = temperature (25 degrees C)
m_liq = mass of liquid in tank A before the valve is opened
m_vap = mass of vapor in tank A before the valve is opened
m_tot = total mass in tank A before the valve is opened
x_before = vapor quality in tank A before the valve is opened
m_vap_final = mass of vapor in tank A after the valve is closed
x_after = vapor quality in tank A after the valve is closed

Next, let's use the given information to determine the initial conditions in tank A before the valve is opened. We are told that the tank contains R-12 at 25 degrees C, with 10% liquid and 90% vapor by volume. This means that the total volume of the mixture is 200L, with 20L being liquid and 180L being vapor. Using the specific volume values given, we can calculate the mass of liquid and vapor in tank A:

m_liq = V_A * (10/100) * 0.000763 = 1.526 kg
m_vap = V_A * (90/100) * 0.02685 = 4.831 kg
m_tot = m_liq + m_vap = 6.357 kg

We can also calculate the initial vapor quality in tank A:

x_before = m_vap/m_tot = 4.831/6.357 = 0.759

Now, let's consider what happens when the valve is opened and vapor flows from tank A to tank B. Since the process occurs slowly, we can assume that the temperature remains constant at 25 degrees C throughout. This means that the specific volume of the vapor remains the same (0.02685 m3/kg) and the specific volume of the liquid also remains the same (0.000763 m3/kg).

Since the process is isothermal (constant temperature), we can use the ideal gas law to determine the final pressure

FAQ: Calculating Vapor Quality in Tank A: Detailed Solution & Step-by-Step Guide

1. What is pressure?

Pressure is the amount of force applied to a unit of area. It is typically measured in units of pounds per square inch (psi) or pascals (Pa).

2. How is pressure related to problems?

Problems with pressure can occur when there is an imbalance between the force applied and the area over which it is applied. This can lead to issues such as leaks, ruptures, and other structural failures.

3. What are some common sources of pressure problems?

Some common sources of pressure problems include faulty equipment or components, improper installation, and changes in temperature or elevation.

4. How can pressure problems be prevented?

Proper maintenance and regular inspections can help prevent pressure problems. It is also important to follow manufacturer guidelines and ensure that equipment is installed correctly.

5. What should I do if I encounter a pressure problem?

If you encounter a pressure problem, it is important to address it immediately to prevent further damage or potential safety hazards. This may involve shutting off equipment, contacting a professional for repairs, or implementing safety measures to protect against potential failures.
