Calculating Vector Surface Integrals in Spherical Coordinates

In summary, the OP attempted to solve a homework problem using spherical coordinates, but made a basic mistake in the setup. He needs to cross the partials of the parameterization of the surface in order to calculate the dS vector.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let er be the unit radial vector and r=sqrt(x2+y2+z2). Calculate the integral of F=e-rer over:
a. The upper-hemisphere of x2+y2+z2=9, outward pointing normal
b. The octant x,y,z>=0 of the unit sphere centered at the origin

The Attempt at a Solution

int(int(F dot dS))=int(int(F dot erdS))
=int(int(e-r<cos(theta),sin(theta),r> dot <rcos(theta),rsin(theta),sqrt(9-r2)>dr dtheta

The bounds of r are 0 to 3 and theta: 0 to 2pi.
I know the answer from the back of the book (18pi*(e^-3)), but I'm not getting this. Once I have the integral set up correctly, I don't have a problem evaluating it. I apologize for the annoying notation.
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  • #2
hi musicmar! :smile:

(have a theta: θ and a phi: φ and a pi: π and an integral: ∫ :wink:)
musicmar said:
Let er be the unit radial vector and r=sqrt(x2+y2+z2). Calculate the integral of F=e-rer over:
a. The upper-hemisphere of x2+y2+z2=9, outward pointing normal
b. The octant x,y,z>=0 of the unit sphere centered at the origin

int(int(F dot dS))=int(int(F dot erdS))
=int(int(e-r<cos(theta),sin(theta),r> dot <rcos(theta),rsin(theta),sqrt(9-r2)>dr dtheta

The bounds of r are 0 to 3 and theta: 0 to 2pi.
I know the answer from the back of the book (18pi*(e^-3)), but I'm not getting this. Once I have the integral set up correctly, I don't have a problem evaluating it. I apologize for the annoying notation.

erm :redface:why are you using coordinates? :confused:

F.dS = e-r = e-r

just integrate e-r over the area! :wink:
  • #3
F.dS = e-r = e-r …
just integrate e-r over the area!

If you are saying to do

∫e-rdrdθ, 0<=r<=3, 0<=θ<=2π , that doesn't work. You are trying to integrate F, which is e-r times the unit radial vector. Unless I am misinterpreting your suggestion, I don't think it accounts for the radial vector.
  • #4
hmm …

i] e-r is a constant, so you can just multiply it by the area, can't you? :smile:

ii] anyway, the area element is rdrdθ, not drdθ :wink:
  • #5
tiny-tim said:
hmm …

i] e-r is a constant, so you can just multiply it by the area, can't you? :smile:

ii] anyway, the area element is rdrdθ, not drdθ :wink:

No, the surface area element with cylindrical parameterization is

[tex]dS = \frac {3r}{\sqrt{9-r^2}}\ drd\theta[/tex]

which will give his answer.
  • #6
Hi LCKurtz! :smile:

But the surface is a hemisphere, so I was using spherical coordinates …

why would one use cylindrical?
  • #7
tiny-tim said:
Hi LCKurtz! :smile:

But the surface is a hemisphere, so I was using spherical coordinates …

why would one use cylindrical?

Normally, one wouldn't. But that is how the OP set it up in his question so that's the dS he needs to fix his calculations.
  • #8
Actually, on looking more closely at what the OP did, there is a more basic mistake. To calculate the dS vector he needs to cross the partials of the parameterization of the surface, not just use the parameterization of the surface itself in his setup.

Instead of R = <rcos(theta),rsin(theta),sqrt(9-r2) in his integral he needs to cross Rr and r_theta.
  • #9
Hi. Thanks for helping. I just went to my professor's office hours and now know how to do this problem. It should be done in spherical coordinates (I don't know why I tried to do it in cylindrical). I'm pretty sure I don't need cross partials. Because r=rho in this case, e-r is simply e-rho. Using spherical coordinates, everything should work out more or less nicely.

FAQ: Calculating Vector Surface Integrals in Spherical Coordinates

What is a vector surface integral?

A vector surface integral is a mathematical concept that involves finding the flux (flow) of a vector field across a given surface. It is a way to measure the amount of a vector quantity passing through a surface.

What is the formula for calculating a vector surface integral?

The formula for calculating a vector surface integral is ∫∫S F ⋅ dS, where F is the vector field, dS is an infinitesimal element of surface area, and the integration is performed over the surface S.

What is the difference between a scalar surface integral and a vector surface integral?

A scalar surface integral involves finding the flux of a scalar field (a quantity with magnitude but no direction) across a surface, while a vector surface integral involves finding the flux of a vector field (a quantity with both magnitude and direction) across a surface.

What are some real-world applications of vector surface integrals?

Vector surface integrals have various applications in physics and engineering, such as calculating the flux of electric or magnetic fields through a surface, determining the flow of fluids through a surface, and calculating the work done by a force on an object moving along a curved path.

What are some techniques for solving vector surface integrals?

One common technique for solving vector surface integrals is to use the divergence theorem, which allows the integral to be converted into a volume integral. Another technique is to parameterize the surface and use the parametric equations to compute the integral. Additionally, one can use symmetry arguments or apply appropriate coordinate transformations to simplify the integral.

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