Calculating Velocities of Charged Balls Released from 1m Distance

In summary, the total final kinetic energy is equal to the work done by the electric field. In order to find the individual velocities, the total kinetic energy must be divided according to the proportion of the individual masses to the total mass. This is because the electric force acts to accelerate the less massive object to a higher velocity than the more massive one. Using this ratio, the correct equations can be used to solve for the individual velocities.
  • #1
2 balls are held at a distance of 1m from each other and then released, what will each of their velocities be when they are 2m from one another
m1=0.05 (kg)
q1=6*10^-6 (c)
m2=0.1 (kg)
q2=5*10^-6 (c)

what i tried was looking at each ball seperately

Energy===> Ue(initial)=Ue(final)+Ek


but the answers in my textbook are

where have i gone wrong here
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  • #2
devanlevin said:
2 balls are held at a distance of 1m from each other and then released, what will each of their velocities be when they are 2m from one another
m1=0.05 (kg)
q1=6*10^-6 (c)
m2=0.1 (kg)
q2=5*10^-6 (c)

what i tried was looking at each ball seperately

Energy===> Ue(initial)=Ue(final)+Ek


but the answers in my textbook are

where have i gone wrong here
The (1/2)mv^2 (highlighted red, above) is the final total kinetic energy. So, it is actually (1/2*m1*v1^2)+(1/2*m2*v2^2). You then have to ask yourself how that total is split between the two masses to arrive at the individual velocities.

  • #3
so then, i say


then from there i suppose i should split the velocity between the 2 as the ratio of their mass, but i still don't come to the correct answer, i see in the answer that the ratio of the velocity is the same as the ratio of the mass which is logical, but how do i get those numbers
  • #4
The total final kinetic energy KE is (1/2)m1v1^2 + (1/2)m2v2^2 and equals the work done by the electric field w. That work is equal to the difference between the initial and final potential energy.

KE = -w = (kq1q2/r2 - kq1q2/r1) [r2=final dist 2m, r1=initial dist 1m]

The total kinetic energy is divided according to the proportion of the individual masses to the total mass m1+m2. Note however that the ke2 of the more massive m2 is affected proportionally less than that for m1. This makes sense since the electric force acts to accelerate the less massive m1 to a proportionally higher velocity than m2 and it's those new velocities that account for the new individual kinetic energies since the masses haven't changed. That's why the following equations don't look correct (the kinetic energy of m1 using the m2/m1+m2 proportion instead of m1/m1+m2, etc...)

ke1 = -w(m2/m1+m2) [ke1 is kinetic energy of m1, etc]
ke2 = -w(m1/m1+m2)

then you can solve for v1 using ke1 and m1, etc...jf

FAQ: Calculating Velocities of Charged Balls Released from 1m Distance

1. What is electric potential?

Electric potential is a measure of the electrical potential energy per unit of charge at a point in space. It is a scalar quantity that describes the amount of work needed to move a unit of positive charge from a reference point to the point in question.

2. How is electric potential different from electric potential energy?

Electric potential and electric potential energy are closely related but are not the same. Electric potential is a property of a point in space, while electric potential energy is a property of a system or object. Electric potential energy is the amount of energy required to bring a system of charges from infinity to a given point, while electric potential is the potential energy per unit charge at that point.

3. How is electric potential measured?

Electric potential is typically measured in units of volts (V), which is equivalent to joules per coulomb (J/C). It can also be measured in other units such as electron volts (eV) or kilovolts (kV). The electric potential at a point can be measured using a voltmeter.

4. What is the relationship between electric potential and electric field?

Electric potential and electric field are related through the equation V = Ed, where V is the electric potential, E is the electric field, and d is the distance between the point and a reference point. This means that the electric field is the gradient of the electric potential.

5. How is electric potential and energy used in everyday life?

Electric potential and energy play a crucial role in many aspects of our daily lives. They are essential in the generation and transmission of electricity, powering our homes and electronics. They are also important in medical applications, such as in electrocardiograms and defibrillators. Furthermore, understanding electric potential and energy is crucial in designing and operating electronic devices and circuits.
