Calculating Velocity of a Falling Object with Drag Force

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving an object falling through a medium with drag force proportional to its velocity. The equations F=ma, F=KV, and a=dV/dt are used to solve the problem. The correct solution involves solving a first-order linear differential equation and using initial conditions to determine the final formula for velocity in terms of time. The conversation also includes a discussion on the importance of including all necessary variables and correctly solving for the integrating constant.
  • #1
First, let me preface this question that I have been out of academia for about 5 years now, and am just starting to get back into it, although it seems my Calc/Kinematics is a little rusty.b]1. Homework Statement [/b]

An object of weight W is falling through a medium such that the object's drag force is proportional to its velocity. Express the velocity in terms of time if the initial velocity of the object is zero.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Ok, so just from the problem statement alone, I know we have an object on which two forces are acting; the weight of the object due to gravity and the drag force on the object.

Fnet = mg - KV

Since g is always a constant, it's the acceleration of the drag force we are trying to solve for, correct? Since F=KV, and F=ma, by association we have ma=KV, or a=KV/m, so now we have a function of acceleration in terms of velocity. If we plug this into a=dV/dt, we end up with:

KV/m = dV/dt


dt = (m/KV)dV

Integrating both sides, we end up with:

[itex]\int[/itex]dt = (m/K)[itex]\int[/itex](1/V)dV or t = (m/K)ln(V)+C

Now if we solve for V in terms of t we get:

ln(V) = (tK/m)-C or V = e^[(tk/m)-C]

So this is as far as I have been able to get with this problem, because when you plug in initial velocity to solve for C, you get 0 = e^(0-C), but e^x is undefined when x = 0.

Am I making a wrong assumption at the beginning of the problem? I've got about 6 pages of scratch work and I feel this is the closest I've gotten to the actual solution. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
sn0wxboarder said:
An object of weight W is falling through a medium such that the object's drag force is proportional to its velocity. Express the velocity in terms of time if the initial velocity of the object is zero.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Ok, so just from the problem statement alone, I know we have an object on which two forces are acting; the weight of the object due to gravity and the drag force on the object.

Fnet = mg - KV

Since g is always a constant, it's the acceleration of the drag force we are trying to solve for, correct?

NO. The body has acceleration, not the force. The acceleration caused by the individual forces add up. The acceleration of the body is proportional to the total force Fnet. Fnet=ma. As a = dv/dt,

m (dv/dt ) = mg -Kv.

This is a first-order linear differential equation, solve for v(t). You can solve it by separation of the variables.

  • #3
The relevant equations should be

Ft = ma = W - kV
W = mg
a = dV/dt

m dV/dt = mg - kV (1)

This differential equation has an easy to guess special solution
V = mg/k = const.

The homogeneous equation for the one above is
m dV/dt = -kV (2)

Note that it is similar to yours but the sign. So the solution to (2) is
V = e^(-k/m t + C) = Vo e^(-k/m t)

(BTW. e^0 = 1)

Now you have a special solution to the equation (1), and a general solution to the homogeneous equation. The general solution to (1) is the sum of above
V = mg/k + Vo e^(-k/m t)

Vo may be found remembering that the initial velocity was zero.
0 = mg/k + Vo e^0
Vo = -mg/k

The velocity of the falling object is given by
V = mg/k(1 - e^(-k/m t))

Make a graph of it to see what it means.
  • #4
ehild said:
NO. The body has acceleration, not the force. The acceleration caused by the individual forces add up. The acceleration of the body is proportional to the total force Fnet. Fnet=ma. As a = dv/dt,

m (dv/dt ) = mg -Kv.

This is a first-order linear differential equation, solve for v(t). You can solve it by separation of the variables.


Ok, so here's my best attempt at this:

1/(g-KV/m)dv=dt (1)

Now from here we can use u-substitution:

du/dv=-K/m or dv=(-m/K)du

Subbing this into equation 1:

(-m/K)(1/u)du=dt or (1/u)du=(-K/m)dt

Now integrate both sides:

ln(u) = (-K/m)(t+C)
e^(ln(u))=e^((-Kt/m)+(KC/m)) or u=e^((-Kt/m)+(KC/m))

Now we sub back in for u, and solve for V:


Now this is very similar to Andrzej's answer, but somehow he had an additional "g" before his exponential, so he could pull out the term (mg/K). What did I miss that include that? With the included "g", you can use initial conditions to solve for your constant of integration and determine your final formula for V in terms of t.
  • #5
e^((-Kt/m)+(KC/m))= e^(-Kt/m)*e^(KC/m). Find the constant C from the initial condition(v(0)=0. You will find that e^KC/m =g.

  • #6
The reason is, you haven't got the final answer yet, as your formula still has an integrating constant C.
Note that exponential function has a following feature
e^a e^b = e^(a+b).

Find the value of C in your function remembering that for
t = 0
velocity was also zero
V(0) = 0.
  • #7
I understand now, thanks so much guys, you rock.

FAQ: Calculating Velocity of a Falling Object with Drag Force

What is kinematics of falling object?

Kinematics of falling object is a branch of physics that studies the motion of objects as they fall under the influence of gravity. It involves analyzing the position, velocity, and acceleration of the object as it falls towards the ground.

What is the acceleration of a falling object?

The acceleration of a falling object is the rate at which its velocity changes due to the force of gravity. On Earth, the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 meters per second squared (m/s²).

How is the velocity of a falling object affected by its mass?

The mass of a falling object does not affect its velocity. According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, the force of gravity acting on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. Therefore, the acceleration due to gravity is the same for all objects, regardless of their mass. As a result, the velocity of a falling object will increase at the same rate regardless of its mass.

What is the relationship between time and distance for a falling object?

The relationship between time and distance for a falling object can be described by the equation d = ½gt², where d is the distance traveled, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and t is the time elapsed. This equation shows that the distance traveled by a falling object increases with the square of the time elapsed.

How does air resistance affect the motion of a falling object?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is a force that opposes the motion of a falling object. As an object falls, it encounters air molecules that push against it, slowing its descent. Therefore, air resistance can decrease the acceleration and velocity of a falling object, causing it to reach the ground at a slower speed than it would without air resistance.
