Calculating velocity, time, and Instantaneous speed using kinematic equations

In summary: If you use the negative root, you get -32, which is the correct answer since the velocity is downwards.Another way to think about it is that the final velocity must be negative since the motion is downwards. If you plug in -32 for vf, then the equation becomes -32=2.10+(-9.81)t, which gives you the correct answer of t=-3.04.In summary, a physics student drops two stones from a 52.0-m-high cliff and observes that they hit the water at the same time, 1.00 s apart. The first stone is thrown with an initial speed of 2.10 m/s and the second
  • #1

Homework Statement

An inquisitive physics student and mountain climber climbs a 52.0-m-high cliff that overhangs a calm pool of water. He throws two stones vertically downward, 1.00 s apart, and observes that they cause a single splash. The first stone has an initial speed of 2.10 m/s.

(a) How long after release of the first stone do the two stones hit the water?

(b) What initial velocity must the second stone have if the two stones are to hit the water simultaneously?

(c) What is the speed of each stone at the instant the two stones hit the water?
first stone m/s
second stone m/s

Homework Equations

xf=xi+vi t+1/2at^2

The Attempt at a Solution

I attempted to find the T

vf= (by the first equation) = 32m/s

I tried plugging in the result in the second equation, but it's starting not to make sense.
I was told that I have to assume the stones to have been thrown vertically but with an angle, because it wouldn't make sense otherwise, but I am having difficulty getting what that angle is, and this assignment does not include the trig functions.
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  • #2
If the stones are thrown vertically downward, you can think of the angle being 90° (the angle between the positive x-axis and the negative y-axis). The horizontal component of the velocity (magnitude*cos90) = 0 and the vertical component of the velocity (magnitude*sin90) is just the original magnitude. In that aspect, this can be thought of as a 1-dimensional problem.

Absolutism said:
That would work. The distances are relative to each other; you are only interested in the difference between the distances. (The second equation can be rewritten as xf-xi=vi t+1/2at^2). You could have also, for example, set xi=0 and xf=-52.

Also, don't forget the equation vf=vi+at :wink:

Edit: If you were told that the angle wasn't 90° and you weren't given the angle, then you don't have enough information to solve the problem. Although, 90° seems plausible since the stones can be thrown vertically if the student reaches over the ledge.
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  • #3
Ninty64 said:
If the stones are thrown vertically downward, you can think of the angle being 90° (the angle between the positive x-axis and the negative y-axis). The horizontal component of the velocity (magnitude*cos90) = 0 and the vertical component of the velocity (magnitude*sin90) is just the original magnitude. In that aspect, this can be thought of as a 1-dimensional problem.

That would work. The distances are relative to each other; you are only interested in the difference between the distances. (The second equation can be rewritten as xf-xi=vi t+1/2at^2). You could have also, for example, set xi=0 and xf=-52.

Also, don't forget the equation vf=vi+at :wink:

Edit: If you were told that the angle wasn't 90° and you weren't given the angle, then you don't have enough information to solve the problem. Although, 90° seems plausible since the stones can be thrown vertically if the student reaches over the ledge.

So I cannot consider the acceleration as -9.81 because this isn't a free falling, right?
  • #4
Absolutism said:
So I cannot consider the acceleration as -9.81 because this isn't a free falling, right?
The acceleration of gravity on Earth is always -9.81m/s^2. An object speeding at 3000m/s towards the ground will feel the same -9.81m/s^2 acceleration as an object that has just been dropped. In reality, an object going at 3000m/s might be slowing down if the air resistance is large enough, but the gravitational acceleration is still -9.81m/s^2 (assuming it's close to the Earth's surface).
  • #5
But if the vf=32 m/s then using the second equation

32=2.10+ (-9.81)t
the t = -3.04 which isn't possible. I am not sure where I went wrong.
  • #6
Velocity is a vector. Since the velocity is downwards, it is negative. When you took the square root to solve for the final velocity, you wrote + instead of +/-

FAQ: Calculating velocity, time, and Instantaneous speed using kinematic equations

What is velocity and how is it calculated?

Velocity is the rate of change of an object's position with respect to time. It is calculated by dividing the displacement of an object by the time it took to travel that distance.

What is the difference between average velocity and instantaneous velocity?

Average velocity is the total displacement divided by the total time taken, while instantaneous velocity is the velocity at a specific moment in time.

What are the kinematic equations used to calculate velocity, time, and instantaneous speed?

The kinematic equations used to calculate velocity, time, and instantaneous speed are:

  • Velocity = (Final position - Initial position) / time
  • Displacement = (Initial velocity x time) + (1/2 x acceleration x time^2)
  • Final velocity = Initial velocity + (acceleration x time)
  • Instantaneous speed = magnitude of instantaneous velocity

How do I determine the direction of velocity using kinematic equations?

The direction of velocity can be determined by looking at the sign of the velocity value. A positive velocity indicates motion in the positive direction, while a negative velocity indicates motion in the negative direction.

Can kinematic equations be used to calculate velocity for non-uniform motion?

Yes, kinematic equations can be used to calculate velocity for non-uniform motion. However, the acceleration in these equations may vary depending on the specific situation.
