Calculating Viscous and Pressure Drag On A Sphere

In summary: No, the dimples and ridges on the surface of the ball would still cause turbulence and cause more drag.
  • #1
I've been doing some research on sphere aerodynamics, in particular that of soccer balls, and was wondering if there was any way to separately calculate the pressure / form drag, and also the surface / viscous / skin drag.

I know that Stoke's Law of F=6(pi)RnVc, where R is the radius of the sphere, n is the viscosity, and Vc is the velocity through a continuous fluid, can give the viscous drag on a sphere, but was informed that this only applies to very small spheres, so it is no use in my application for the drag on a soccer ball.

I also know of the formula that Force(drag) = 0.5 C.P.A.v^2 where C = coefficient of drag, P = fluid density, A = area of the object, v = velocity of the object, but I didn't know which aspect of the drag force (pressure, viscous or total drag) this formula calculates.

If anyone could help me out here that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Adam
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  • #2
You are correct in assuming Stokes drag cannot be used here.

The equation you wrote will give you the total drag on the sphere. You might be able to find some information about the pressure distribution around a sphere and integrate that to determine the pressure drag.
  • #3
That would be the total drag coefficient.

An engineer might rewrite C=c_v+c_p, defined in obvious manners, and sought to determine experimentally what goes into c_v and what goes into c_p.

Perhaps, they probably use more refined approaches than my dumb brutish ones..
  • #4
arildno said:
That would be the total drag coefficient.

An engineer might rewrite C=c_v+c_p, defined in obvious manners, and sought to determine experimentally what goes into c_v and what goes into c_p.

That actually does sound like quite a good idea, unfortunately I don't know either c_v or c_p. If I knew one I'm sure I could derive the other from the overall formula for C, but without knowing the formula for one of these components of the drag force I'm afraid I'm still stuck... :/
  • #5
the aerodynamics around the ball are turbulent, and this makes it difficult to treat analytically. what you could do to obtain the drag force on the ball is to perform an experiment on the trajectory through air, and compare that to the ideal case of no air resistance (hyperbola). better yet, search or for articles on this topic.
  • #6
Sybren said: obtain the drag force on the ball is to perform an experiment on the trajectory through air, and compare that to the ideal case of no air resistance (hyperbola).

Thanks, I like this idea and it sounds pretty useful as a good comparison showing the affects of the drag on the ball's flight.

My issue is that using the formula I stated before I can find the overall drag, its just I was wondering if there was any way I could specifically calculate the pressure / form drag, and then the viscous / surface drag, and try to compare them, so that I can show the vast majority of the drag around a sphere is pressure drag, compared to an aerofoil for example, where the majority is viscous drag.

Thanks for all the responses so far, and for any future input it's all been really helpful!
  • #7
In regards to the adidas jabulani soccer ball that was used at the recent world cup in south africa, it seems that the ball is not any lighter as some may say (it is actually on the heavier side of the strictly regulated limits for ball weight), but just moving faster through the air. I understand that this is due to all the dimples and ridges on the surface of the ball (tripping a turbulent boundary layer, less pressure drag), but would this not be negated by fewer seams (i.e. less seams, less places to trip turbulent boundary layer, more pressure drag) ?

Related to Calculating Viscous and Pressure Drag On A Sphere

1. What is the difference between viscous drag and pressure drag?

Viscous drag is caused by the friction between the surface of an object and the fluid it is moving through, while pressure drag is caused by the differences in pressure in front of and behind the object as it moves through the fluid. Viscous drag is typically more significant at lower speeds, while pressure drag becomes more dominant at higher speeds.

2. How is the drag coefficient calculated for a sphere?

The drag coefficient for a sphere can be calculated using the formula Cd = 24/Re, where Re is the Reynolds number. The Reynolds number is a dimensionless quantity that represents the ratio between inertial and viscous forces in a fluid. It is calculated by multiplying the velocity of the fluid by the diameter of the sphere and dividing by the kinematic viscosity of the fluid.

3. What factors affect the amount of drag on a sphere?

The amount of drag on a sphere is influenced by several factors, including the size and shape of the sphere, the speed of the fluid it is moving through, the density and viscosity of the fluid, and the roughness of the sphere's surface. These factors can all impact the drag coefficient and the resulting drag force.

4. How does the drag force on a sphere change with increasing velocity?

As the velocity of the fluid increases, the drag force on a sphere will also increase. This is because at higher speeds, there is a larger difference in pressure between the front and back of the sphere, resulting in a higher pressure drag. Additionally, the Reynolds number also increases with velocity, leading to a higher viscous drag.

5. What are some applications of calculating viscous and pressure drag on a sphere?

Calculating drag on a sphere is important in various fields, including aerodynamics, marine engineering, and sports science. Understanding the drag forces on a sphere can help in designing more efficient vehicles, predicting the behavior of objects moving through fluids, and improving the performance of sports equipment such as golf balls and tennis balls.

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