Calculating Wave Pulse Travel Time with Clothesline Density

You can find this velocity by dividing the tension by the density.In summary, the speaker is struggling to find the mass of a clothesline due to the lack of information on its radius or cross-sectional area. They are also looking for input on how long it would take for a wave pulse to travel from one end of the clothesline to the other. The speaker also mentions using the density in other questions and asks for solutions. The solution is to find the Phase Velocity by dividing the tension by the density.
  • #1
I can't figure out how to find the mass of the clothesline, even though given the density, because the radius or crossectional area is not given. Any input on this would be appreciated.

A clothesline of length 10m is stretched between a house and a tree. The clothesline is under a tension of 50N and it has a density of 6x10^-3 kg/m. How long does a wave pulse take to travel from the house to the tree and back?

I have a couple of questions that use the density and they all allude me. Thanks!
Physics news on
  • #2
Note that you have been given a LINE DENSITY, not a volume density..
  • #3

How much time do you think the wave will take? And why do the questions allude you? Post your solutions...

  • #4
The wave travels at a velocity called the Phase Velocity. This velocity is responsible for covering the length of the string.

FAQ: Calculating Wave Pulse Travel Time with Clothesline Density

How is the wave pulse travel time calculated?

The wave pulse travel time is calculated by dividing the distance the wave travels by the wave speed. The distance can be measured by the length of the clothesline and the wave speed can be determined by the tension and density of the clothesline.

What is clothesline density?

Clothesline density refers to the amount of mass per unit length of the clothesline. It is usually measured in kilograms per meter (kg/m) or grams per centimeter (g/cm). This value is important in calculating the wave speed as it affects the tension and stiffness of the clothesline.

Can clothesline density be changed?

Yes, clothesline density can be changed by altering the amount of mass per unit length of the clothesline. This can be achieved by adding or removing clothes from the clothesline or by using a different type of clothesline with a different density.

How does tension affect wave speed?

Tension is a crucial factor in determining wave speed. The higher the tension, the faster the wave will travel. This is because higher tension creates a stiffer clothesline, allowing the wave to travel through it more quickly.

Are there any other factors that can affect the wave pulse travel time?

Yes, there are other factors that can affect the wave pulse travel time, such as the shape and thickness of the clothesline, as well as external forces like wind or friction. These factors should be taken into consideration when conducting experiments or calculations involving wave pulse travel time.
