Calculating with tensors and simplifying

In summary, the student attempted to solve the homework equation by taking the product of the original tensor with the replaced indices and using the Kronecker delta. However, this approach was not successful because none of the terms had the same indices. They then found various ways to combine terms using the Levi-Civita symbol and anti-symmetric properties of the Einstein summation convention.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have a tensor which is given by [itex] t_{ij} = -3bx_i x_j + b \delta_{ij} x^2 + c \epsilon_{ijk} x_k [/itex]
And now I am asked to calculate [itex] (t^2)_{ij} : = t_{ik} t_{kj} [/itex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

At first I thought I had to calculate the square of the original tensor and set it equal to the product of the same tensors only with the indices i,j replaced by i, k and k,j.
Later I thought that because of the " : " sign in front of the "= " that I only have to calculate the product of the tensor with the replaced indices because t2 is defined by this. So with these different indices I got 9 different terms of which none have same indices so it is not possible to simplify it any further than just taking the product.
Also in the epsilon tensor there are three indices and I gave the last one a different name evertime so m and n giving me epsilonikm and epsilonkjn.
I hope it is clear what my question is.
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  • #2
EsmeeDijk said:
So with these different indices I got 9 different terms of which none have same indices so it is not possible to simplify it any further than just taking the product
Could you show us the expression that you got? You might be able to simply it by using the properties of the Kronecker delta as well as certain identities related to the Levi-Civita symbol, such as [itex]\varepsilon_{ijk} \varepsilon^{imn} = \delta_{j}^{m} \delta_{k}^{n} - \delta_{j}^{n} \delta_{k}^{m} [/itex]
  • #3
Fightfish said:
Could you show us the expression that you got? You might be able to simply it by using the properties of the Kronecker delta as well as certain identities related to the Levi-Civita symbol, such as [itex]\varepsilon_{ijk} \varepsilon^{imn} = \delta_{j}^{m} \delta_{k}^{n} - \delta_{j}^{n} \delta_{k}^{m} [/itex]

Yes of course, I got [itex] 9b^2x_i x_j (x_k)^2 - 3b^2 x_i x_k x^2 \delta _{kj} - 3bc x_i x_k x_n \epsilon _{kjn} - 3b^2 x_k x_j x^2 \delta _{ik} + b^2 \delta _{ik} \delta _{kj} x^4 + bc x_n x^2 \delta _{ik} \epsilon _ {kjn} - 3bc x_k x_j x_m \epsilon _{ikm} + bc x_mx^2 \delta _{kj} \epsilon _{ikm} + c^2 x_m x_n \epsilon _{ikm} \epsilon _{kjn}[/itex]
We are not making a difference yet between whether the indices are on the top or bottom. Thanks!
  • #4
EsmeeDijk said:
We are not making a difference yet between whether the indices are on the top or bottom. Thanks!
Strictly speaking, the Einstein summation convention only 'works' when one of the indices is up and one is down. But no worries of course - just convert all the up indices on the identities that you see to down indices. In your context, they work in the same way.

You can see that there are many Kronecker deltas [itex]\delta_{kj}[/itex] and whatnot lying around - use them to simplify your expressions. For instance, [itex]x_{i}x_{k}\delta_{kj} = x_{i}x_{j}[/itex]. Notice also that because you are using the summation convention, repeated index terms like [itex]x_{k}x_{k}[/itex] work out to be just [itex]x^{2}[/itex]. Another useful way to combine terms is to notice that dummy indices can be freely relabelled: for example, [itex]x_{k} \epsilon_{ijk}[/itex] is the same as [itex]x_{m} \epsilon_{ijm}[/itex].
  • #5
Apart from what has been mentioned already, you should also note that the Levi-Civita symbol is anti-symmetric. What happens when you contract two indices from an anti-symmetric object with two indices from a symmetric object?

Related to Calculating with tensors and simplifying

What are tensors and how are they used in calculations?

Tensors are mathematical objects that represent multidimensional arrays of numbers. They are commonly used in physics and engineering to describe physical quantities such as velocity, force, and stress. In calculations, tensors can be manipulated using various operations such as addition, multiplication, and contraction to simplify complex equations.

What is the process for simplifying calculations involving tensors?

The process for simplifying calculations involving tensors involves identifying the tensors and their components, performing the necessary operations such as addition, multiplication, and contraction, and then rearranging the resulting terms to obtain a simplified expression. This process may also involve the use of index notation and the Einstein summation convention.

How are tensors simplified in practice?

In practice, tensors are simplified using various techniques such as symmetry properties, coordinate transformations, and invariant properties. These techniques allow for the reduction of complex tensor expressions to simpler forms, making them easier to work with and interpret.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when calculating with tensors?

One common mistake when calculating with tensors is not carefully keeping track of the indices and their placement. This can lead to errors in the final result. Another mistake is not understanding the properties of tensors, such as symmetry or invariance, which can make simplification more difficult. It is also important to be aware of the limitations of tensor operations, as not all operations are valid for all types of tensors.

How can I improve my skills in calculating with tensors?

To improve your skills in calculating with tensors, it is important to have a strong understanding of linear algebra and multivariable calculus. It can also be helpful to practice with various examples and exercises to become familiar with the different techniques and properties involved. Additionally, seeking out resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, and working with experienced colleagues can also aid in improving your skills in this area.

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