Calculating Work Against Gravity for Orbital Launch

In summary, to launch an 12000 kg lunar observatory, materials must be boosted from the Earth's surface to an orbit of 4100 km. Once in orbit, the observatory is assembled and launched to the moon, 384000 km from Earth.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Materials to construct an 12000 kg lunar observatory are boosted from the Earth's surface to an orbit of 4100 km. In orbit, the observatory is assembled and launched to the moon, 384000 km from Earth.
Compare the work that must be done against Earth's gravity on the two legs of the trip. (Hint: work done against gravity is change in potential energy)

Work to get to orbit: ________ joules
Work to get from orbit to moon: ______________ joules

Homework Equations

possibly U=-GMm/r or U=-GMm/Re + mgh?

Me=5.97*10^24 kg
Re=6.37*10^6 m

The Attempt at a Solution

for a)
U=-G(5.97*10^24 kg)(12000 kg)/(6.37*10^6 m+4100*10^3 m)
=-4.54*10^11 joules

(both neg and positive of this answer did not work)

mgh gives you almost the same thing, so i don't think that's the answer either (but feel free to prove me wrong). I've talked with my friend, and she tried -GMm/(Re+alt)-(-GMm/(Re)) and it also didn't work.

didn't try b) because my answers for a were

Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hi sour_lemon_1k ! Welcome to PF! :smile:

(try using the X2 tag just above the Reply box :wink:)
sour_lemon_1k said:
Materials to construct an 12000 kg lunar observatory are boosted from the Earth's surface

possibly U=-GMm/r or U=-GMm/Re + mgh?

erm :redface: … you've launched it from infinity. :rolleyes:

(and it's never "+ mgh" … that only works when h << r :wink:)
  • #3
hey thanks for replying! yes it's launched from infinity...but what next! ?__?

also when you say that only works when h<<r, doesn't that apply for all cases? because r = radius of planet + altitude (aka h) so r always > h...unless I am misunderstanding what << means lol.

thanks for helping again!
  • #4
sour_lemon_1k said:
yes it's launched from infinity

No, it's launched from the Earth's surface …

you have to subtract that energy, don't you?​

(my r was the Earth's radius, and my h was the height above it)
  • #5
wait...I GOT IT! thank you! :biggrin:

FAQ: Calculating Work Against Gravity for Orbital Launch

1. What is work done to get to orbitGPE?

Work done to get to orbitGPE refers to the amount of energy required to launch an object, such as a spacecraft, into orbit. This includes the work required to overcome the Earth's gravitational potential energy (GPE) and achieve the necessary velocity for orbit.

2. How is work done to get to orbitGPE calculated?

The formula for calculating the work done to get to orbitGPE is W = mgh, where W is work, m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height or distance the object needs to be lifted to reach orbit.

3. Why is work done to get to orbitGPE important?

Work done to get to orbitGPE is important because it determines the amount of energy and resources needed for a successful launch into orbit. It also affects the trajectory and speed of the object, which can impact the efficiency and success of the mission.

4. How does work done to get to orbitGPE differ for different launch sites?

The work done to get to orbitGPE may differ for different launch sites due to variations in factors such as altitude, latitude, and atmospheric conditions. Launch sites closer to the equator may require less energy due to the Earth's greater rotational velocity, while sites at higher altitudes may require more energy to overcome the Earth's gravitational pull.

5. Can the work done to get to orbitGPE be reduced?

Yes, the work done to get to orbitGPE can be reduced through various techniques such as using more efficient propulsion systems, launching from sites closer to the equator, and taking advantage of gravitational assist maneuvers. However, the amount of work required will ultimately depend on the specific launch parameters and goals of the mission.
