Calculating Work to Empty a Trapezoidal Trough: Jessica's Question

In summary, the amount of work required to pump the water out of the trough when it is full is 6.125 MJ.
  • #1
Gold Member
Here is the question:

How much work is required to pump the water out of the trough when it is full?

A trough has a trapezoidal cross section with a height of 5m and horizontal sides of width 2.5m and 5m. Assume the length of the trough is 15m. How much work is required to pump the water out of the trough (to the level of the top of the trough) when it is full? Use 1000 kg/m^3 for the density of water and 9.8 m/s^2 for the acceleration due to gravity.

Please help!

W = Integrand p(<roe)gA(y)D(y)

I have posted a link there to this thread so the OP can see my work.
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  • #2
Hello .:Jessica:. Go Spartans!,

I prefer to work problems like this in general terms, and then plug our given data into the resulting formula.

First, let's let:

\(\displaystyle \ell\) = the length of the trough.

\(\displaystyle h\) = the depth of the trough.

\(\displaystyle b\) = the width of the trough at the bottom.

\(\displaystyle B\) = the width of the trough at the top.

\(\displaystyle s\) = the distance above the top of the trough the fluid is to be pumped.

\(\displaystyle \rho\) = the weight density of the fluid.

\(\displaystyle g\) = the acceleration due to gravity.

Now, let's imagine slicing the contents of the tank horizontally into rectangular sheets. The length of each sheet is constant, given by the length of the tank $\ell$. The width $w$ of each sheet will be a function of its vertical position within the trough.

So, let's orient a vertical $y$-axis paasing though the axis of symmetry of a vertical cross-section, with its origin at the bottom of the trough.

We know that the width of the trough will vary linearly as we move up the $y$-axis, and will contain the two points:

\(\displaystyle (0,b),\,(h,B)\)

Hence, the slope of this linear function is given by:

\(\displaystyle m=\frac{\Delta w}{\Delta y}=\frac{B-b}{h}\)

And so, using the slope-intercept form of a line, we find:

\(\displaystyle w(y)=\frac{B-b}{h}y+b\)

And so the volume of an arbitrary sheet is:

\(\displaystyle dV=\ell\cdot w(y)\,dy=\ell\left(\frac{B-b}{h}y+b \right)\,dy\)

Next, we want to determine the weight $\omega$ of the arbitrary sheet. Using the definition of weight density, we may state:

\(\displaystyle \rho=\frac{\omega}{dV}\,\therefore\,\omega=\rho\,dV\)

Next, we want to determine the distance $d$ the arbitrary sheet must be lifted. This is:\(\displaystyle d=s+(h-y)\)

Thus, using the fact that work is the product of the applied force and the distance through which this force is applied, we find the work done to lift the arbitrary sheet is:

\(\displaystyle dW=\omega d=d\rho\,dV=\rho\left(s+(h-y) \right)\left(\ell\left(\frac{B-b}{h}y+b \right)\,dy \right)=\ell\rho\left((s+h)-y) \right)\left(\frac{B-b}{h}y+b \right)\,dy\)

After a bit of algebra, we may write:

\(\displaystyle dW=\frac{\ell\rho}{h}\left((b-B)y^2+\left(s(B-b)+h(B-2b) \right)y+bh(h+s) \right)\,dy\)

Now, if we let $0\le h_0\le h$ be the initial depth of the fluid, we may state that the work required to pump out the contents of the trough is given by:

\(\displaystyle W=\frac{\ell\rho}{h}\int_0^{h_0} (b-B)y^2+\left(s(B-b)+h(B-2b) \right)y+bh(h+s)\,dy\)

Applying the FTOC, we obtain:

\(\displaystyle W=\frac{\ell\rho}{h}\left[\frac{(b-B)}{3}y^3+\frac{s(B-b)+h(B-2b)}{2}y^2+bh(h+s)y \right]_0^{h_0}\)

\(\displaystyle W=\frac{\ell\rho}{6h}\left(2(b-B)h_0^3+3\left(s(B-b)+h(B-2b) \right)h_0^2+6bh(h+s)h_0 \right)\)

In the given problem, we are told the trough is initially full, i.e. $h_0=h$, so for such a case the above formula becomes:

\(\displaystyle W=\frac{\ell\rho}{6}\left(2(b-B)h^2+3\left(s(B-b)+h(B-2b) \right)h+6bh(h+s) \right)\)

Expanding and collecting like terms, we obtain:

\(\displaystyle W=\frac{\ell\rho h}{6}\left(b(2h+3s)+B(h+3s) \right)\)

In the given problem, we are told we need only to pump the fluid to the top of the tank, i.e. $s=0$, so for such a case the above formula becomes:

\(\displaystyle W=\frac{\ell\rho h^2}{6}(2b+B)\)

Now, the data we are given for this problem is:

\(\displaystyle \ell=15\text{ m},\,\rho=\frac{1000\text{ kg}}{\text{m}^3}\cdot9.8\frac{\text{m}}{\text{s^2}}=9800\frac{\text{N}}{\text{m}^3},\,h=5\text{ m},\,b=2.5\text{ m},\,B=5\text{ m}\)

Plugging in this data, we find:

\(\displaystyle W=\frac{15\cdot9800\cdot5^2}{6}(2\cdot2.5+5)\text{ J}=6.125\text{ MJ}\)

FAQ: Calculating Work to Empty a Trapezoidal Trough: Jessica's Question

1. How do you calculate the work to empty a trapezoidal trough?

To calculate the work to empty a trapezoidal trough, you will need to know the length, width, and depth of the trough, as well as the weight or density of the liquid being emptied. You can then use the formula W = mgh, where W is work, m is mass, g is acceleration due to gravity, and h is height. You can calculate the mass by multiplying the density of the liquid by the volume of the trough. The height can be calculated by taking the average of the depth at the top and bottom of the trough.

2. What is a trapezoidal trough and how is it different from a regular trough?

A trapezoidal trough is a trough with a trapezoidal cross-sectional shape, meaning it has two parallel sides and two non-parallel sides. This is different from a regular trough, which typically has a rectangular cross-sectional shape with four equal sides.

3. Can the work to empty a trapezoidal trough be negative?

No, the work to empty a trapezoidal trough cannot be negative. Work is defined as the force applied over a distance, and it is always a positive value. Therefore, the work to empty a trapezoidal trough will always be a positive value.

4. How does the angle of the trapezoidal trough affect the work to empty it?

The angle of the trapezoidal trough does not directly affect the work to empty it. However, it can affect the depth of the liquid and the volume of the trough, which will then impact the calculation of work. A steeper angle may result in a larger volume and therefore require more work to empty.

5. Can the calculation of work to empty a trapezoidal trough be simplified?

Yes, the calculation of work to empty a trapezoidal trough can be simplified by using the formula W = (1/2)ρg(b1 + b2)h^2, where ρ is the density of the liquid, g is the acceleration due to gravity, b1 and b2 are the lengths of the parallel sides of the trough, and h is the average depth of the trough. This formula takes into account the trapezoidal shape and eliminates the need for calculating the mass and height separately.
