Calculation a reduced matrix element using E-Wigner Th.

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of calculating the spherical harmonics and the use of the Eckart-Wigner theorem. The problem arises when trying to understand the changes made to the Wigner 3j symbols after solving the integral and substituting it into equation (4). The solution lies in the property of the Dirac delta symbol, which only allows the term with ##l=l_a## and ##m=-m_a## to survive.
  • #1

I fail to follow one step in the process of calculating ⟨la∥Y(L)∥lb⟩ .

The spherical harmonics Yma(L)(r) represent the 2L+1 components of the spherical tensor of rank L. Writing the Eckart-Wigner th. for M = 0 yields:
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Also one can write
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Coupling L and lb to l:
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Thus having
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Now solving the integral:
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Here is my problem! After solving the integral (5) and replacing it into (4) I don't understand how that changes the Wigner 3j symbols from
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(3) into
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Could anyone please help me with this step? I m guessing it has something to do with does kronecker deltas from solving the integral and they act on the wigner symbols after substitution... but i have no idea how!
Physics news on
  • #2
In equation (4), the right hand side is summed over ##l## and ##m##. However upon inserting the result from equation (5), only the term with ##l=l_a## and ##m=-m_a## survives. Yes it has to do with the property of Dirac delta symbol which is for any pair of integer ##i## and ##j##, the Dirac delta ##\delta_{ij}## will give zero if ##i\neq j##. If ##i=j##, ##\delta_{ij} = 1##.
  • #3
Oww i get it! Thank you so much!

FAQ: Calculation a reduced matrix element using E-Wigner Th.

1. What is the E-Wigner Thomas method?

The E-Wigner Thomas method is a mathematical approach used to calculate reduced matrix elements in quantum mechanics. It was developed by Eugene Wigner and Lewis Thomas in the 1930s.

2. How does the E-Wigner Thomas method work?

The method involves breaking down the matrix element into a product of two terms, one for each of the two operators involved. These terms are then evaluated separately and combined to get the final result.

3. What are reduced matrix elements?

Reduced matrix elements are used in quantum mechanics to calculate transition probabilities between different energy levels. They represent the probability of a particle transitioning from one state to another.

4. How is the E-Wigner Thomas method different from other methods of calculating reduced matrix elements?

The E-Wigner Thomas method is unique in that it allows for the calculation of reduced matrix elements for operators that do not commute. This makes it a powerful tool for studying systems that involve non-commuting operators.

5. What are some applications of the E-Wigner Thomas method?

The E-Wigner Thomas method is commonly used in nuclear physics, atomic physics, and quantum chemistry to calculate transition probabilities and study the energy levels of complex systems. It has also been used in other fields such as solid-state physics and molecular spectroscopy.
