Calculation of the first two X-ray Bragg reflections from KCl and KBr

In summary, the conversation discusses a question related to the lattice constants of KCl and KBr and their corresponding Bragg diffraction angles. The use of Bragg's law and Miller indices is mentioned, and the observer's attempts at solving the problem are shared. The conversation also touches upon the explanation for the difference in diffraction patterns between KCl and KBr. Ultimately, the conversation concludes with the observer seeking further clarification and guidance on their calculations and solution for the given question.
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Homework Statement

HI, I am practicing some exam questions to get ready for a repeat, below is the question I am having trouble with.

"The lattice constants of KCl and KBr are 6.29 angstroms, and 6.59 angstroms, respectively.
What would be the first two observed Bragg diffraction angles in each case , if the wavelength of X-rays was 1.932 angstroms? (assume Debye-Scherrer method is used.)

Homework Equations

Here, Braggs law is relevant,

nλ= 2dsinθ.

The Attempt at a Solution

Braggs law can be rearranged to give θ = sin^-1(nλ/2dhkl).

the Questions asks for the first two angles for each case, so n=1 and n=2 for the first and second angle.

my two problems, are, how can I use α, the lattice constant to get dhkl?

Since the two Crystals are both FCC, the lattice parameters are a=b=c, and α=β=γ,

dhkl =[1/a^2 + ( h^2 +k^2 + l^2)]^-1/2

I haven't been given any miller indices for h,k &l, so do I assume some, or just use α as dhkl?

Also, will the angles be in units of radians or degrees?

Any help or push in the right direction will be much appreciated.

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  • #2
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Thanks TSny, that article is a great help. : ) I'm fairly sure that the question refers to θ, but i will try to verify.

I realized one small (er.. big ) detail, I overlooked,

the Question that I posted was a part (d) of a four part question, and the part before (c), gave a list of miller indices for planes observed from x-ray diffraction from KCl and KBr crystals, the point of question (c) was to explain why KCl was missing some planes that KBr had.

It just dawned on me that these miller indices are probably the ones meant to be used for hkl in the following question to determine the lattice spacing.

the list reads as follows,

KBr;( 1 1 1),(2 0 0), (2 2 0), (3 1 1), (2 2 2), (4 0 0),
KCl; (2 0 0), (2 2 0), (2 2 2), (4 0 0 ),

So my question is now, since I use the first two respective miller indices for each crystal to calculate D-hkl, what do I use for n in Braggs formula?? do I use 1 for the first angle calculation, and then 2 for each second angle calculation.
  • #4
derivX said:
what do I use for n in Braggs formula?? do I use 1 for the first angle calculation, and then 2 for each second angle calculation.

Nope, just use 1 throughout. If you are using Miller indices, the convention is that you always talk about, e.g., the (200) reflection rather than the “second-order (100) reflection”.

Did you get part (c)? That's a nice question!
  • #5
Modulated said:
Nope, just use 1 throughout. If you are using Miller indices, the convention is that you always talk about, e.g., the (200) reflection rather than the “second-order (100) reflection”.

Did you get part (c)? That's a nice question!

Well, I think I got part (c), I'll give you my answer (it may not be the most concise, but i think I am on the right track)

The cause of the diffraction differences begin with the K+ and Cl- ions, they both have an argon electron shell structure, and hence scatter x-rays almost equally.

whereas K+ and Br- have different scattering strengths. the scattering factor of a crystal is similar to that of a lone atom, but the electron density distribution is perturbed when a solid is formed. Reflection intensity falls off as the the angle of incidence increases, and back scattering becomes weaker. the electron cloud which scatters the X-ray is comparable in size to the wavelength of the x-ray, and interference effects become apparent. The X-rays that the KCl crystal diffracts, destructively interfere, to such an extent that they disappear , whereas in KBr, even though interference is present, there are weak enough Bragg reflections to be measured. In the case of KCl, even though the Laue conditions are fulfilled, there will be no reflected beam, if k h & l are not either all even or all odd.
  • #6
also here are my calculations for part (d)

for KBr the first two indices are ( 1 1 1 ), and (2 0 0 ), so h =1, k=1, l=1, and h=2, k=0, l=0, respectivley.

for the fist case d-hkl is 3.805 angstroms, and 3.295angstroms for the second.
plugging them into Braggs formula with the variable I gave above gives the first two angles for Kbr as θ = sin^-1(nλ/2dhkl) = 14.71 degrees, for the first angle, and 17.05 degrees for the second angle. I assume that (if my math is correct) for the KCl angles, I just skip the missing miller indices, and use (2 0 0), (2 2 0) to determin D-hkl and therefore the first two angles for KCl.

Thanks in advance for any further advice or corrections. I would appreciate it if i could get help making my Answer for part (c) as concise as possible. :D

Related to Calculation of the first two X-ray Bragg reflections from KCl and KBr

What is the purpose of calculating the first two X-ray Bragg reflections from KCl and KBr?

The purpose of calculating the first two X-ray Bragg reflections from KCl and KBr is to determine the crystal structure and lattice parameters of these compounds. X-ray diffraction is a powerful technique used in materials science to analyze the arrangement of atoms in a crystal lattice.

How is the calculation of the first two X-ray Bragg reflections performed for KCl and KBr?

The calculation of the first two X-ray Bragg reflections is based on the Bragg's law, which states that the angle of diffraction is equal to twice the angle of incidence when the X-rays interact with the crystal lattice. The lattice parameters, such as the lattice spacing and the orientation of the crystal, are used to determine the diffraction angles for the first two reflections.

What information can be obtained from the first two X-ray Bragg reflections of KCl and KBr?

The first two X-ray Bragg reflections provide information about the crystal structure, including the unit cell size, the arrangement of atoms within the unit cell, and the symmetry of the crystal. This information is crucial for understanding the physical and chemical properties of these compounds.

How do the first two X-ray Bragg reflections from KCl and KBr differ from each other?

The first two X-ray Bragg reflections from KCl and KBr may differ in terms of their diffraction angles and intensities. This is due to the different crystal structures of these compounds. KCl has a face-centered cubic structure, while KBr has a body-centered cubic structure, resulting in different lattice parameters and diffraction patterns.

What factors can affect the accuracy of the calculation of the first two X-ray Bragg reflections?

The accuracy of the calculation of the first two X-ray Bragg reflections can be affected by factors such as the quality of the X-ray source, the crystal quality, and the experimental setup. Imperfections in the crystal lattice, such as defects or dislocations, can also affect the diffraction pattern and the accuracy of the calculation.

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