Calculation of Universal Constants for Life-Sustaining Universe

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In summary, the fine-tuned Universe is the proposition that specific universal fundamental physical constants must fall within a very narrow range in order for life to exist. The calculations to determine these ranges are complex and involve considering the properties of certain elements and compounds. The cosmological constant, which determines the expansion rate of the universe, is one example of a constant that must fall within a very small margin for life to exist. However, the exact calculations and sources for these values are still subject to debate and further research.
  • #1

[The fine-tuned Universe is the proposition that the conditions that allow life in the Universe can only occur when certain universal fundamental physical constants lie within a very narrow range, so that if any of several fundamental constants were only slightly different, the Universe would be unlikely to be conducive to the establishment and development of matter, astronomical structures, elemental diversity, or life as it is presently understood] - Wikipedia

Question = I don't actually know how the calculations are performed that determine what the acceptable ranges are for the various universal constants to allow the creation of life. I'm not interested in anything other than this. I don't want your opinion on the matter, I just want a simple well educated answer on how they perform the calculations. If you don't know how please don't even comment. I'm well educated on everything that goes into the debate, all I need to know now is how they get these calculations.

Ex: expansion rate of the universe. Physics say if it was change 1:10^55 life wouldn't be possible. Meaning if the expansion rate of the universe was change 1 in 10(55 zeros) no galaxies would form or they would collapse.

if larger: no galaxies would form
if smaller: universe would collapse, even before stars formed

I've asked my physics teachers at school and they didn't know much about it, also some of my math teachers. I really want someone that understands a lot about this to comment on here and explain how they 'know' if certain constants were off life (as we know it) would be impossible? What do they use to measure how much it could be off.

Again please don't show bias or opinion. Just looking for how they calculate this, nothing else.
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  • #2
I think what they mean is the properties of certain elements and compounds.

Example: if water froze at -5 °C, would life be different or not exist?

If the inverse square property didn't apply to mass and volume, would life exist as we know it?
  • #3
Haven't you asked the same question twice already ?

You are quoting a figure ("10^55"), without a source, and asking for its source. How is it possible for someone to help you with that?
  • #4
Where did you get the expensian rate? what are the units?
I can't find this number in the referenced wikipedia page.

The absolute error in such a small number would have to be very small, but it's the relative error that's meaningful. I've found this paper

The value of the cosmological constant

wich may be well-educated, but isn't very simple.

they give a value of [itex] 1.7*10^{-121} [/itex], with [itex] 1*10^{-120} [/itex]

(in Planck units)

as the value of the cosmolical constant which would make the universe expand too fast for galaxies to form. That means that the cosmological constant could still be a factor of 6 bigger.
  • #5
This thread is thread is provisionally closed pending discussion by the Mentors.

FAQ: Calculation of Universal Constants for Life-Sustaining Universe

What is the purpose of calculating universal constants for a life-sustaining universe?

The purpose of calculating universal constants is to determine the fundamental physical values that are necessary for a universe to support and sustain life. This can provide insights into the conditions necessary for life to exist and potentially help us understand the likelihood of finding other habitable planets.

What are some examples of universal constants that are important for supporting life?

Some examples of universal constants that are important for supporting life include the speed of light, the gravitational constant, the strong nuclear force, and the fine structure constant. These values determine the strength of fundamental forces and the stability of atoms and molecules, which are essential for the existence of life.

How are universal constants calculated?

Universal constants are calculated through a combination of empirical observations and theoretical models. Scientists use data from experiments and observations to determine the values of these constants, and then use mathematical equations and theories to refine and verify their accuracy.

Can universal constants change over time?

It is currently unknown if universal constants can change over time. While some theories suggest that certain constants may have varied in the early universe, there is no conclusive evidence to support this. The generally accepted understanding is that universal constants are constant throughout the history of the universe.

What are the implications of discovering new universal constants?

The discovery of new universal constants could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and the conditions necessary for life. It could also lead to advancements in our technology and ability to manipulate these constants, potentially opening up new possibilities for space exploration and other scientific endeavors.

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