Calculations Involving Binding Energy of Nucleus

In summary, the binding energy of a nucleus is given by a complex equation involving various constants and variables. In order to maximize this energy, the derivative of the equation with respect to Z must be equal to 0. Solving for Z in terms of the given constants and A, we get an answer of Z=12. This means that the element with mass number 25 that is a stable isotope is {}_{12}^{25}Mn.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The binding energy of a nucleus is given by:

[tex]E_{b}=a_{1}A-a_{2}A^{\frac{2}{3}}-a_{3}Z^{2}A^{-\frac{1}{3}}-a_{4}\left(Z-\frac{A}{2}\right)^{2}A^{-1}\pm a_{5}A^{-\frac{1}{2}}[/tex]

For a given set of isobars, [itex]A[/itex] constant, [itex]E_{b}[/itex] will be maximised at the value of [itex]Z[/itex] that satisfies:


a) Find this derivative and solve for [itex]Z[/itex] in terms of the [itex]a_{i}[/itex] and [itex]A[/itex]

b) Using the expression derived in part a) and given values of [itex]a_{i}[/itex], find the value of [itex]Z[/itex] which maximises [itex]E_{b}[/itex] when [itex]A=25[/itex]. Round [itex]Z[/itex] to the nearest integer value.

c) Use the periodic table and the derived value of [itex]Z[/itex] from part b) to determine which element of mass number 25 is a stable isotope.

Homework Equations

Within the problem statement and subsequent solution attempt.

The Attempt at a Solution

a) This is what I have for the differentiated equation:


.. this is correct? I think that's all I have to do for this part.

b) I know what the values of [itex]A, a_{3}, a_{4}[/itex] are, so I can put these into the equation, but then how to I 'solve it for Z' from that? I guess that need to find a value of [itex]Z[/itex] such that [itex]\frac{dE_{b}}{dZ}=0[/itex] right? Not sure how to do this.

c) Once I know what [itex]Z[/itex] is, how do I determine which element of mass number 25 is a stable isotope? I don't really understand this question part.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Just gone back and looked at this again.

Using the differential equation calculated, as listed above, I've plugged in the values I know and solved for Z. Have got an answer of [itex]Z=12[/itex].

So this I assume means I'm looking for whatever is [itex]{}_{12}^{25}?[/itex] which by looking at the periodic table I find that this is [itex]{}_{12}^{25}Mn[/itex] where the 12 just means that's the stable isotope.

.. am I anywhere near with this?!
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FAQ: Calculations Involving Binding Energy of Nucleus

What is binding energy of a nucleus?

Binding energy is the amount of energy required to completely separate the nucleons (protons and neutrons) within the nucleus of an atom. It is a measure of the stability of the atom and is calculated using the mass defect and Einstein's famous equation, E=mc².

How is binding energy calculated?

Binding energy is calculated by finding the difference between the mass of the nucleus and the sum of the masses of its individual nucleons. This difference is known as the mass defect. The mass defect is then multiplied by the speed of light squared (c²) to get the binding energy.

What factors affect the binding energy of a nucleus?

Several factors affect the binding energy of a nucleus, including the number of protons and neutrons, the arrangement of nucleons within the nucleus, and the strength of the nuclear force that holds them together. As the number of nucleons increases, the binding energy also increases. Additionally, nuclei with equal numbers of protons and neutrons tend to have higher binding energy due to greater nuclear stability.

Why is binding energy important in nuclear reactions?

Binding energy is important in nuclear reactions because it determines the amount of energy required to break apart a nucleus or fuse two nuclei together. During nuclear reactions, the total binding energy of the reactants must be equal to the total binding energy of the products. This is known as the conservation of energy and is crucial in understanding the dynamics of nuclear reactions.

What are some real-world applications of binding energy calculations?

Binding energy calculations have numerous real-world applications, including in nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons, and nuclear medicine. Understanding binding energy allows scientists to predict the behavior of atoms and nuclei and use that knowledge to develop technologies such as nuclear reactors and medical imaging techniques like PET scans.
