Calculus for Chemistry Majors: Overcome Struggles & Prepare for Grad School

In summary, although calculus is a necessary tool in physical chemistry, it is not the only math used in the discipline.
  • #1
I was wondering as to just how deeply chemistry relies on calculus. I'm great at all my chemistry homework and studies, but calculus is a real struggle for me. Not that it's impossible, just with the resources I have it's incredibly difficult. I worry that in the future, as in when I get to grad school, I may not be able to perform as well as I do now. Could someone tell me what I should focus on in calculus to keep strong in chemistry? I'm thinking about going for a degree in Biochemistry or Genetics, have also thought about carreers concerning quantum chemistry.
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  • #2
There is a great deal of calculus (and more) in physical chemistry.

Let me just say this: calculus, relative to all other sorts of math, is not that conceptually hard. You will have to do group theory eventually, and that's HARD math.
  • #3
In Biochemistry, integration and differential equations are heavily utilized to derive kinetic rate laws. Biochemistry is heavily evolving with physical chemistry and chemical physics, and now you're beginning to see many disciplines of biochemistry taught from a more physical based orientation (x-ray crystallography, statistical mechanics, molecular physics, quantum chemistry, density functional theory, and so forth).

Population biology and genetics is heavily endowed with ordinary an partial differential equations (for example: predator-prey populations and so forth).

However, from my personal experience, this is not the norm but sub specialties within these various fields.

In physical chemistry and chemical physics, the range of mathematics is vast. These particular fields overlap heavily with atomic and molecular physics. Therefore the language of mathematics is ever increasing and includes differential geometry, topology, group theory, graph theory, and much more.

However, sub-fields in chemistry like organic, medicinal, inorganic, and so forth rarely (again from personal experience) utilize math beyond calculus and simple group theory(point groups) unless they're further sub specialized with a more theoretical approach.
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  • #4
There's a lot of overlap between condensed matter physics and physical chemistry or even analytical chemistry as well, so the thermodynamics, solid state physics and statistical mechanics will be important too. These require at least vector calculus and linear algebra.

Statistics and signal processing is used in analytical chemistry. Analytical chemistry is part of every other chemistry, since you have to characterize your products.

Group theory is used in both crystallography (physical chemistry) and molecular spectroscopy (analytical chemistry). There's also complex analysis.

Some highly applied things in physical and analytical chemistry, such as biosensors and high efficiency photovoltaics, make use of solid state physical phenomena like surface plasmon resonance.

I won't mention biochemistry too much since I don't know much about it, but in my intro class, there was stuff about statistical mechanics of protein denaturation and yes, the derivation of rate laws in enzyme kinetics.

But in organic synthesis, inorganic synthesis and medicinal chemistry, you don't need math beyond calculus.
  • #5
Short version: there are branches of chemistry where heavy weight math is a must, there are branches where calculus is an overkill.
  • #6
Have a look in your local library at

The Chemistry Maths Book by Erich Steiner.

It suitable to accompany Chemical sciences up to degree level, but he makes it very easy and clear and starts from a high school base.
The book can be understood by any competent upper level high school student, who would be able to see where things are heading.

go well in your studies.
  • #7
I'm a 4th year chem student and the only time I actually needed to use calculus was in quantum mechanics (solving the Schrodinger equation and stuff like that). In 1st and 2nd year we had modules on calculus though. I don't like maths either so I avoid physical chemistry. I'm good at everything else.

Related to Calculus for Chemistry Majors: Overcome Struggles & Prepare for Grad School

1. What is Calculus and why is it important for chemistry majors?

Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with rates of change and accumulation. It is important for chemistry majors because it allows them to understand and solve complex problems involving change and growth, which are essential concepts in chemistry. It also helps in understanding the relationships between different variables in chemical reactions and processes.

2. How does Calculus relate to other branches of math used in chemistry?

Calculus is closely related to other branches of math, such as algebra and geometry, which are also commonly used in chemistry. In fact, calculus builds upon the concepts of these other branches, providing a deeper understanding and more precise calculations for chemical processes.

3. What are some common struggles that chemistry majors face when learning Calculus?

Some common struggles that chemistry majors face when learning Calculus include understanding the abstract concepts, applying the principles to real-world problems, and developing problem-solving skills. Additionally, the mathematical notation and terminology used in Calculus can also be confusing for some students.

4. How can learning Calculus benefit chemistry majors in preparing for graduate school?

Learning Calculus can benefit chemistry majors in several ways when preparing for graduate school. It provides a solid foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts and techniques that are often used in graduate-level chemistry courses. It also helps in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in graduate school.

5. Are there any specific strategies for chemistry majors to overcome struggles in learning Calculus?

Yes, there are some specific strategies that can help chemistry majors overcome struggles in learning Calculus. These include practicing regularly, seeking help from professors or tutors, breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable parts, and using real-world examples to understand abstract concepts. Additionally, forming study groups with peers can also be beneficial in mastering Calculus concepts.

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