Calculus I Problem Involving Tangents

In summary, the problem is finding the derivative of the function. The person is stuck after plugging in all the values they know into the derivative formula.
  • #1
Ok, I cannot figure out how to this problem. It is the last on my practice test and have had no real problems with any of these other ones.

I have been using this formula:

[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} \frac{f(x)-f(a)}{x-a}[/tex]

Here is the problem, find the equation of the line tangent to the function at the given point.

[tex]f(x)=2x^3-3[/tex] @ (3,51)

The answers he shows are..

[tex]y=54x-147[/tex] or [tex]y=12x-21[/tex]

I have no clue how he gets those. Well, actually I can't even solve it anyway so that doesn't matter.

I think there might be some easier way using derivatives, but we can't use those yet since we haven't learned them. The only other formula I know of is similar to the one above but involves "h" and I can't figure out how to even use that one.

Someone show me how to this one. It might be because I forgot how to factor cubed stuff but who knows, I am so lost.

Thanks for the help.
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  • #2
It would indeed be a lot easier if you could just use the standard rules rather than the definition. Is the problem finding the derivative or only setting up the equation for the tangent line?
  • #3
This limit: [tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} \frac{f(x)-f(a)}{x-a}[/tex] gives you the slope of the line tangent to f(x) at f(x=a).

Once you know the slope, use what you learned in algebra class to find the equation of a line with that slope passing through the given point (hint, y=mx+b ;)

[tex]f(x)=2x^3-3[/tex] @ (3,51)
The answers he shows are..
[tex]y=54x-147[/tex] or [tex]y=12x-21[/tex]

Is that a typo, and supposed to be the point (3, 15) ?
  • #4
sporkstorms said:
Is that a typo, and supposed to be the point (3, 15) ?
51 is correct since 2*3³-3 = 2*27-3 = 54-3 = 51.
  • #5
sporkstorms said:
This limit: [tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} \frac{f(x)-f(a)}{x-a}[/tex] gives you the slope of the line tangent to f(x) at f(x=a).

Once you know the slope, use what you learned in algebra class to find the equation of a line with that slope passing through the given point (hint, y=mx+b ;)

Is that a typo, and supposed to be the point (3, 15) ?

I haven't had any trouble with any of the other problems. I can find the slope and then the equation on all but this one.

That would be nice if it's a typo, then I can see why I can't get his answers. But on the practice test, the points are (3,51) I double checked just to make sure.
  • #6
TD said:
It would indeed be a lot easier if you could just use the standard rules rather than the definition. Is the problem finding the derivative or only setting up the equation for the tangent line?

I can plug it into the formula I have to use, but after that I am totally stuck. For some reason I can't figure out what to do after that to solve it. Which sucks, because these are so easy to do, yet I have spent sooo much time on this one problem.:confused:
  • #7
The formula for the derivative of for the tangent line?
Please show us where you get stuck, then I'll help you further.
  • #8
TD said:
51 is correct since 2*3³-3 = 2*27-3 = 54-3 = 51.

Yea, sorry. It's been a long night (and into today).
I just didn't like it because his tangent lines don't pass through that point.
  • #9
sporkstorms said:
Yea, sorry. It's been a long night (and into today).
I just didn't like it because his tangent lines don't pass through that point.
That's right, didn't even check that yet. The first one has the correct slope though...
  • #10
TD said:
The formula for the derivative of for the tangent line?
Please show us where you get stuck, then I'll help you further.

This may sound mighty stupid, but I can't get past after pluggin in all the values I have.

This is as far as I can get:

[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} \frac{f(x)-f(a)}{x-a}[/tex]

[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 3} \frac{2x^3-3-51}{x-3}[/tex]

[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 3} \frac{2x^3-54}{x-3}[/tex]

I think the whole problem here is I don't know what to do because of the [tex]x^3[/tex] part. If I could get the slope, I can get the rest. I am just stuck getting the slope part.
  • #11
Try factorising the nominator, who knows whether a factor (x-3) might pop up :wink:
  • #12
erok81 said:
[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 3} \frac{2x^3-54}{x-3}[/tex]

[tex]x-3[/tex] divides [tex]2x^3-54[/tex], time for some polynomial division.
  • #13
TD said:
Try factorising the nominator, who knows whether a factor (x-3) might pop up :wink:

I can't remember how to unfactor a cube anymore. I can factor one but can't go backwards anymore. :smile:

I figured that might be part of it since there was a x-3 on the bottom. So rather than doing it the correct way, I have taken every possible combination of x-3's and x+3's and can never get back to the original equation.

Maybe it's time to get out my old algebra book and relearn factoring.:-p
  • #14
Well 2x³-54 = 2(x³-27) = 2(x³-3³) and that last is a difference of cubes for which you have a formula.
If you find this factoring hard, you could go for shmoe's suggestion and do the polynomial division.
  • #15
shmoe said:
[tex]x-3[/tex] divides [tex]2x^3-54[/tex], time for some polynomial division.

Oh yeah, that is how you do those. I didn't even think of that.:blushing:

So now I can get the slope of 54. But when I put it into the equation I don't get either of those two answers. Unless I am doing it wrong, which I probably am.

Here is what I am using...





What else am I doing wrong?:confused:
  • #16
Your answer is correct, the given answers were wrong (as pointed out by sporkstorms earlier).
  • #17
Oh nice, that is a relief. I was getting worried that I couldn't do them.

Well, thanks for the help everyone. Now hopefully I can do this on my test tomorrow.

I'll have to try that way of factoring you did. I never learned that way and it seems a lot shorter than dividing them.
  • #18
Well, in general factoring a cubic is not so easy unless you know a root, say x = a. In that case, (x-a) is a factor and you can find the remaining quadratic using Horner's rule or by working out (x-a)(bx²+cx+d) where you have to determine b,c and d.

In this case, it's even easier since - as I said - we could write the nominator as 2(x³-3³). You can then use the formula (x³-a³) = (x-a)(x²+ax+a²) and there you immediately see the factor (x-a) which is here (x-3).
  • #19

Thanks for explaining that. I'll give it a try on the next problem I come across.
  • #20
You're welcome, good luck :smile:
  • #21
Going back to your first post- that's the reason sporkstorms asked if that wasn't (3, 15). When x= 3, both y=54x-147 and y= 12x- 5 give y= 15, not 51.

But, as TD pointed out, when x= 3 in the original equation,
y= 51.

I don't know who "he" is or why he would list two different answers for a problem with one answer but neither of them is correct- your equation is correct.
  • #22
HallsofIvy said:
Going back to your first post- that's the reason sporkstorms asked if that wasn't (3, 15). When x= 3, both y=54x-147 and y= 12x- 5 give y= 15, not 51.

But, as TD pointed out, when x= 3 in the original equation,
y= 51.

I don't know who "he" is or why he would list two different answers for a problem with one answer but neither of them is correct- your equation is correct.

He is my math teacher. Not the best I have had, but better than nothing I guess. This was all of the pre-test the teacher made for us to study with.

No wonder I could never get the answer right since the answer on the test was incorrect to start with. Oh well, at least I know what it should be now.:approve:

FAQ: Calculus I Problem Involving Tangents

What is a tangent line?

A tangent line is a line that touches a curve at exactly one point, called the point of tangency. It represents the instantaneous rate of change of the curve at that point.

How do you find the slope of a tangent line?

To find the slope of a tangent line, you need to take the derivative of the function at the point of tangency. This will give you the instantaneous rate of change, or the slope, at that point.

What is the equation of a tangent line?

The equation of a tangent line is y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the tangent line and b is the y-intercept. You can use this equation to find the equation of a tangent line at a specific point on a curve.

How do you use the tangent line to approximate a curve?

You can use the tangent line to approximate a curve by finding the equation of the tangent line at a specific point and using it to estimate the value of the function at nearby points. The closer the points are to the point of tangency, the more accurate the approximation will be.

What are some real-life applications of using tangents in calculus?

Tangents have various real-life applications, such as in physics to calculate the velocity of an object at a specific point, in engineering to find the slope of a curve in order to design a road or bridge, and in economics to determine the marginal cost and revenue of a business at a certain level of production.

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