Calculus II Volumes of Revolution and Basic Integration Questions

In summary, the conversation discusses various questions and solutions to a problem set. The first question involves using coordinate geometry to find the area of a triangle, which is confirmed to be correct. The second question involves finding the volume of a triangular prism using calculus, which involves setting up an integral and solving for it. The final answer is given as 8pi/27.
  • #1
Hey guys,

I have a couple of questions about the problem set I'm doing at the moment. Although I was able to solve most of these, I'm doubting quite a few of my responses.

For the first one, I split up the integral into two parts and obtained three different functions from the three coordinates, then added the area obtained from the two integrals, 4 and 6 respectively, to get 10.

For the second one, I used the formula for a semi-circles area, $\pi * r ^2 / 2 and obtained 9/8 * $\pi for the area, then integrated it from y=2 to y=0 with respect to y and obtained 9/4 * $\pi in total. This is because the triangle has a base of 3 metres in length, so I presumed that I could use that (and divide it by 2) to get the radius of the semi-circle. Albeit, I'm really not too sure about this one

For the third one, I just used the cylindrical shells method with (2+x) as the radius, expanded the integral, and integrated. I got ~268.083 as the answer.

For the fourth one, I got 29 $\pi / 30 for both answers, so I'm pretty sure I got it right.

For number eight, I integrated 245,000 $\pi * x from 0.3m to 1.5 metres since that is how far the water must travel to get out of the tub. I ended up getting 264,000 Joules, albeit I feel as if I may have made an error somewhere along the way.

Number nine should have been relatively easy, and is a simple average value question, so it's just 1/(b-a) * \int_{}^{} \,d , which gave me 24 degrees celcius.

Thanks in advance for the help, guys. I really appreciate it
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  • #2
Just want to point out when ur using symbols or commands you have to put a dollar sign at the beginning and at the end. For ex. Dollar sign \pi dollar sign gives you $\pi$ kind of easy to understand the post that way.
  • #3
Lol type your command and then end it. Say what you want to say in words and start again. so, dollar sign \pi dollar sign and then bla bla bla dollar sign \theta dollar sign otherwise it'll put everything in latex format
  • #4
For number 9 $\int_{0}^{12} \ 20+6 \sin\left({\frac{\pi t}{12}}\right)dt$ and then divide you answer by 12 to get the avg. My final answer is 258.837/12=23.82
  • #5
ardentmed said:
Hey guys,

I have a couple of questions...

Hello and welcome to MHB! :D

In the future, please post no more than two questions at the beginning of a thread. Threads are easier to follow this way, without becoming convoluted if more than one person is trying to help with different questions at the same time, etc.

For the first one, we can check your answer using a formula from coordinate geometry for the area of a triangle given 3 non-collinear points:

\(\displaystyle A=\frac{1}{2}\left|(x_3-x_1)(y_2-y_1)-(x_2-x_1)(y_3-y_1) \right|\)

\(\displaystyle A=\frac{1}{2}\left|(-2-0)(3-4)-(3-0)(-2-4) \right|=\frac{1}{2}\left|2+18 \right|=10\)

Correct! :D

For the second problem, the hypotenuse of the triangular base lies along the line:

\(\displaystyle y=-\frac{3}{2}x+2\)

Solving this for the radii of the slices, which is \(\displaystyle \frac{x}{2}\), we find:

\(\displaystyle \frac{x}{2}=\frac{2-y}{3}\)

Now, the volume of an arbitrary slice is:

\(\displaystyle dV=\pi\left(\frac{2-y}{3}\right)^2\,dy\)

and adding up all the slices, we obtain:

\(\displaystyle V=\frac{\pi}{9}\int_0^2(2-y)^2\,dy\)


\(\displaystyle u=2-y\,\therefore\,du=-dy\)

and we have:

\(\displaystyle V=\frac{\pi}{9}\int_0^2 u^2\,du\)

What do you get when you evaluate this integral?
  • #6
MarkFL said:
Hello and welcome to MHB! :D

In the future, please post no more than two questions at the beginning of a thread. Threads are easier to follow this way, without becoming convoluted if more than one person is trying to help with different questions at the same time, etc.

For the first one, we can check your answer using a formula from coordinate geometry for the area of a triangle given 3 non-collinear points:

\(\displaystyle A=\frac{1}{2}\left|(x_3-x_1)(y_2-y_1)-(x_2-x_1)(y_3-y_1) \right|\)

\(\displaystyle A=\frac{1}{2}\left|(-2-0)(3-4)-(3-0)(-2-4) \right|=\frac{1}{2}\left|2+18 \right|=10\)

Correct! :D

For the second problem, the hypotenuse of the triangular base lies along the line:

\(\displaystyle y=-\frac{3}{2}x+2\)

Solving this for the radii of the slices, which is \(\displaystyle \frac{x}{2}\), we find:

\(\displaystyle \frac{x}{2}=\frac{2-y}{3}\)

Now, the volume of an arbitrary slice is:

\(\displaystyle dV=\pi\left(\frac{2-y}{3}\right)^2\,dy\)

and adding up all the slices, we obtain:

\(\displaystyle V=\frac{\pi}{9}\int_0^2(2-y)^2\,dy\)


\(\displaystyle u=2-y\,\therefore\,du=-dy\)

and we have:

\(\displaystyle V=\frac{\pi}{9}\int_0^2 u^2\,du\)

What do you get when you evaluate this integral?
8pi / 27. Thanks a ton!
  • #7
ardentmed said:
8pi / 27. Thanks a ton!

Correct! (Yes)

Let's look at the third gave your answer and $r$, but I don't really know what you did, so let's step through it and check your result.

I would begin by plotting the region to be revolved and the axis of rotation:

View attachment 2770

Now, the volume of an arbitrary shell is:

\(\displaystyle dV=2\pi rh\,dx\)

Can you state $h$ as a function of $x$ and then state the volume of the arbitrary shell as a function of $x$ using $h(x)$ and $r(x)$? After that sum up the shells in a definite integral...what do you have up to that point?


  • revolve.png
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  • #8
MarkFL said:
Correct! (Yes)

Let's look at the third gave your answer and $r$, but I don't really know what you did, so let's step through it and check your result.

I would begin by plotting the region to be revolved and the axis of rotation:

View attachment 2770

Now, the volume of an arbitrary shell is:

\(\displaystyle dV=2\pi rh\,dx\)

Can you state $h$ as a function of $x$ and then state the volume of the arbitrary shell as a function of $x$ using $h(x)$ and $r(x)$? After that sum up the shells in a definite integral...what do you have up to that point?
So, to reiterate my response to the question, the radius would be 2+x, so that replaces the radius in the formula. Also, the greater function is subtracted by the function that is smaller over that interval in which they intersect. Ultimately, after integrating, wouldn't that end up giving me ~268.1?
  • #9
ardentmed said:
So, to reiterate my response to the question, the radius would be 2+x, so that replaces the radius in the formula. Also, the greater function is subtracted by the function that is smaller over that interval in which they intersect. Ultimately, after integrating, wouldn't that end up giving me ~268.1?

Well, your answer is correct to 1 decimal place, but can you show the integral you used, your work and the exact answer? :D

Related to Calculus II Volumes of Revolution and Basic Integration Questions

Question 1: What is the concept of volumes of revolution in Calculus II?

The concept of volumes of revolution in Calculus II involves finding the volume of a three-dimensional shape created by rotating a two-dimensional shape around an axis. This is typically done using the method of integration.

Question 2: What are the basic integration techniques used in Calculus II?

The basic integration techniques used in Calculus II include the power rule, substitution, integration by parts, and partial fractions. These techniques are used to evaluate antiderivatives and solve integration problems.

Question 3: How do you find the volume of a solid of revolution using the disk method?

The disk method is a common technique used to find the volume of a solid of revolution. It involves dividing the solid into thin disks, finding the volume of each disk, and then summing up the volumes using an integral.

Question 4: What is the difference between definite and indefinite integrals?

An indefinite integral is the antiderivative of a function, while a definite integral is the area under a curve between two specific points. In other words, an indefinite integral gives a family of functions, while a definite integral gives a specific numerical value.

Question 5: How do you use the shell method to find the volume of a solid of revolution?

The shell method is another technique used to find the volume of a solid of revolution. It involves dividing the solid into thin cylinders, finding the volume of each cylinder, and then summing up the volumes using an integral.

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