Calculus III or Linear Algebra? Which one should I take first?

In summary, the conversation discusses the dilemma of whether to take Calculus III or Linear Algebra as a prerequisite for other math courses. The course descriptions for both classes are provided, along with differing opinions from the individual's teacher and father, as well as other sources. The conversation concludes with the recommendation to take Linear Algebra first, based on the similarity of the course descriptions and the potential for better understanding of concepts in future courses.
  • #1
Firstly, as you may see, I'm a newbie to this forum so I apologize if I posted this question in the wrong place or violated any rules within this post. :)

I have no idea as to which to take first. The course description for Linear Algebra says that "Calculus III is recommended but no required" as a core-requisite. I asked a teacher at school and he suggested I take Calculus III first. I asked my Dad (He's a Mathematical Physicist) and he suggested I take Linear Algebra first. The consensus on some other sites where other people asked the same questions is pretty even in both directions. Some say take Linear Algebra and some say take Calculus III. The course descriptions are as follows:

Calculus III:
Vectors, vector-valued functions. Calculus of functions of several variables: partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl, multiple integrals, line integrals, Stokes' and Green's theorems. Prerequisite: 22.

(22 is Calculus II)

Linear Algebra:
Matrices, linear dependence, vector spaces, linear transformations, characteristic equations and applications. Prerequisites: 22 or instructor's permission. Core-requisite: MATH 121 recommended but not required.

(121 is Calculus III)

Calculus III has a much smaller enrollment for this particular class (only 6 out of 25) whereas Linear Algebra has much large enrollment of 21 out of 25 students enrolled. However, Calculus III meets three days a week for 2 and a half hours a day (for about 5 weeks) whereas Linear Algebra only meets two days a week for three and a half hours a day (for about 5 weeks).

I have no idea which class to take first. Any recommendations? I'm taking this over the summer at a local university. I won't be able to take both concurrently as the Linear Algebra course description recommends.

Any suggestions? Any opinions?

Thanks! :)

(I also posted this in another thread -- sorry!)
Physics news on
  • #2
What classes do you intend on taking during the fall semester?
  • #3
I took both classes concurrently last fall and there really wasn't any overlap. I think you would be fine with either taking Cal III before Linear Algebra or vice versa.
  • #4
Linear Algebra. I took LA before Multivariable Calculus, and I was able to understand and develop the intuition for MVC using LA.
  • #5
Fragment, I think I'll start off with Diff. EQs. Not sure what I want to take after that...
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  • #6
This question has already been asked here, about 1 year ago if I remember well.
In my university linear algebra is a prerequisite to vector calculus. I think it's a good choice. In vector calculus you'll see the Jacobian, which is a determinant of a matrix. You can memorize how to construct the matrix and calculate the determinant, but if you didn't have any introduction to linear algebra, it's a bit of a non-sense in my opinion.
  • #7
So you're saying that I should take LA first?
  • #8
TheColorCute said:
So you're saying that I should take LA first?

From my own experience, yes. Also the description of your courses is very similar to the ones I had. I don't see how you can go wrong taking first LA and then Calc III.
  • #9
OK, thanks! :)
  • #10
Just signed up for LA :)
  • #11
TheColorCute said:
Just signed up for LA :)

Good luck! Study hard.
  • #12
Thanks! :)
  • #13
I am taking Calc III right now with no Linear Algebra, I am doing okay, but I have a minor understanding of matrices, so I would advice LA first
  • #14
OK, thanks for the advice! :)

FAQ: Calculus III or Linear Algebra? Which one should I take first?

1. What is the difference between Calculus III and Linear Algebra?

Calculus III is a continuation of Calculus II, focusing on multivariable calculus and vector functions. On the other hand, Linear Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with linear equations, vectors, matrices, and their applications.

2. Which one should I take first, Calculus III or Linear Algebra?

It is generally recommended to take Calculus III before Linear Algebra, as Calculus III builds upon the concepts learned in Calculus II, which are necessary for understanding Linear Algebra. However, depending on your program and interests, it may be possible to take Linear Algebra before Calculus III.

3. Is Calculus III or Linear Algebra more difficult?

This question is subjective and may vary for each individual. Calculus III may be more challenging for some students due to its focus on visualizing and manipulating three-dimensional objects, while Linear Algebra may be more challenging for others due to its abstract concepts and use of mathematical notation.

4. What are the applications of Calculus III and Linear Algebra?

Calculus III is commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics, where understanding and manipulating multivariable functions is necessary. Linear Algebra is used in various fields, including computer science, statistics, and data analysis, to solve systems of linear equations and model real-world problems.

5. Can I take Calculus III and Linear Algebra at the same time?

In most cases, it is not recommended to take both Calculus III and Linear Algebra at the same time, as they both require a strong foundation in Calculus II. It is best to take one course at a time to fully grasp the concepts and avoid overloading your workload. However, it is ultimately up to your academic advisor and personal abilities to determine if you can handle taking both courses simultaneously.

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