Calculus Physics Artillery Problem (Calculus BC)

In summary, Edmond Halley presented the laws of gravity and projectile motion in 1686, which have since been applied to military gunnery. The laws have been used to solve problems related to firing projectiles on incline planes. The equations for finding the position vector and parametric equations for the path of the projectile were derived and the maximum range and height were calculated for a given initial velocity and angle of depression. The angle of elevation needed to achieve maximum range and height were also determined. However, there were discrepancies in the time function, which required further analysis.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In a paper presented in 1686, Edmond Halley summarized the laws of gravity and projectile motion. These laws have since been applied to military gunnery, especially in the fields of land artillery and naval gunfire. Several problems of projectile motion were posed related to military gunnery, specifically (1) firing a projectile down an incline plane and (2) firing a projectile up an incline plane. Both of these type problems would be crucial to model for the Army, as military terrain is rarely flat. artillery projectile motion must account for variations in terrain elevation. To simplify calculations below, we will ignore air resistance, wind speed, and all other factors affecting projectile motion except gravity.

Angle = [itex]\alpha[/itex]
Initial Velocity= V0
Angle of Depression = θ

Requirement #1

A 155mm artillery round (projectile) is fired from a self-propelled howitzer (located at the origin) down a hill slope (incline plane) that makes an angle θ with the horizontal ground. The angle of elevation of the howitzer and the initial speed of the artillery round are represented as [itex]\alpha[/itex] and V0, respectively.

A. Find the position vector, r(t), of the artillery round (projectile). Determine the horizontal component as a function x = f (V0, [itex]\alpha[/itex], t) and the vertical component as a function y = g (V0, [itex]\alpha[/itex], t).

B. Determine the parametric equations for the path of the artillery round as a function of time. Identify the horizontal parametric equation as a function x = f (V0, [itex]\alpha[/itex], θ) and the vertical parametric equation as a function y = g (V0, x, [itex]\alpha[/itex]), and t = f g (V0, [itex]\alpha[/itex], θ) [Solved for y first and then substituted into find x, followed by using functions for t.]

Requirement #2

Artillery personnel are interested in determining the maximum range (horizontal distance) and maximum height (vertical distance) for their weapon system. Using the position vector and parametric equations derived in Requirement #1 above, determine the following:

A. Determine the angle of elevation ([itex]\alpha[/itex]) to achieve maximum range. The angle of elevation will be a function of angle of depression of the inclined plane (θ). Describe this angle of elevation in relationship to the angle of depression.

B. Calculate the maximum range of an artillery round with a known initial velocity of 625 meters per second and an angle of depression with the inclined plane (hill) of [itex]\pi[/itex]/8 radians.

C. Determine the angle of elevation ([itex]\alpha[/itex]) to achieve maximum height from the horizontal and calculate the maximum height of a mortar round with a known initial velocity of 300 meters/second.

Homework Equations

g=-9.80665 meters/second
No relevant equations due to the fact that the problem asks for equations.

The Attempt at a Solution

Requirement #1. A.

r(t) = [V0cos([itex]\alpha[/itex])]ti + [(-g/2)t2 + V0sin([itex]\alpha[/itex])t]j

x = V0cos([itex]\alpha[/itex])t

y = (-g/2)t2 + V0sin([itex]\alpha[/itex])t

Requirement #1. B.

y = tan([itex]\alpha[/itex])x - (g/2)(x2/(V02cos2([itex]\alpha[/itex])))

x = (V02sin(2α) + 2V02tan(θ)cos2([itex]\alpha[/itex]))/g

t = (2V0(sin([itex]\alpha[/itex]) + tan(θ)cos([itex]\alpha[/itex])))/g

Requirement #2. A.

Range = ((2V02cos([itex]\alpha[/itex]))/(g cos2(θ))) * sin([itex]\alpha[/itex]+θ)

dR = ((2V02)/(g cos2(θ))) [cos([itex]\alpha[/itex])cos([itex]\alpha[/itex]+θ) - sin([itex]\alpha[/itex])sin([itex]\alpha[/itex]+θ)]

dR = ((2V02)/(g cos2(θ))) [cos(2[itex]\alpha[/itex]+θ)]

θ = ([itex]\pi[/itex]/2)-2[itex]\alpha[/itex]

[itex]\alpha[/itex] = ([itex]\pi[/itex]/4)-(θ/2)

Requirement #2. B. C.

Wanted confirmation on previous problems before moving on.
Physics news on
  • #2
Found Requirement #2. B.
Maximum Range is at angle of 3[itex]\pi[/itex]/16 radians and is at the point (58428.86455, -22944.96145)

Time is 112.43488 seconds after initial firing.

Need help with the confirmation of the time function. I have solved for it twice and reached the same results. However the time does not match up with those found analytically.
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  • #3
Requirement #2. C.
[itex]\alpha[/itex] for maximum elevation is 90o because when θ is -[itex]\pi[/itex]/2 radians the vertical velocity is achieved because [itex]\pi[/itex]/2 is a vertical line. The Max is at t = 30.59149 seconds at a height of 4588.72296.
  • #4
New Revelation: on Requirement #2. B. to understand t you must solve for x and y rather than trying to figure out t initially.

FAQ: Calculus Physics Artillery Problem (Calculus BC)

1. What is the calculus physics artillery problem?

The calculus physics artillery problem is a type of projectile motion problem that involves using calculus concepts to determine the trajectory of a projectile launched from a cannon or artillery. It takes into account factors such as the initial velocity, angle of launch, and gravity to calculate the position, velocity, and acceleration of the projectile over time.

2. How is calculus used to solve the artillery problem?

Calculus is used to solve the artillery problem by applying the principles of derivatives and integrals to the equations of motion. The initial conditions, such as position and velocity, are used to create a function that describes the motion of the projectile. The derivatives of this function are then used to determine the velocity and acceleration at any given point in time. Integrals are used to find the position and displacement of the projectile over time.

3. What are the key equations used in solving the artillery problem?

The key equations used in solving the artillery problem are the equations of motion: s(t) = s0 + v0t + 1/2at2, v(t) = v0 + at, and a(t) = a0, where s is the position, v is the velocity, a is the acceleration, s0 is the initial position, v0 is the initial velocity, a0 is the acceleration due to gravity (usually -9.8 m/s2), and t is time. These equations can be manipulated using calculus to solve for various unknowns.

4. What are the assumptions made in solving the artillery problem?

The assumptions made in solving the artillery problem include neglecting air resistance, assuming a constant acceleration due to gravity, and assuming a flat and level ground. These assumptions may not be completely accurate in real-world scenarios, but they allow for simplified calculations and a good approximation of the projectile's trajectory.

5. What are some real-life applications of the calculus physics artillery problem?

The calculus physics artillery problem has many real-life applications, including in military operations and ballistics, engineering and design of weapons and projectiles, and even in sports such as golf and long-range shooting. It is also used in physics experiments and simulations to study the motion of objects under the influence of gravity.

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