Callan-Szymanzick equation and renormalization

In summary, in quantum field theory, the green functions are used to calculate physical quantities, but they tend to blow up. To solve this problem, a cutoff scale is used to make the green functions finite. However, this introduces a dependence on the cutoff and the renormalization scale in the calculation of physical quantities such as mass and charge. This process is known as renormalization. In a renormalizable theory, the answers are finite even when the cutoff is taken to infinity. The C-Z equation is a partial differential equation that sets a condition for the dependence on the physical charge and the renormalization scale.
  • #1
When i coursed the quantum field theory at university our teacher told us about this equation..i have searched information aobut it in many books and have the seems is a partial-differential equation but i have doubts..

a)what is have to do with renormalization?...(in fact how to use it in renormalization theory
b)If theory is not renormalizable then..what would be the c-s equation then?.exist if not why?

hope someone can help...
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  • #2
C-Z equation

In QFT, the objects from which everything follows (well...) are the green functions, (the vacuum expectations of products of field operators) but usually those greenfunctions blow up. So we use a cutoff scale to make those green functions finite (but dependent on the cutoff). As such, we can calculate what are the masses, charges, field renormalizations etc... as a function of the cutoff. When we say, for example, what is the charge of an electron, we actually talk about the outcome of an experiment to be performed, for example: put an electron in such and such an E-field and look at its acceleration. That's a non-trivial operation in QFT, and it turns out that this outcome, "physical charge" is a function of the bare charge e0 and the cutoff in a complicated way. So we can solve for e0 as a function of the physical charge e and the cutoff. But the "physical charge" is defined at a certain energy scale: for example, we consider the electron at rest (energy is the rest mass), or in motion or whatever. So this procedure depends on what is called the "renormalisation scale" M. Renormalization is nothing else but substituting everywhere e0 by the function of the cutoff, the physical charge e and the renormalization scale M. In a renormalizable theory, we then get finite answers, even in the limit of the cutoff going to infinity. In that limit, there's still a functional dependence of every physical quantity on the physical charge e and the renormalization scale. The C-Z equation is a partial differential equation that sets a condition on the dependence on e and on M.

  • #3

The Callan-Symanzik equation is a key tool in the study of quantum field theory. It is a partial differential equation that describes how the coupling constants of a quantum field theory change as the energy scale at which the theory is studied changes. This equation allows us to understand how the theory behaves at different energy scales, and how it is affected by renormalization.

Renormalization is a technique used in quantum field theory to deal with infinities that arise in calculations. These infinities arise when we try to calculate physical quantities, such as particle masses or coupling constants, in a quantum field theory. Renormalization allows us to remove these infinities and obtain finite, meaningful results.

The Callan-Symanzik equation is closely related to renormalization because it tells us how the coupling constants of a theory change as we renormalize it. By solving this equation, we can determine how the coupling constants should be adjusted in order to obtain finite, renormalized results.

If a quantum field theory is not renormalizable, it means that it cannot be made finite through the process of renormalization. In this case, the Callan-Symanzik equation may not be applicable, as it is derived from the assumption that the theory is renormalizable. However, the equation can still be useful for understanding the behavior of the theory at different energy scales, even if it cannot be fully renormalized.

In summary, the Callan-Symanzik equation is an important tool in the study of quantum field theory, particularly in the context of renormalization. It allows us to understand how the coupling constants of a theory change as we renormalize it, and can help us obtain finite, meaningful results. Although it may not be applicable in all cases, it is still a valuable equation for understanding the behavior of quantum field theories.

FAQ: Callan-Szymanzick equation and renormalization

1. What is the Callan-Szymanzick equation?

The Callan-Szymanzick equation is a mathematical equation used in quantum field theory to describe the renormalization of a physical quantity. It relates the bare and renormalized values of a quantity, taking into account the effects of quantum fluctuations.

2. How does the Callan-Szymanzick equation work?

The equation is based on the principle that physical observables should not depend on arbitrary parameters, such as the chosen energy scale or the choice of particle states. It takes into account the effects of virtual particles and their interactions with the physical system, allowing for a more accurate calculation of the renormalized value.

3. What is renormalization?

Renormalization is a technique used in quantum field theory to remove infinities that arise in calculations of physical quantities. It involves adjusting the values of parameters in the theory to account for the effects of virtual particles and ensuring that physical observables are finite and well-defined.

4. Why is renormalization important?

Renormalization is important because it allows for more accurate and meaningful calculations in quantum field theory. Without renormalization, the theory would be plagued with infinities and would not be able to make predictions about physical phenomena. It also allows for the incorporation of quantum effects, which are crucial for understanding the behavior of particles at a fundamental level.

5. What are some applications of the Callan-Szymanzick equation and renormalization?

The Callan-Szymanzick equation and renormalization have numerous applications in theoretical physics, including in the study of quantum electrodynamics, quantum chromodynamics, and the standard model of particle physics. They are also used in high-energy physics experiments such as colliders, where precise measurements of physical quantities are needed to test the predictions of the theory.

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