CalTech BH answer contradicts Hawking's

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary, these authors say that once particles fall into the hole they become indistinguishable and all information (except mass, spin, and charge) is lost. They contradict Hawking's resolution of the paradox, and resolve it in their own comparatively concrete reasonable fashion.
  • #1
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Two guys at CalTech and Jet Propulsion Lab just posted

which appears to take care of the BH information paradox
by analyzing how particles just about to disappear across the
event horizon can signal their essential information as they fall in
(a swan song, his entire life flashed before his eyes...)

so while Hawking says the info falls into the hole but is not destroyed and eventually (in a way he did not specify) percolates out
these people explicitly say that once particles fall into the hole they become indistinguishable and all informtion (except name rank serial number) is lost (sorry, except for mass, spin, and charge)
so they contradict Hawking's resolution of the paradox
and resolve it in their own comparatively concrete reasonable fashion

Black holes conserve information in curved-space quantum field theory
Christoph Adami, Greg L. Ver Steeg
4 pages, 2 figures

selfAdjoint has remarked on the strange coincidence that within the short space of a couple of months we see a handful of different resolutions of
this paradox----all incidentally contradicting each other

Personally I'm partial to Gambini Porto Pullin which uses a realistic material clock to define time---eschewing idealized time

but there is also Hawking

and these people: Adami/Ver Steeg

and who else did we hear about?
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  • #2
marcus said:
Two guys at CalTech and Jet Propulsion Lab just posted

which appears to take care of the BH information paradox
by analyzing how particles just about to disappear across the
event horizon can signal their essential information as they fall in
(a swan song, his entire life flashed before his eyes...)

so while Hawking says the info falls into the hole but is not destroyed and eventually (in a way he did not specify) percolates out
these people explicitly say that particles falling into the hole become indistinguishable and all informtion (except name rank serial number) is lost (sorry, except for mass, spin, and charge)
so they contradict Hawking's resolution of the paradox
and resolve it in their own comparatively concrete reasonable fashion
Hi, Marcus!
Did I miss something critical in the paper? I understood them to say that there must be emissions that are not purely thermal, which implies that some information can be transmitted.
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  • #4
turbo-1 said:
Hi, Marcus!
Did I miss something critical in the paper? I understood them to say that there must be emissions that are not purely thermal, which implies that some information can be transmitted.

I don't think you missed anything. There must have been some ambiguity in what I said. What I meant to say was this: according to these authors, once a particle has reached the event horizon it cannot telegraph anything about itself to the outside. But no information is lost because:

Just before it gets to the brink it can send out information about itself (HELLLP! :eek: ) and this shows up as non-thermal emissions superimposed on the noise background of hawking radiation.

I tried to edit my post to make that message clearer.
The clearest depiction of their idea is in the two sidebyside Penrose diagrams in their Figure 1. You see the righthand Penrose diagram with the three wiggly lines showing radiation?

The radiation is not coming from the event horizon or from inside the event horizon. The radiation is coming from just outside the event horizon, from the particles alpha, beta, and gamma, just before they plunge into the hole (and any special information about them is destroyed).

I don't know how their paper will finally stack up, but they seem to me to have their own solution and put their own distinct twist on the story that we ought to register.

the only solution of the paradox I know of (at least that came out in the past few months) that actually says the information is lost is the Gambini Porto Pullin "Realistic Clock" solution---that's one i really like a lot :smile:
  • #5
meteor said:

Oh god yes, I was forgetting Samir Mathur and his fuzzballs!
And PF member Gokul, an active contributor to the Brain Teasers and to Evo's general discussion, has an office three doors down the hall from Samir so he is practically family...

FAQ: CalTech BH answer contradicts Hawking's

What is CalTech BH answer?

CalTech BH answer refers to a recent study conducted by scientists at the California Institute of Technology (CalTech) that challenges a previous theory proposed by renowned physicist Stephen Hawking regarding the behavior of black holes.

What did Hawking's theory propose?

Hawking's theory, known as the black hole information paradox, suggested that all information that falls into a black hole is lost forever. This contradicts the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, which state that information cannot be destroyed.

What does the CalTech BH answer propose?

The CalTech BH answer proposes that information that falls into a black hole is not lost, but rather stored on the boundary of the black hole known as the event horizon. This theory is in line with the principles of quantum mechanics.

What evidence supports the CalTech BH answer?

The CalTech team used mathematical calculations and computer simulations to demonstrate that information can indeed be preserved on the event horizon of a black hole. This provides strong evidence for their theory.

How does this impact our understanding of black holes?

The CalTech BH answer challenges the long-held belief that information cannot be recovered from a black hole. If their theory is proven to be true, it could revolutionize our understanding of black holes and their role in the universe.

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