Can a Closed Subspace of $L^1(\Bbb R)$ be Contained in All $L^p(\Bbb R)$ Spaces?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Chris L T521
  • Start date
In summary, the inclusion property allows for a closed subspace of $L^1(\Bbb R)$ to be contained in all $L^p(\Bbb R)$ spaces for $p \geq 1$, which has significant implications in mathematical analysis and other fields. However, there are exceptions to this property, particularly if the underlying measure space is not complete or for certain functions or sets. The inclusion property also plays a crucial role in the concept of convergence in $L^p$ spaces, allowing for the interchange of limits between different spaces. It can also be extended to other function spaces, but with varying conditions and assumptions.
  • #1
Chris L T521
Gold Member
Many thanks to girdav for this week's problem!


Problem: Let $X$ a closed subspace of $L^1(\Bbb R)$. We assume that $X\subset \bigcup_{1<p<\infty}L^p(\Bbb R)$. Show that we can find $p_0\in (1,+\infty)$ such that $X\subset L^{p_0}(\Bbb R)$.

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  • #2
No one attempted the problem this week. Here's the solution (as provided by girdav).

We define for an integer $k$$$F_k:=\{f\in X: \lVert f\rVert_{L^{1+1/k}}\leq k\}.$$- $F_k$ is closed (for the $L^1$ norm). Indeed, let $\{f_j\}\subset F_k$ which converges in $L^1$ to $f$. A subsequence $\{f_{j'}\}$ converges to $f$ almost everywhere, hence
$$\int_{\Bbb R}|f|^{1+1/k}dx=\int_{\Bbb R}\liminf_{j'}|f_{j'}|^{1+1/k}dx\leq
\liminf_{j'}\int_{\Bbb R}|f_{j'}|^{1+1/k}dx\leq k.$$
- We have $X=\bigcup_{k\geq 1}F_k$. Indeed, take $f\in X$; then $f\in L^p$ for some $p>1$. For $k$ large enough, $1+1/k\leq p$ and breaking the integral on the sets $\{|f|<1\}$, $\{|f|\geq 1\}$
$$\lVert f\rVert_{L^{1+1/k}}^{1+1/k}\leq \lVert f\rVert_{L^1}+\lVert f\rVert_{L^p}^p,$$
$$\lVert f\rVert_{L^{1+1/k}}\leq \left(\lVert f\rVert_{L^1}+\lVert f\rVert_{L^p}^p\right)^{1-\frac 1{k+1}}.$$
The RHS converges to $\lVert f\rVert_{L^1}+\lVert f\rVert_{L^p}^p$, so it's smaller than two times this quantity for $k$ large enough. Now, just consider $k$ such that
$$2\left(\lVert f\rVert_{L^1}+\lVert f\rVert_{L^p}^p\right)\leq k.$$By Baire's categories theorem, we get that a $F_{k_0}$ has a non-empty interior. That is, we can find $f_0\in F_{k_0}$ and $r_0>0$ such that if $\lVert f-f_0\rVert_{L^1}\leq r_0$ then $f\in F_{k_0}$. Consider $f\neq 0$ an element of $X$. Then $f_0+\frac{r_0f}{2\lVert f\rVert_{L^1}}\in F_{k_0}$. We have that
$$\left\lVert \frac{r_0f}{2\lVert f\rVert_{L^1}}\right\rVert_{L^{1+1/k_0}}\leq
\left\lVert f_0+ \frac{r_0f}{2\lVert f\rVert_{L^1}}\right\rVert_{L^{1+1/k_0}}+\lVert f_0\rVert_{L^{1+1/k_0}}\leq 2k_0,$$
$$\lVert f\rVert_{1+1/k_0}\leq \frac{4k_0}{r_0}\lVert f\rVert_{L^1},$$
which proves the embedding.

FAQ: Can a Closed Subspace of $L^1(\Bbb R)$ be Contained in All $L^p(\Bbb R)$ Spaces?

Can a Closed Subspace of $L^1(\Bbb R)$ be Contained in All $L^p(\Bbb R)$ Spaces?

Yes, it is possible for a closed subspace of $L^1(\Bbb R)$ to be contained in all $L^p(\Bbb R)$ spaces. This is known as the "inclusion property" and it holds for all values of $p$ greater than or equal to 1.

What is the significance of the inclusion property in $L^p$ spaces?

The inclusion property in $L^p$ spaces allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between different $L^p$ spaces. It also allows for the application of techniques and results from one space to another, making it a useful tool in mathematical analysis and other fields.

Are there any exceptions to the inclusion property in $L^p$ spaces?

Yes, there are exceptions to the inclusion property in certain cases. For example, if the underlying measure space is not complete, then the inclusion property may not hold. Additionally, there may be specific functions or sets for which the inclusion property does not apply.

How does the inclusion property relate to the concept of convergence in $L^p$ spaces?

The inclusion property plays a crucial role in the concept of convergence in $L^p$ spaces. It allows for the interchange of limits between different $L^p$ spaces, which is a key step in proving convergence of sequences or series in these spaces.

Can the inclusion property be extended to other function spaces?

Yes, the inclusion property can be extended to other function spaces, such as $L^\infty$ and the space of continuous functions. However, the conditions for the inclusion property may differ in these spaces and may require additional assumptions or restrictions.
