Can a cylinder float up through a hole?

In summary: Earth's atmosphere) Anyway, I think the answer is that the bubble is stuck because the water on the outside of the bubble is more cohesive than the water on the inside.
  • #1
There is a container full of water with a hole in the bottom. The hole is sealed and fits water-tight around an enclosed cylinder (like a straw sealed at both ends). The cylinder still moves easily vertically and it is inserted in such a way that it protrudes out both the top and bottom of the water. Ideally the theoretical bouyancy of the part in the water overcomes the protruding ends weight. Would this cylinder float up through the hole??

Please help
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  • #2
Ask yourself: What causes buoyancy? What force does the water exert on the cylinder?
  • #3
Doc Al said:
Ask yourself: What causes buoyancy? What force does the water exert on the cylinder?

I have... a lot. That's why I came to the forum. I know that the definition of buoyancy has to do with displacement weighing more than the body itself but then I had to start thinking of why this happens. This seems out of my spectrum, hence me coming to the forum.
  • #4
My question is simpler: What causes the buoyant force (if it exists)? Something must be exerting the force. What is it? This may sound like a silly question, but answer it anyway. (This will help you better understand buoyant force.)

Archimedes's principle states that the buoyant force on a submerged object equals the weight of the displaced fluid. But there are important caveats.
  • #5
I found out there would not be a bouyant force. I wish school would not "define" buoyancy with its formula. I found your reply to someone asking about a perfect seal cone on the bottom of a pool, which applies to my question.

EDIT: I thought of a new question now... why do bubbles "stick" to the sides of my freshly poured soda? Is cohesion involved? Cohesion of the water and glass right above the bubble maybe?
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  • #6
Bushwhackerr said:
I found out there would not be a bouyant force. I wish school would not "define" buoyancy with its formula. I found your reply to someone asking about a perfect seal cone on the bottom of a pool, which applies to my question.
Right. The "buoyant" force is just the result of the fluid pressure exerting a net force on an object. (The fact that pressure changes with height makes a net force possible.) But the entire submerged surface of the object must be in contact with the fluid in order to apply Archimedes's principle.

In your example, as you realize, the water is only in contact with the sides of the cylinder, not the bottom. The net force exerted by the water is zero.

And I agree that many introductory treatments treat Archimedes's principle as if it were more fundamental than it is.
  • #7
Thank you, I have been enlightened. I like this "instant message" style of discussion lol.
  • #8

You're talking about this:

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I thought you were talking about this:

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...which would cause problems with vacuum pressure.

FAQ: Can a cylinder float up through a hole?

What is buoyancy?

Buoyancy is the upward force exerted by a fluid on an object that is placed in it. It is caused by the difference in pressure between the top and bottom of the object.

Why do objects float in water?

Objects float in water because they are less dense than water. This means that the upward force of buoyancy is greater than the downward force of gravity, causing the object to float.

What factors affect buoyancy?

The factors that affect buoyancy include the density of the fluid, the volume of the object, and the gravitational force acting on the object. Other factors such as temperature and pressure can also play a role.

Why do some objects sink while others float?

Objects that are more dense than water will sink, while objects that are less dense than water will float. The density of an object is determined by its mass and volume.

How does the shape of an object affect its buoyancy?

The shape of an object can affect its buoyancy by changing its volume or the way it displaces the fluid. For example, a hollow object will have more buoyancy than a solid object of the same mass, as it displaces more fluid.

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