Can a Group Have a Cyclic Automorphism Group of Odd Order?

In summary, the conversation discusses proving that no group can have its automorphism group cyclic of odd order. The attempt at a solution involved considering Aut(Z2) with an order of 1, which is trivial. However, the professor requested for the proof to exclude Z2 and for the student to show that every group with cyclic aut. grp. has an automorphism of order 2. The student struggled with this but eventually understood the concept.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove that no group can have its automorphism group cyclic of odd order.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Aut(Z2) has order 1, which is odd...trivial, yes, but I thought I was DONE.

However, my professor has said "well prove it EXCEPT for Z2"

I thought I was done, and now I have till 2 to do redo this and I have a mental block on it.

Can someone give my a push?

Physics news on
  • #2
So you've got to show that every group (except Z/2Z) with cyclic aut. grp. has an automorphism of order 2...
  • #3
All right, I think I see it now...although I already turned it in incomplete. I just couldn't see it yesterday.

FAQ: Can a Group Have a Cyclic Automorphism Group of Odd Order?

1. What is a cyclic automorphism group?

A cyclic automorphism group is a mathematical concept that describes a set of transformations (called automorphisms) on a mathematical object that form a cyclic group. This means that the set of transformations can be generated by a single element, also known as a generator, and that applying the transformations in a specific order will result in the original object.

2. How is a cyclic automorphism group different from a regular automorphism group?

A cyclic automorphism group is a specific type of automorphism group where the transformations can be generated by a single element. In a regular automorphism group, this is not necessarily the case and the transformations may be generated by multiple elements.

3. Can you give an example of a cyclic automorphism group?

One example of a cyclic automorphism group is the group of rotations of a square. These transformations can be generated by a single rotation of 90 degrees, and applying this rotation multiple times will result in all possible rotations of the square.

4. What is the significance of cyclic automorphism groups in mathematics?

Cyclic automorphism groups are important in mathematics because they can help to simplify and understand more complex groups. By studying the properties and structure of cyclic automorphism groups, mathematicians can gain insights into other types of groups and their behavior.

5. How are cyclic automorphism groups used in real-world applications?

Cyclic automorphism groups have various applications in fields such as coding theory, cryptography, and computer science. They can be used to create more efficient algorithms and to understand the symmetries and patterns in complex systems.
