Can a Group Have Multiple Homomorphisms With the Same Identity?

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  • Thread starter Ackbach
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In summary, a group can have multiple homomorphisms with the same identity, as long as the group operation and identity element are preserved. To determine if two homomorphisms have the same identity, their images of the identity element can be compared. A group can have an infinite number of homomorphisms with the same identity, and not all homomorphisms in a group are unique. However, homomorphisms with the same identity do not affect the structure of a group, as they simply represent different ways of mapping elements while preserving the group operation and identity.
  • #1
Gold Member
Here is this week's POTW:


Let $G$ be a group with identity $e$ and $\phi:G\rightarrow G$ a function such that
whenever $g_1g_2g_3=e=h_1h_2h_3$. Prove that there exists an element $a\in G$ such that $\psi(x)=a\phi(x)$ is a homomorphism (i.e. $\psi(xy)=\psi(x)\psi(y)$ for all $x,y\in G$).


Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
Re: Problem Of The Week # 229 - Aug 17, 2016

This was Problem A-4 in the 1997 William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition.

Congratulations to Opalg for his correct solution, which follows:

If $g\in G$ then $g^{-1}ge = e = g^{-1}eg$, and so $\phi(g^{-1})\phi(g)\phi(e) = \phi(g^{-1})\phi(e)\phi(g).$

Multiply both sides on the left by $(\phi(g^{-1}))^{-1}$ to get $\phi(g)\phi(e) = \phi(e)\phi(g).$ Thus $\phi(e)$ commutes with every element in the range of $\phi.$ Let $a = (\phi(e))^{-1}.$ Then $a$ also commutes with every element in the range of $\phi.$

Next, $gg^{-1}e = e = eee$, and so $\phi(g)\phi(g^{-1})\phi(e) = (\phi(e))^3,$ or $\phi(g)\phi(g^{-1})a^{-1} = a^{-3}.$ Since $a$ commutes with $\phi(g)$ and $\phi(g^{-1}),$ we can write that as $a\phi(g)\bigl(a\phi(g^{-1})\bigr) = e.$ If $\psi(g) = a\phi(g)$, that says that $\psi(g)\psi(g^{-1}) = e,$ or in other words $\psi(g^{-1}) = (\psi(g))^{-1}.$

Now let $g,h\in G$. Then $(gh)h^{-1}g^{-1} = e = eee.$ Therefore $\phi(gh)\phi(h^{-1})\phi(g^{-1}) = \phi(e)^3 = a^{-3}.$ Since $a$ commutes with each element on the left of that equation, we can write it as $a\phi(gh)a\phi(h^{-1})a\phi(g^{-1}) = e,$ or $\psi(gh) \psi(h^{-1}) \psi(g^{-1}) = e.$ But $\psi(g^{-1}) = (\psi(g))^{-1}$ and $\psi(h^{-1}) = (\psi(h))^{-1},$ so we have $\psi(gh)(\psi(h))^{-1}(\psi(g))^{-1} = e.$ Multiply both sides on the right by $\psi(g)$ and then by $\psi(h)$ to get $\psi(gh) = \psi(g)\psi(h)$. Thus $\psi$ is a homomorphism, as required.

FAQ: Can a Group Have Multiple Homomorphisms With the Same Identity?

Can a group have more than one homomorphism with the same identity?

Yes, a group can have multiple homomorphisms with the same identity. A homomorphism is a mapping between two groups that preserves the group operation. As long as the group operation and identity element are preserved, there can be multiple mappings between the groups.

How do you determine if two homomorphisms in a group have the same identity?

To determine if two homomorphisms in a group have the same identity, you can compare the images of the identity element under each homomorphism. If the images are the same, then the homomorphisms have the same identity.

Can a group have an infinite number of homomorphisms with the same identity?

Yes, a group can have an infinite number of homomorphisms with the same identity. This is because there can be an infinite number of ways to map the elements of one group to another while preserving the group operation and identity.

Are all homomorphisms in a group unique?

No, not all homomorphisms in a group are unique. As mentioned before, there can be multiple homomorphisms with the same identity. Additionally, there can also be different homomorphisms that map the same elements to different elements in the other group.

How do homomorphisms with the same identity affect the structure of a group?

Homomorphisms with the same identity do not affect the structure of a group. They simply represent different ways of mapping the elements of one group to another while preserving the group operation and identity. The overall structure of the group remains unchanged.

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